
Much Ado About Nothing Quote Analysis

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In the evaluation of the third act of the play, “Much Ado About Nothing” written by William Shakespeare, it is clear and evident that one quote stands out among all the others to show the most meaning and the most important to the vitality of the third act of the play. In the text, Shakespeare states, “The word is too good to paint out her wickedness. I could say she were worse. Think you of a worse title, and I will fit her to it. Wonder not till further warrant. Go but with me tonight, you shall see her chamber window entered, even the night before her wedding day. If you love her then, tomorrow wed her. But it would better fit your honor to change your mind” (3.2.102-109). When Don John, the play’s infamous villian, decides to trick Claudio into thinking that Hero is disloyal, it demonstrates the overall feeling of sabotage in the third act, all in combination with the lie that Don John has created and released among the other characters to try and inflict sadness on the fiancé of Hero, or Claudio. Overall, the critiacal aspect of this quote to the endurance of the rest of the act is obviously vital to the continuity of …show more content…

Earlier in the play, a scene was described where Borachio and Don John plan to trick Claudio into thinking that Hero is diwsloyal because of a man in her chamber the night prior to her wedding. After the stated quote, the intent is to try and trick Claudio and show that Hero is disloyal when she is actually not. This quote presents significance by describing the overall trait of the entire act and scene which is the trickery and sabotage of Borachio and Don John upon the hapiness of all of the other characters in the play. Overall, the previouly described scene, in part with an already confused Claudio, makes this quote important to the wedding of Claudio and

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