After Mueller’s indictment of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates on Monday, many Americans have begun to wonder what Mueller’s next move will be. A look into what Mueller’s probe into possible collusion between the Russians and Donald Trump is currently doing also may have came into focus on Monday. Trump’s former foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos admitted to making false statements to FBI agents about making attempts to set up meetings between Trump campaign and Russian officials. Papadopoulos is now giving Mueller information about other people that may have been involved in collusion or that violated federal law. The fact that Manafort is being indicted at the moment means that he likely did not talk like Papadopoulos. Trump still won’t necessarily be indicted, but these recent indictments mean that this is only the start for Mueller, not the end as Trump hoped. …show more content…
My reaction to this article is one of excitement as some type of progress seems to be occurring in the Special Counsel’s investigation. News of Mueller’s moves in the coming future is important to follow because they will likely play a major role in how the United States develops over the next few
Tosossian said he was of interest to Mueller because he was approached in 2012 by Paul Manafort, President Donald Trump's former campaign manager, and Rick Gates, an associate to Manafort, about doing public relations work for the Ukrainian government.
In March of 1974 the grand inquest indicted seven Nixon officials – known as the Watergate Seven – for their involvement in the cover-up and many later benefit jail time. But the fight over the touchy continued and direction all the road to the US Supreme Court where, with the exception of the recused Justice William Rehnquist (whom Nixon had determined), there was a agreeing ruling that they should be disengage.
Lawyers for Michael T. Flynn, President Trump’s former national security adviser, notified the president’s legal team in recent days that they could no longer discuss the special counsel’s investigation, according to four people involved in the case — an indication that Mr. Flynn is cooperating with prosecutors or negotiating a
Paul Manafort is currently facing twelve felony counts, including money laundering, conspiracy and acting as an unregistered foreign agent. According to the indictment, which was unsealed on Monday, the pair engaged in covert lobbying work for pro-Russian interests in Ukraine. Andrew McCarthy, best known for prosecuting the 1993 World Trade Center bombing case, is a former Assistant U.S. Attorney that wrote on National Review Online Monday that the indictment was "much ado about nothing ... except as a vehicle to squeeze Manafort." In an addition to his original article in which he published Wednesday, McCarthy noted that the indictment does not accuse Manafort or Gates of tax law felonies or fraud. (Yoo) But as I will lay out for you in
I don't find Mueller's statement credible. According to Mueller, there was a technology problem but there was no fault in technology. They had intentionally inserted the device to pass the test. Mueller even agreed the next day that he had mishandled the situation and did admit the violation. Mueller stated that they misinterpreted the American law and that the software solutions weren't compatible with the American law. These statements are clearly incorrect because not that the software installed was not compatible with the law but it was breaking the law. If they had misinterpreted the law, the emission test results would have failed and they would have figured out that they exceeded the US emission limits. Instead, software was installed
Five burglars, discovered to be connected with the campaign to re-elect Nixon, were caught breaking into the Democratic National Head Quarters in the Watergate Hotel in Washington D.C. The Democratic National Headquarters were responsible for raising money and for coordinating campaigns for democratic candidates. During the hearing of these burglars, it came to the attention of the court, that Nixon installed tape recorders in the oval office and refused to give them up. After the court forced him to hand over the evidence, he released edited transcripts that didn’t meet the courts orders. Nixon’s lawyers argued that through ‘executive privilege’, “the ability of the president to keep certain communications private if disclosing those communications
Today, with the power of the internet and social media, information is much easier to access, with that, information on the Russian ties will come out faster than ever before. The access to social media is making the scandal much wider known to the American public. During the beginning of the Watergate scandal, most of the American public had little to no knowledge of the events until late in the case, in 2017, minutes after the emails hit wikileaks, articles were inside the pockets of almost every citizen in the United States. With the speed of the internet in today's time it is likely that we will
Bill Clinton became the 42nd president of the United States in 1992. He was the only president who underwent too many investigations because of his personal and professional issues.
Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward became famously known as the reporters that broke the Watergate Scandal and changed American politics forever. When five people were arrested in 1972 for breaking into the office of the Democratic National Committee, Bernstein and Woodward investigated. They compiled facts and relied on sources. These findings eventually lead to the resignation of President Richard Nixon when the scandal was discovered to be an operation to give Nixon an advantage in the presidential campaign. Although regulations have changed since the 1970’s, Bernstein and Woodward followed the SPJ Code of Ethics. The code declares four principles; seek the truth and report it, minimize harm, act independently and be accountable and transparent.
spoke openly about the affair, claims he did not do justice, and explains why he confessed in court to the bribery charges.
Trumps campaign and presidency has been threatened by “russia-gate” from the beginning. recently this issue has yet again taken the center stage, with paul manafort undergoing charges of money laundering and conspiracy. Along with manafort, rick gates, another one of trump’s aides have been placed under house arrest and are being tracked by gps, judge amy jackson saying that both the men are “flight risks”. According to usa today “Prosecutors argued in a court filing this week that charges are serious, the case is strong, and the risk that Manafort and Gates will flee before trial is significant” on november 2nd in the court's first hearing. While both gates
When It comes to Nixon (Resignation Address to the Nation), I feel that he was very on point because the situation that was happening. But, he had to be because of the big Watergate Scandal that as going on with him. Nixon message was very clear and concise where he apologizes, as well as, ask the nation to work with the new President. Due, that the scandal as publicizes through the years 1972 to 1974 the channel was televised.
The impeachment of President Clinton is something that will be remembered forever. Along with the fact that a presidential impeachment has only happened one other time since the Civil War, the publicity that came with the Clinton trial was extensive (Miller 2004). While the Republican and Democratic members of the House of Representatives had vastly different views on impeaching President Clinton, the fact that only five Democratic Representatives voted to impeach him truly shows how wide that gap was between the two parties. Clinton was impeached on the grounds of perjury to a grand jury and obstruction of justice, with the vote on both articles extremely close, a 228-206 vote on perjury to a
Heaven is According to Mueller images of joy that lie before us, but words can’t fully embrace the joys of heaven. “No eyes has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him- these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit” (1 Corinthians 2:9-10)
The 1990s were a relatively peaceful time of prosperity. For most of the 1990s, Bill Clinton was president, the first baby boomer to live in the White House as the commander-in-chief. The Berlin Wall, the prime symbol of the Cold War, fell in November 1989, and Germany was reunited in 1990 after 45 years of separation. The Cold War officially ended with the fall of the Soviet Union on Christmas Day 1991, and it seemed as if a new era had dawned.