
Muscle Dysmorphia Essay

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Bigorexia as know as muscle dysmorphia and both have definitions. Bigorexia is defined as “a mental disorder characterized by a normal person´s obsession with an imagined defect in physical appearance; also called muscle dysmorphia” and muscle dysmorphia is defined as “a mental disorder primarily affecting males, characterized by obsessions about a perceived lack of muscularity, leading to compulsive exercising, use of anabolic steroids, etc.” in Bigorexia as know as reverse anorexia, starts with the idea of the perfect body and with the new sport as bodybuilding, the individual need to have these ideal body and go to gym and stay their for hours and buy a lot of supplements and can use substances to help them to grow (Mosley, 2009). Differently from anorexia this sickness will not be about how thin a person can be but how muscular the …show more content…

From some years ago, it is possible to see young boy starting to go to the gym and teenagers looks at the mirror or thing they are not big enough and need to grow more . It is important to know that bigorexia affects women but the number of men with these problem are bigger (Leone, Sedory & Gray, 2005). It is difficult to recognize a person who have bigorexia because they look healthy but can have some bad consequences in a social and psychological terms (Leone, Sedory & Gray, 2005), the patient will not accept to go out because thing the clothes going to make them look too thin or too fat and they refused to go to places that they need to be undressed (Mosley, 2009). So, to start the treatment the person need to accept that he or she need help and they will use some medications, for example fluoxetine, and will need therapy because will not work without the help of a psychologist (Leone, Sedory & Gray,

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