
Much Ado About Nothing Appearance Vs Reality Analysis

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A central theme in the play Much Ado About Nothing is the appearance versus reality portrayed through characters. Throughout the play characters are in a constant battle of showing their hidden truths or withholding their faulty appearances. This theme of appearance versus reality is common throughout the play in the number of times deception is used among the characters. Deceit, and misinterpretation of the events causes tension among Claudio and Don Pedro (Act 3 Scene iv). After Claudio fell in love with Leonato's daughter Hero, Don Pedro woos the young lady for him. As Don Pedro does this jealousy arises in Claudio thinking his love is being taken away by the Prince. Another occurrence of this theme is Borraccio deceiving Claudio, and …show more content…

Leonato deceived Claudio and Don Pedro by telling them Hero had died because of Claudio's words; when in reality her death was portrayed to prove the innocence of Hero. The news devastated Claudio, and is instantly feeling guilty for the accusing her and humiliating the young bride in front of all of Messina. The most pivotal scene in the play (act 4 scene 1) is between the marriage of Leonato's daughter Hero to Claudio. In this scene the blush of Hero after being said to have slept with another man is set too signify “guiltiness not of modesty” to Claudio. However the Friar of the town believes that Hero's blush is that of her “innocence and virtue.” The Love between Benedict and Beatrice is a strong love hate relationship after their previous ties had failed between each other. Heros plan is to trick Beatrice into entering the orchard and overhearing their conversations about her. Through their conversation Hero, Ursula praises the virtues of Benedick and to point out the flaws in herself(Act 3 Scene 1). By doing this Hero is able to convince Beatrice to her love of Benedick. However the same time Claudio and Don John are talking of Beatrice's secret love for Benedick. After this occurred both characters realize their true feelings and began to fall for one another through the deception played out by Hero and

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