
Multidisciplinary Approach To Patient Care: A Case Study

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Basically, the time from when a patient is diagnosed with cancer to when treatment starts can create delays in several stages (Rydén, 2015; Regionalt Cancercentrum Syd, 2014). These stages are summarized in a “standard plan” composed by three phases: 1) referral to specialist care; 2) investigation and multidisciplinary approach and; 3) preparation for treatment. The key factors in this process are the multidisciplinary meetings and teamwork. The purpose of the multidisciplinary approach is to create an equal assessment of high quality about the best treatment for the patient (Regionalt Cancercentrum Syd, 2014). However, as previously mentioned most of these problems, are already in progress to be solved. Actions have been set up to develop …show more content…

This could positively affect on the one hand the patient, who will be able to get all the necessary information about their case and on the other hand the level of collaboration between the several professionals, since it will reduce the time lags between the different processes. As a result, a measure regarding how many patients are provided a multidisciplinary approach could be introduced, additionally to the indicators previously analyzed. This could enable repair (i.e. to improve the problem with the patient processes) with the management ensuring that all the employees involved in the local patient process team fully understand why these targets and measurements matter. Another solution to limit the problem of time lags between the different processes is to use flexibility by implementing an enterprise resource system, common for the whole organization. To be more specific, this application could allow customized reporting solutions, responsive to the requirements and needs of each different department. Consequently, time wasted because of different IT systems used in different operations could be drastically reduced. Furthermore, the extra paper work, due to not updated technology systems will be eliminated as well. A point that requires attention is that all the information derived from the measurement system should be accessible to all the different groups affected. Transparency and openness between the different departments as well as

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