Muriel Camberg who was later known as Muriel Spark was born February 1, 1918 in Edinburgh Scotland. In her childhood she entered reading and poetry contests. She would end up winning a lot of them for her school. She learned Latin and Greek. She went to James Gillespie High School for girls in her teens. While at the school she met an educator by the name of Christina Kay who would end up being the inspiration for Miss Jean Brodie. She met Oswald Spark and got married. When Spark was 19 her and Oswald went to Africa. The relationship didn’t go well because of Oswald’s mental problems and they would end up divorcing. Spark would end up leaving Robin in South Africa to be raised by nuns. Spark went back to England and worked for the intelligence core in WWII. …show more content…
She began to get involved with a group of people who were into literature and was a secretary for the British Poetry Society in 1949. In 1954 Spark would suffer a nervous breakdown and would convert to Roman Catholicism. Her Catholic ideals would be present in her books. She releases The Comforters in 1957 which got the attention of famous writers Graham Greene and Evelyn Waugh. She would go on to make 17 novels in her lifetime. Her most famous work The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie was released in 1961. She would live in Italy for the rest of her life. She would write her own autobiography in 1992 called Curriculum Vitae. The year after that she would receive a special honor from Queen Elizabeth II. In 1997 she would receive the David Cohen prize for all of her works. She would write her last book The Finishing School in 2004. She would die April 13, 2006 in Florence
Sarah Breedlove which name she was born into on 12/23/1867 in Delta Louisiana on a cotton plantation.Sarah Breedlove parents name was Minerva and Owen Breedlove.Sarah Breedlove had 5 siblings.In all 6 kids Owen and Minerva had,Sarah Breedlove was the first one to be born-free.Sarah Breedlove was born-free because she was born around the war of 1812.
Lyddie is a girl living in the mid 1800’s who has a lot of hard choices to make between health, family, and money. In the book, “Lyddie,” by Katherine Paterson, Lyddie lives with her daily, but then her mom and dad left, and it was just her and Charlie in the winter. By spring, they decide they need to go to work because they can’t keep up with the farm. So, then Charlie goes off to work in the Mills and gets an education, while Lyddie starts her work journey at Cutler's Tavern. A question a lot of people have wondered after reading this was, “Should have Lyddie signed the petition?”
Dorothy Parker became popular shortly after the first world war with her light verse and short stories. Although her works may not seem harsh and unwomanly today, they were labeled in this manner at the height of her popularity. Her cynical verses developed into something of a national frenzy, while giving the reader the impression that she recklessly stretched a
The book Endangered is about the journey of survival and the connection between a young American girl (Sophie) and a bonobo monkey (Otto) in The Democratic Republic of the Congo. Sophie’s mother lives in the Congo and runs a bonobo sanctuary. While on her way to the sanctuary to visit her mother for the summer, Sophie sees a man on the side of the road with a bonobo. She notices how malnourished and how bad the bonobo looks and against the rules of her mother, Sophie purchases the bonobo. When she reaches the sanctuary her mother is upset because even though she had good intentions of saving the bonobos life, bargaining with the man Sophie inadvertently promoted the illegal sale of the endangered bonobos. While at the sanctuary Sophie struggles to improve Otto’s health and a
A year after Harriet's mother passed away Harriet's dad remarried. Lyman Beecher becomes the father of four other children. In 1820 Lyman Beecher begins preaching forcefully against slavery. Young Harriet was not even ten years old yet, is deeply affected by his reformist message. The message that the new state of Missouri should be a free state.
Molly Brown, or "The Unsinkable Molly Brown," was born in 1867 in Hannibal, Missouri. When Molly was a young woman at the age of 19, she married 37 year old John James Brown also known as JJ Brown, together they had two children. Unfortunately, Molly and JJ did not stay married and decided to go their separate ways. Molly Brown was a kind and loving person, she went on many adventures during her life. She was involved in a variety of campaigns for women's rights and was called a hero after she survived the sinking of the "Titanic" because she comforted the women and children that were in her life boat and she remained calm. Molly Brown was portrayed by Fowler, Stephens, and A&E Biographies in many different ways, even though all the biographies state specific events that happened in Molly's life they all have a different way of portraying the facts and the ideas of how each of the situations happened.
Emma Shushansky, a fourth-grade student at Chatham elementary school, is an average sized girl who loves her athletics and watching tv in her free time. She lives with her family In Chatham New Jersey. She has an older brother of two years Charlie, and her mom and dad both have full-time jobs.She plays field hockey, travel soccer and softball in the spring. Her favorite TV show is Best Friends Whenever and loves to watch this after dinner before she goes to bed every night. Emma does not like to read much but when she has a good book she tends to read it faster than books that are assigned from the school.
American Puritans in the 17th century were known for their fervor for personal godliness and doctrinal correctness. In addition to believing in the absolute sovereignty of God, the total depravity of man, and the complete dependence of human beings on divine grace for salvation, they stressed the importance of personal religious experience. In her novel Hope Leslie, Catharine Maria Sedgwick critiques the idea of Puritanism and shows its deficiencies through the characters of Everell Fletcher, Hope Leslie, and Magawisca.
A contemporary French-American artist, Louise Bourgeois was born on December 25, 1911 in Paris, France as the third daughter of Louis and Josephine Bourgeois. During the weekdays, Louise and family would live in their St, Germain apartment in order to sell tapestries; but they also owned a villa, in which their repaired the tapestries. As a child, Louise would often help in drawing, sewing and painting in the workshop, and with that she attended many academies, unfortunately her mother contracted the spanish flu, leading to gaps in Louise’s education.
This heroine’s life was similar to the life of an average person. Dorothy Vaughan was born on September 20, 1910, in Kansas City, Missouri. In 1925 she graduated from Beechurst High School in 1925, then four years later she graduated Wilberforce University in Ohio with a Bachelors in Science. Dorothy was a math teacher at Robert Russa High School
Laurie Anderson is an American artist, composer, musician, and film director. Anderson was born in 1947 in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. Throughout Laurie’s childhood, she played the violin. She began her studies at Mills College, but ultimately graduated from Barnard College, where she studied art history. After completing her education, Anderson remained in New York.
Virginia Woolf, born January 25th 1882, was an unorthodox British author and feminist who had an immeasurable impact on women, those with mental illnesses, and the LGBT community. She was self-educated and even though her father -a literary critic- didn't condone women going to college he still helped educate and influence Virginia. Woolf is believed to have revolutionized the english essay, because she never learned how to write a set essay in school she came up with her own way.
Number one New York Times bestselling author Nicholas Sparks in his novel “At first sight” said “The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it...” This essay discusses the thoughtful quotation of the author.
Nicholas Sparks has had an abundance of achievements during his lifetime. He is one of the most astonishing romantic novelist writers of the 21st century as he writes novels and then later on turns them into movies. (Comments) His writing enhances people’s lives and will continue to do so for many years to come. (Comments) Nicholas Sparks was born on December 31st 1965, in Omaha, Nebraska.
After 20 years of living in isolation, she died on May 15th, 1886. She was 56 years old. Her sister, Lavinia, found her room filled with books containing a large amount of poems that her sister had written. Only then, did the literary world get to experience and enjoy her writing.