
Mummification In Ancient Egypt

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During my time in my Intro to Humanities class, I learned many things starting from 3150 BC. In this six week course I learned about Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, the greatest singers, dancer, movies, and shows. Out of all the things I learned, I have to say my favorite I learned in this course was how to mummify someone. What makes mummification process so interesting is how detailed and precise it is.
In Ancient Egypt, mummies had to be buried in Egypt in order to have an afterlife. Ancient Egyptians had these three laws that they followed, which were; Ma’at, don’t kill or hurt another Egyptian, and must be buried in Egypt. If an Egyptian didn’t obey the last two laws then they wont be given an afterlife. The place where king …show more content…

The mummification process takes place in the tent of preparation in the hot humid deserts of Egypt. This process is done by four bandagers (four priests). The first priest picks up this metal or wood stick and draws a five inch line with orange paint on the left side of the body. Then the second priest picks up a knife and cuts along the orange line. Now the second priest must run out while the three other priests chase after him and throw stones at him because he disobeyed one of the laws which is to not hurt or kill an Egyptian. Now priest number two must go home and cleanse himself, until then he cannot go back to work. The next step is to remove the wet stuff in the body. By doing this the three priests put their hands into the dead body and pull four internal organs out each. After they put natron on the internal organs to suck up all the moist. After all the moist is dried up, they now put the internal organs in four canopic jars. Now moving on to the brain, the brain to the Egyptians was worthless, they believed that we think from our hearts. So the three priests now break the ethmoid bone with a chizzel and then take a long tool, and put it up the nose and break the brain into small pieces and pull out the brain piece by piece, then put natron in the brain. The final step it to wrap the entire body with linen and dump a bucket of natron over the entire

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