Multidimensional Intake Form Critique Intake forms are a very important part of the treatment process. A good intake form will give you a good idea of where the client currently is and some of the client’s history. These factors that come from the intake form of what to discuss first with the client and where to begin treatment. It’s also good to use an intake form for documentation purposes. determine what the client’s presenting problem is This intake form should have no issue determining what the clients presenting problem is. The intake form asks questions from birth to adulthood. While the questions are not in chronological order, they are all encompassing. Amount of questions needed The amount of questions needed for a client intake
This particular mental health intake form contains seven pages of questions concerning the client’s current mental health status and past mental health status, as well as addresses medical history and social environment. The form appears to completely cover the client’s medical and mental health history, as well as gathers pertinent information about the client’s family history. However, there seems to be a lack of questions regarding the client’s environment. For example, there are no questions concerning the client’s living situation.
This intake packet is lengthy. I do believe it would be beneficial to the client if there were not so many questions. People coming in for services already have concerns or issues they are trying to work through. Many times, clients feel overwhelmed or anxious about beginning mental health services. This intake form, with all its questions and nine pages, may contribute to increased anxiety or be overwhelming for people. The questions are
The assessment holistic approach to understanding what has occurred and currently occurring in the clients life as well as understanding what is considered a priority of treatment for them and their guardian. The assessment begins with the presenting issues asking what brought the client in. The section also covers when the problem started, how long it has been going on, what is the level of intensity of the problems, and how frequently do they occur. In the family and social history section examples of questions asked are current household member, how does the client get along with others, client's strengths, and who do they go to when they need help. The next section is the abuse and sexual risk behavior where the client is asked if they feel safe inside and or outside there home and if they have or know of anyone that has been abused or neglected. Developmental history is then taken, which includes history of pregnancy, any disorder or disabilities the client has been diagnosed with, and delays in any motor
There are some questions within the intake form that can be difficult for the client to follow, as they are heavy with regards to medical terminology. When seeking information regarding substance abuse issues the intake form outlines the medical term for the different types of substances a client can be utilizing potentially making it difficult for the client to determine the types of substances that the client has chosen to utilize. Otherwise, the remainder of the form appears to be written in a way that can be understood among different reading levels.
The intake process of patients is different from practice to practice, but the main purpose of the process is retrieve new and established patients information during check in at a providers office, a hospital, or clinic. By having an efficient intake process a efficient patient flow can be maintained.
In general, the intake form is formatted thoughtfully. My suggestion would be to expand certain areas, include a few more questions and provide a bit more space between topic areas. One aspect I really appreciated was on the final page where space is provided for the client to add any additional areas of concern. I reviewed quite a few intake forms for this assignment and found very few that incorporated this aspect.
Journey’s intake unit completes all initial assessment to assess client for different level of care and accurately assign them to the most appropriate unit. The different level of care ranged from intensive inpatient care unit to medication only. As a practicum student, I worked in the outpatient services unit. The assessment was completed via an online program with an intake staff and the client, usually a week or two before the first scheduled appointment with a clinician. Therefore, once a client is assigned to me, I have access to review their file. The assessment are usually completed in a brief model format, and as the clinician assigned to work with a client, I am expected to use the first two sessions of therapy
There are many different types of needs that need to be met. They are health, development and social care. There are also PIES needs. As my service is within health I will need to explore how their health needs are met by Carters Green Medical Centre. Depending on their life stage I need to consider their social and or development needs.
The interview between clinician and client appears to be the foundation upon which help and healing begins. Depending upon the particular case and diagnosis certain techniques, boundaries and settings will be used to bring about the best results. It appears vital for the clinician to understand how what may appear minor in their opinion could negatively affect their client in the greatest way. A scenario of a 45 year-old Hispanic female diagnosed with clinical depression will be used as a hypothetical case and the approach in helping her will be explored. The attempt to analyze, diagnose and treat her effectively given her unique
My whole life I have been invested in doing what I love, focusing on my true passions, as well as finding new ones. I have been very involved in my high school, and have been lucky enough to be a part of multiple clubs and activities. Without these activities, my high school experience and life would be a lot different. I have been an active drama club member, a part of ‘Bottlecappers,’ a club advocating anti-drug, alcohol, and bullying to younger students in my district, and many other community service opportunities. I am lucky to have the opportunity to be in these activities, as they have shaped me to be the young adult I am today.
The mental health intake form I chose from the internet was lacking in multidimensional methodology and lacked significant information about client subsystems. Accordingly, the questions that regarded behavioral functioning did not cover presenting problems thoroughly. Specific questions about coping skills, social skills, and parenting skills were absent. Although, one question was asked regarding the client’s relationship with their children (which could insight into parenting skills), it was too open ended to get any major information. The assessment contained a section on legal history that was also not thorough. The spiritual section lacked crucial information. For instance, it did not ask about supportive relationships (i.e. name of a
One major aspect of the intake is going over confidentiality and release of records. Many of our clients are court ordered and are manadated to our agency. This means that the courts need to be able to access most of the clients reports. During the intake i have to make sure the client understands that
The intake form is easy to read and presented in a way that is easy to navigate through. As a client it would be easy enough to go down the list and answer the questions. As a social worker, there may be concern that important questions do not pop out such as suicide idealizations and owning a gun. The question regarding if a client is wanting to harm someone else should also be included in this form for obvious safety
When you are working with a client in a practicum setting, the environment should be a comfortable and a safe setting for the client and the practitioner. Collaborate with the client by supporting them in probing their thoughts, feelings, and actions; then warrant them to realize they can solve their problems. Reinforce the patient that you are here to assist them with their problem, and being in presence for them, while they are working out their issues. The sessions are used to learn new techniques and tools, of how to work out problems, and how to use the tools they learned to subside an anxiety episode. Taking control and solving the issues that are unresolved. Once taking the intake appointment the practitioner should be very clear, and direct about the services the client will be
I am applying for admission to the graduate program in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Carnegie Mellon University. I intend to pursue research in the fields of Signal Processing and Machine Learning. I am particularly interested in working on real world problems and applications which combine concepts from signal processing and machine learning with computational modelling and statistical inference. I am also interested in developing applications of signal and image processing using machine learning methods.