Muhammad and The Foundation of Islam
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As a religion, Islam is based on the teachings of Muhammad, embodying a sound belief in one God (Allah). Islam is an Arabic word meaning submission, surrender, and obedience (Maududi, 1). It also stands for peace. Its followers are known as Muslims or Moslems. Islam emerged in Arabia, specifically in the city of Mecca, in the seventh century C.E. (Matthews, 386). With the evolution of Islam in Mecca, Mecca is known as the center of Islam. Islam is the youngest of the major world religions with the exception of Sikhism, which is a derivative of Hindu and Muslim beliefs that appeared in India. Islam is a universal religion of monotheism. The goal of Islam is to
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Khadija was fifteen years older than Muhammad. Muhammad accepted work from Khadija and had led a few caravans for her. Credit should be given to Khadija for Muhammad’s success with Islam because it was her wealth that enabled him to spend a significant amount of time in religious meditation and isolation. Even though she was some years older than her twenty-five-year-old employee and had been married twice, she asked him to marry her (Phipps, 35).
The Quran or Koran is the sacred text of Islam, believed to contain the revelations made by Allah to Muhammad. All Muslims study the Quran. The Quran is the final evidence of the Divine origin of the Prophet’s mission (Phipps, 9).
The holy Quran is a collection of the divinely inspired utterances and discourses (Ahmed, 16). It is composed of some 300 pages which are divided into 114 Surahs (chapters). The general tone of the holy Quran is sombre and meditative. It is a dialogue between God and humanity. At the core is a moral earnestness (Ahmed, 16). The Quran also teaches that humanity is created by God and therefore God understands its weaknesses and in Allah humans find the source of peace. Islam’s appeal lay – and – lies in the simplicity: one God, one Book, one Prophet (Ahmed, 17). Islam is a religion of balance, equilibrium, and compassion. The Islamic virtues are courage, generosity, cleanliness, and piety: and in his life the Prophet exemplifies them (Ahmed, 17). The Kaaba or Caaba
The basic tenets of belief in Islam surround the words Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad within the holy text the Koran (Qur'an in Arabic). Muslims do not believe that Muhammad was the originator of Islam, but that it was he who brought back the original monotheism of Abraham, Moses, Jesus of Nazareth, and other Prophets from the Christian and Judaic Old Testament. Islam holds that these Prophets were seminal instruments of God's word, but that both the Judaic and Christian traditions have misinterpreted the meaning of the word of God, altered the texts given to man by
A desert peninsula in 6th century was the cross roads of the world, the bridge between Europe, Asia and Africa. Arabia was a vacant wasteland of desert, rarely seeing any life besides that of the trade caravans. City states dominated the political life and the only form of centralized government was in chaos. This was Arabia in the 6th century, this even though Christian was to become the staging ground for the growth of the 2nd largest religion that exists today. This is where the "Prophet" Muhammad was born in the city of Mecca.
Khadija/Hadjiha – a women who hired Muhammad as she was a “widow of a wealthy merchant”; later marry Muhammad and they had six children (Khadijah)
In 619, both Khadija and Abu Thalib, two of Muhammad’s most important protecters passed away and his opposition became even more bold and determined to pressure Muhammad. It is important to remember that the previous early success of the spread of Islam in Mecca could only be achieved because of Muhammad’s allegience and close relationship with these two important Meccan figures. In other words, Muhammad’s kinship paved the way for his teachings to be disemminated within the Meccan society. As Meccans become more hostile towards Muhammad, he began to look outside his native city for support. At this crucial point, Muhammad was
The religion of Islam is based on the prophet Mohammad ibn-Abdullah born in Mecca around A.D.570 (Braswell, 11). “He served the Muslin community as a prophet, political and economic leader, and a commander –in –chief of his warriors” (Braswell, 19). In Islamic terms, Mohammad means, “the much praised one” and in Moslem it means “submission one”. It educates their followers that there is only one god and it is through their faith and conduct that they will go to a heaven or paradise after their death. Islam gives people principles and encourages unity (Crites, 2011). Mohammad's Islamic teachings manifested over the years. He would take trips into the
The Qur’an is believe to the ultimate source of God by many Muslim believers. It contains 114 suras for the believers as the core practices of the Islamic religion and Muslims throughout the world recites its verses (Chang, Lecture. 1/21/14). They believed the prophet of Allah was Muhammad, who received the words of Allah through Angel Gabriel, and was passed on with the Qur’an during Ramadan. Angel Gabriel one night came to Muhammad “in clear human form” (“Scripture and Tradition in Islam- The Qur’an and Hadith” 104), and gave the messages from Allah to him. From the establishment of the Qur’an, Muslims have viewed the book as the last revelation of their god Allah, and thus are the true words from God for their ways of life and in
Islamic rule spread over major areas of Africa, the Middle East, South, Southeast and Central Asia, Spain, and Southern Italy. Many Christians saw Islam as a religion of the sword. They have been very violent throughout their history. Arabian armies engaged in attacking the remnants of the Byzantine Empire. The First Crusade was launched in order to stop the Arabian invaders.
