
Mrs. Harris 's Heart Failure

Decent Essays

In the case study it discusses a patient, Mrs. Harris, who is a 72 year old and is complaining of fatigue and swelling in her feet. Mrs. Harris also expresses her concern on the swelling, as some days she is unable to put her shoes on despite proper elevation. She also states walking to her mailbox can be challenging because it causes her to feel more tired and to have shortness of breath, also known as dyspnea. Mrs. Harris is currently taking medication for high blood pressure, hypertension; and is also drinking approximately 8-12 glasses of wine a week. While examining Mrs. Harris it’s clear she is a little overweight and has swollen ankles. Upon listening to Mrs. Harris’s breathing, crackles are heard. Therefore, Mrs. Harris seems to have congestive heart failure.
Heart failure describes the heart’s inability to function properly, meaning the heart is unable to pump efficiently throughout the body. Thus causing the heart to work extra hard in order to compensate the body’s needs, but this ultimately leads to failure. And due to Mrs. Harris’s hypertension and alcohol consumption, she is now displaying signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure, as both are major risk factors. Heart failure can be seen in the left side, which is also known as congestive heart failure, and the right side of heart. The left side is typically the first side to fail, as the left ventricle is the heart’s largest chamber and the most powerful.
“Left heart failure, commonly called

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