
Muscle Contraction System

Decent Essays

Intro: The heart has a clear function, which is to constantly pump blood through the body into every organ that consists of cells. Blood is transported through the body with veins and arteries that are set up through the body, one having oxygenated blood flowing into the body while the other is poor on oxygen heading into the lungs for gas exchanges. These pumps the hearts emulates are caused by electrical stimulation, which produce muscle contraction.
The cardiac cycle has a regular pattern that is determined by electrical activity. It all starts at (SA) node which is located in the right and left atrium, the also know as the natural peacemaker, where electrical signals originate. Next, the (AV) node or the Atrioventicular node located on the opposite side of the (SA) node near the AV valves. The (AV) node serves as a bridge between the atrium and the ventricle, delaying the electrical impulses to ensure that the atria have completely pump the blood before the ventricle contraction. Electric signal from the That started from the (SA) node soon reach the Atrioventicular bundle or referred to as the (AV) bundle which is divided into the right and the left bundle branches created a path of impulses to the apex, then spreading throughout the myocardium soon after passing through the purkinje fibers. While the heart goes through this process a certain machine called ECG recording apparatus records the waves PQRST, which is the pattern of the cardiac cycle. In the “PQRST” P represents the contraction of the atria and its usually the beginning of the cardiac cycle. “QRS” illustrates the contraction of both ventricles and also shows the completion of the cardiac depolarization. Finally the T wave represents the relaxation of the ventricles and it’s the end of …show more content…

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