The religion of Islam dates back to the 7th century CE and the life of its founder, Muhammad of Mecca, in Saudi Arabia. Islam is an Arabic word meaning: making something safe and secure, making something sound and whole, entering into peace and tranquility, and surrendering to something other than oneself. A follower of Islam is called a Muslim. In the religion of Islam, it requires the belief in certain core tenets, which include the articles of faith and the five pillars of worship. These two combined, form the Islamic creed.
The Quran is a religious manuscript with a unique effect on the legal, social, and political organizations of the numerous societies of Muslims since ancient times until today. Apparently, in the majority of Muslim states, their constitutions are usually canonized by the Islamic regimens. Consequently, the Quran is the foundation of the legal principles in such nations. The basis of numerous lawful codes in ancient Muslim kingdoms was primarily outlined in the Quran and was vastly referred by jurists especially in court proceedings. Additionally, the set of rules marks an integral position in the religious lives of Muslims. It encompasses the five prayers that are typically recited daily, and they entail the
It explains the reality of life, the good and evil, the lawful and unlawful, the righteousness and unrighteous, moral teachings and all other aspects of life. The holy Quran also provides detailed information about the life in the hereafter and discusses its importance very effectively. The holy Quran impacts basic teachings about man’s individual and collective life, his rights and duties in society and his economic matters. It also educates man comprehensively in the fields of politics and international affairs and morality. In short, holy Quran is a treasure of information and guidance covering all the aspects of human life. It elaborately explains all the things which a common man must know and there is no other source for him to get the required knowledge (Rahman, Fazlur
Islam, now one of the major religions of the world, was found by a prophet, named Muhammad. The idea of Islam is the believer, called a Muslim, accepts surrender to the will of Allah, who is their God. Allah is viewed as the creator of the world. Islam is much like Christianity, as they are both monotheistic, potentially believing in the same God. Islam’s practices are written in the holy book, called the Qur’an, or Koran in English. Allah revealed the Koran to his messenger, Muhammad, who is considered the last of a series of prophets (Rahmin). Within the Islam religion, Muslims practice the Five Pillars of Islam, which is one of the most important practices. The Five Pillars of Islam are the five obligations that every muslim must satisfy in order to live a good and responsible life according to Islam (Five Pillars of Islam). Carrying out the Five Pillars demonstrates the Muslim is putting their faith first. The first pillar is called “Shahadah,” which focuses on reciting the Muslim profession of faith (Five Pillars of Islam).
Islam is an Arabic word meaning submission and therefore Islam religion is believed to be an Abrahamic religion which believes in submission to the almighty God Allah and Muhammad as the prophet. Quran is the holy book believed to be the guideline of the Muslims who are the followers of the Islamic religion. It is believed that Allah repeatedly revealed to Muhammad verbally through angel Gabriel and recited in the Quran (Hadith of Revelation, Volume 1, Book 1, Number 3). Over time particular aspects arose from the Quranic teachings and Muslims began to have questions about the teachings and translation of The Quran, thus, narrations were developed in Hadiths.
"Islam" is derived from the Arabic root salaama meaning peace, purity, submission and obedience. Islam stands for making peace by submitting to the will of God and obeying His law. Jews and Christians view Islam as the latest of the world's great religions. However, worldwide Muslims (sometimes written "Moslems") understand their universal religion as the "final religion" and the "primal religion."
As Muhammad was the prophet of Islam, His words and those of Allah are represented in the Quran. The Quran is a compilation of rules, poetry, beliefs, and meanings of Islam. There are some fifteen basic concepts of the Islam and are explained within the Quran. There is not an exact list of these concepts, but are the basic meanings expressed in the book. Righteousness is explained as taking verses to heart rather than empty readings and routine. It also means expressing the beliefs of the Quran in daily life and towards others. The concept of piety is the more intense following of Muhammad. Muslims are taught to mold themselves in the form of Muhammad. The concept of prophet-hood or appearing to mortal men with the word of Allah is a very important aspect of belief in Islam. It proves a connection between heaven and earth through common men. The creation of life by Allah is a strong
Islam is the religion for about a fifth of the world’s population and is continually growing in numbers. The people who believe in Islam, are called Muslims. It is a religion full of peace, mercy, and forgiveness (Basic facts about). Islam was founded in the 7th