The film Mulan is a powerful children’s movie, when disregarding the historical inaccuracies, in that it portrays the honorary Disney princess, Mulan, as a progressive and powerful young woman in a world ruled by men and their sense of honor. Throughout her story, however, she would have been lost without the help of her entourage; this is especially true for her guardian, Mushu. He has the obvious role of being the comic relief for the film, but he is a vastly more complex character than that; he acts as Mulan’s protector and as the main source to further along the movie’s plot. When Mushu was first introduced, he is portrayed as a mystical being who may play an important role within the story, as shown by his dramatic entry; however, that notion is quickly challenged when the main Fa ancestor reveals that Mushu is a fallen guardian, one who has failed in the past at protecting a member of the Fa family, Fa Deng, and was demoted to “gong ringer” (Mulan, 1998 DVD). After this, Mushu becomes dispirited as he woefully awakens the other ancestors to debate on the proper course of action to protect Mulan. He is then tasked with awakening the great stone dragon to be sent to Mulan’s aid. While attempting to reanimate the dragon from its statue state, he accidently destroys it and, after fooling the ancestors, takes it upon himself to …show more content…
While Mulan and her entourage sit upon the mountain, she ponders if the decision to take her father’s place was truly worth it. Mushu tries to provide solace when she says she didn’t see herself as being worth while by stating “[the helment] just needs a little spit shine is all” (Mulan, 1998 DVD). This shows that he has begun to see the errors in his ways and that he is growing out of his selfish desires, as evident when he admits “I risked [Mulan’s] life to help myself” (Mulan, 1998
Musui will deliberately continue his transgressions during his adult years. He kept visiting the Yoshiwara repeatedly in many occasion, he traveled without permission, dealt with merchants, and became materialistic. At one occasion, he even shamelessly pulled a big farce (p. 135) of committing seppuku, which was considered as a sacred samurai ceremony, in order to get money from peasants. What is striking in all this is that he shows no indication of regret for his act, but instead describes the whole situation with pride.
The citizens of Matewan, a coal -mining town in West Virginia lived amidst a feudalistic class process. One may think of medieval times in connection with feudalism, but the film “Matewan” directed by John Sayles was based on historical events that took place in 1920. The feudal lord was not a European king, and the serfs were not farming his land. Nevertheless, feudalism existed in this southern town, as the workers did not have the ability to choose their employer. Unlike Capitalism, the members of Matewan could not go out into the free labor market and choose the businesses for which they wished to work. The Stone Mountain Coal Company made choice nonexistent and in doing so gained feudal power over the employees.
In the film, Matewan, director John Sayles paints a 1920’s picture of a small, West Virginia coal-mining town. Over the course of the film, this seemingly American Township reveals itself as the site of feudal hardship for its citizens. The Stone Mountain Coal Company was the sole employer in Matewan. The company’s laborers struggled for autonomy and for freedom from the company’s grasp. The ideal method for this achieving such autonomy was organization of a union. This idea of union struck a cord with the company, and the conflict between employer and employee soon escalated into a battle. The laborers began to realize, in certain terms, that the Stone Mountain Coal Company is not simply a corporation but a
Trying to choose between Muskigum and The University of Kentucky is like picking between a luxury car and a basic model. Both will get you moving in the right direction, but one will cost you a lot more money for the bells and whistles. Muskigum has the standard education, according to the University of Kentucky website they have nationally ranked programs and research departments.
Senator Thompson said that the past few months have been successful and that he enjoyed the move in process, even with the challenge that naturally accompanied the task. Similarly to Senator Summers, he was eager to share the accomplishments that have been made with the CAB and ASGCU partnership in allowing them to survey at commuter events. He is also working on the survey in regards to adding additional lockers for commuter students around campus. Senator Thompson wrote the bill for the PASA club that was passed during September. Andrew spoke highly of the legislative hangout and also mentioned that he would like to have more activities at Pablo’s house. Additional responsibilities for Senator Thompson have included being a member of
Art Spiegelman’s Maus, is a unique way of looking at history. Through the use of comics, Spiegelman allows the reader to draw their own conclusions within the parameters of the panes of the comic. Unlike reading a textbook in which the author describes every detail about the subject matter, comics allow for the reader to draw their own conclusions from the information given to them. Also by reading a serious comic such as Maus, we are able to break away from
The legend of Mulan, the Chinese woman warrior, was first presented in an annonomous poem called “the Ballad of Mulan” which dated back the 6th sentury Tang Dynansty. The poem was written in five segments; each one represents Mulan’s origin, experience in the battlefield, and also sense of obedience to her family. The legend lives on as it is passed from one generation to other generation through diverse versions such as storytelling, poem, and movies. Ultimately, the ballad takes on a new form when it was adapted into a 1998 Disney animated feature. This is the first time Disney has drawn on an Asian
What does it mean to have racial segregation or discrimination in a town or community? It means that people of a different color, in most cases African Americans, cannot go to the same places as white people, do the same things, or even walk on the same side of the street. This was very prominent in many southern states back in the early 1900’s. In the book, To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, the quiet town of Maycomb, Alabama was a great example of southern racism in the 1930’s.
All of us have formed habits in our daily life. Even though some of these habits only exist in our subconscious and we cannot actually make sure whether they are real or only the conjectures. But it is undoubted that all of our behaviors are influenced by our desires on specific objectives. In the book, the power of habit, Charles Duhigg explained the definition of a habit as an effort-saving instinct. “When a habit emerges, the brain stops fully participating in decision making” (20). To support his opinions on habits, he introduced the three-step model of a habit loop, the theory of golden rule of habit, and the role of a craving brain and belief in the process of a habit changing. Through learning
Society has placed this norm on women insisting that the only way to bring honor to the family is to marry off and live a life in the constant shadows of their prearranged husband. As Mulan fails this test of bridal readiness, she realizes that she does not fit the typical gender role that society has placed upon her. Her life was predestined to be simple just as Lieberman states, “the beautiful girl does not have to do anything to merit being chosen; she does not have to show pluck, resourcefulness, or wit; she is chosen because she is beautiful,” but this lifestyle does not fit with who Mulan is as a person.
Zen, also known as Ch’an Buddhism in China, is a school of Mahayana Buddhism that was established in China about 1500 years ago. Zen is a form of religious practice of mainly concentrating the mind to a single point in which then results in self-realization and/or enlightenment. Zen philosophy is interpreted that all humans are capable of reaching enlightenment, which is generally blocked by ignorance. The idea emphasizes enlightened masters over forms of scriptures, and is the least “academic” of all the Buddhist schools.
A person who is brave enough to come out of their comfort zone and take risk, someone who never gives up even when things may seem impossible, a clever and creative mind, and to top it all with a heart that only means good; all mold together to make a hero.
In the movie, “Mulan” the gender stereotyping is different than in the movie, “The Lion King.” Although she is portrayed as a strong female she still needs a man in her life. Giroux states, “Mulan may be an independent, strong-willed young woman, but the ultimate payoff for her bravery comes in the form of catching the handsome son of a general” (Greene 582). This teaches that young girls should strive to be beautiful so they can find a handsome man that will want to be with them. Men, on the
Mulan is a Disney animated film that takes place in ancient China during Han Dynasty War. Mulan is a young girl in China, the only child of her honored family who struggles to find her identity and meaning in society. While Mulan is a lovable, spirited girl who doesn’t fit in with Chinese tradition because she speaks her mind and follow her heart. Being a girl who experience culture, gender role, and self-image demonstrated what a non- tradition person will do to bring honor to her love one’s and the family.