
Mrs Hutchinson Character In The Lottery

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Congratulations! You’ve won the lottery! Now you’re dead, wait, what? Unfortunately the Lottery is not exactly a good thing but at least the harvest is going to be exemplary this year! So you were inhumanely, brutally killed just because your village thinks it’s going to improve the harvest quality. At first you’d think the village is full of sane, normal, run-of-the-mill, people because they sure do appear to be. Turns out their beliefs and actions say otherwise, they later show their true twisted, savage, dark side. But there are some characters in this story who show human characteristics such as Tessie and Bill Hutchinson. To begin, Mrs. Hutchinson is just an ordinary middle aged housewife/stay at home mother. Cleaning and cooking what she does to her family alive and happy, that's what all women do in the village while their husbands are out working. That's the way things go in this mundane setting. One example, when you make a little mistake you say “what can i do? I'm only human.” Mrs. Hutchinson forgot that June 27th was the day of the Lottery, after all she’s only human. Following this, mothers are the most caring people in the world, Mrs. Hutchinson shows compassion for her family especially her husband Bill. When their family name is called she gets uneasy and fearful because she …show more content…

He’s a middle aged, strong, honest, hard-working man. Bill is the breadwinner of the Hutchinson giving he is the oldest and only man in the family, he works so they can eat and have nice things which is pretty admirable of a father to do. Some fathers dont stick around for their children but Bill did and that makes him the best dad in the world! Then when Bills family’s name gets called he doesn't try to fight it like Tessie, he honestly accepted it like a man. “IT WASN'T FAIR!” screamed Tessie but Bill knew it was fair. BIll thought if his death was impending, he was going to die with pride and

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