
Munro's Relationship In The Last Of The Mohicans

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In the Last of the Mohicans, Uncas is the son of Chingachgook and the last of the Mohicans. He is very respectful of his father and speaks only when his father gives him permission, but there is returned respect. On the other hand Chingachgook and Uncas relationship is totally different from Munro and his daughter. Colonel Munro and his daughter has more of a modern relationship. They show more of a shallow, protective, and emotional relationship with each other. They have many disagreements like any family and they do voice their opinion. Their relationships are like night and day and have little to almost no relation, but there is something there.

The relationship Munro has with his daughters is a very loving and affectionate one. You can actually tell Munro actually cares for his kids, especially when he says “Hold! ‘Tis she! God has restored me to my children! Throw open the sally-port; to the field; . . . pull not a trigger, lest ye kill my lambs”. He is very protective of his kids and you can see that within the quote, he genuinely cares. “Ah! thou truant! thou recreant knight! He who abandons his damsels in the very lists! Here we have been days, nay, ages, …show more content…

Hawkeye said it best when he said “These Indians know the nature of the woods, as it might be by instinct!”. This perfectly describes their relationship because it shows how old fashion they are. When Chingachgook says jump Unca says how high, it’s not like a relationship and more like a drill sergeant and a recruit. Later in the book Tamenund says “Our wise men have often said that two warriors of the unchanged race were in the hills of the Yengeese; why have their seats at the council-fires of the Delawares been so long empty?”. Tamenund is saying that the two are so unchanged that they still have old hunter ways so they’re not really a

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