
Murde Murder State Summary

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“Despite the many examples available from sources like Frémont, where Native people and travelers met on uncertain terms, negotiated, and ended up sharing and trading together peacefully, most emigrants seem to have been convinced that the worst stories of inhuman savagery were the only ones worth remembering in a crisis.” –Brendan Lindsay, Murder State, 108 Lindsay’s statement illustrates how racial formation greatly influenced the actions and mindset of the European-Americans and its effects on Native Americans. It reveals how disillusioned European-Americans were because of their belief of racial superiority and that it caused them to turn a blind-eye to the possibilities of peaceful coexistence with the Native people. The portrayal of Native Americans as savages shows how European-Americans used this to prove themselves as a higher race in the social hierarchy and to justify their entitlement to the land and resources that waited for them in the west. …show more content…

The concepts of racial formation and settler colonialism were prominent throughout the reading. The reading states how emigrants that were greatly influenced by the Manifest Destiny thought of themselves as the chosen people of God to usurp the lands in the west occupied by the savage and uncivilized Natives. The emigrants influenced by misconceptions, naysaying, and warped rumors, treated Natives with hostility and ill intent. They viewed every action of Natives as vicious and believed that violent retaliation was the only way to survive. They blindly blamed every misfortune and accidents to the Native “savages”. Fear and white supremacy prevented colonists to see the benefits of having peaceful contact with the Native

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