
Mrs. Delacroix's Character In The Lottery By Shirley Jackson

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In the short story “The Lottery” a town has a lottery only this is a lottery no one wants to win. Lets focus on two individuals in the story. Mrs. Delacroix, a housewife and a mom to two kids; Old Man Warner, a old timer who doesn’t like change and hasn’t won the lottery in seventy seven years. These two characters seem to Transform from the beginning of the story to the end of the story. What changes them? Mrs. Delacroix, a housewife and mother of two. She shows every sign of a charming lady, being popular In the community she sounded like she has a lot of friends like Tessie Hutchinson. Throughout the “lottery” she shifts from cheerful and hyperactive to shaken and breathless to kill her best friend. Is her ego her main priority? Or was she just happy she didn’t get picked. At the end she picked up the biggest rock to kill Tessie, that doesn’t sound like a best friend. Maybe she felt bad and wanted to end tessie’s life quickly or she just let her ego get in the way of her friends and family. Mrs. Delacroix is definitely a puzzling women. popularity can make people do some crazy things even kill someone without hesitation. …show more content…

Luck some people say, others think he has something to hide. It’s weird Mr. Warner Seemed to be really agitated and annoyed when other people where talking about all the other towns quitting the lottery. We know he doesn’t like diversity but is there something else he is hiding? Being in the lottery for seventy seven years is a long time not to be picked, is he defrauding? towards the end he starts to be all happy and boast about being in the lottery for seventy seven years and hasn’t gotten picked, is he hiding something? Getting rid of the lottery would be beneficial for the town so why want to keep

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