
Mspa Reflection

Satisfactory Essays

Scoring 90 percent for reading recall on my MSPA evaluation floored me. While I love to read, I never considered myself as having decent comprehension skills. Rereading passages to ensure I grasp what the author has written is something I do all the time. Having made it to Module 6, I have learned quite a bit regarding myself and how I learn. I am primarily a visual and aural learner, I happen to be right brained rather than left brained and I have mostly an analytical reading style. Knowing I am right brained, I found it odd that my reading style is analytical; however, upon doing additional research I found that was not so strange after all. Rereading the text in a book or an article in a magazine is a recommended strategy in this week’s reading assignment; …show more content…

Moreover, I have realized that I am already utilizing a few of them. Typically, skimming the text first and subsequently rereading the material is my standard practice. When I am ready to go back to reread, I am sure I have my pen in hand and notebook ready so that I can jot down notes. I also highlight the text I feel is important or that stands out. One method/strategy I feel will be especially useful moving forward is the SQ4R method. The first step is to review the frontmatter, ask myself what I believe the author is trying to explain and why the material was written, I’ll skim the text, re-read further in depth and create annotations and highlight as I read. Talking over the material out loud and in my own words, will be followed by reviewing the notes that were made. Using this process each time reading is assigned will assist in making me successful by helping to improve my understanding and retain what I have read. This method would be especially helpful when reading any textbook material in preparation for a writing assignment or a test. Another strategy I believe would be helpful, since I am a visual learner, is creating a concept map. Using a concept map will help to reflect on

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