
Multiculturalism: Achieving Harmony in a Varied Racial World

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The concept of multiculturalism is a recently introduced one, and is rapidly gaining popularity in all parts of the world.. This idea not only promotes the coming together of different cultures, but also helps eradicate discrimination against different races, and people from all walks of life.

In today’s rapidly evolving world, strong emphasis is being placed upon the importance of creating a ‘global village’. Thus, in order to do so, the world will have to behave like a village itself, by removing any forms of discrimination, or violence that may exist. We must learn to accept each other for what we are, and overlook any issues of racism, grudges, or hatred we may hold against each another.

In order to achieve such a purpose, it is …show more content…

Religion is the basis of most cultures. It is the root from where people pick up values, beliefs, behaviors, and ideas, and learn to act upon them. Thus, it is no wonder that society tends to discriminate people from different cultures. Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jewish all believe in God. Yet, their Gods vary in numbers, and in form of existence, and hence, their attitude to the other ‘inferior’ religions. In theory, all the religions seem to be preaching pretty much the same ideas – to be good human beings, and to learn to love one another, regardless of race, color, or creed. Festivals also signify people’s cultures – the events they celebrate, the clothes they wear, and the food they eat. Each culture or religion, also celebrates its distinct beginning of a new year. The Muslims have their ‘Eid’, the Hindus have their ‘Divali’, the Jews celebrate ‘Yom Kippur’ and the world in general celebrates its new year according to the Gregorian calendar. Apart from that, cultures and religions may also have particular holidays, according to their own beliefs about a special event that took place on that day in history.

We must learn to over come our grudges against one another, and give due respect to all schools of thoughts. Most people, from educators to philosophers, agree that an important first step in successfully joining multiple cultures is to develop an understanding of each others

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