
Muscle Endurance Essay

Decent Essays

Two of the main causes of poor posture are muscle tightness and muscle weakness, therefore it is important to design a stretching program to improve muscle length, as well as a resistance training program to improve strength.

Prior to commencing exercise our patient is to complete a warm up consisting of low intensity exercise (approximately 40% of heart rate max), for between 7 and 10 minutes, this is followed by a series of dynamic stretching exercises aimed at preparing the muscles for physical activity, improving range of motion, and improving proprioception. This dynamic exercise program consists of:
1. Neck Rotations
2. Shoulder circles
3. Arm swings
4. Side bends
5. Front on squats
6. Side squats
7. Lunges
8. Leg swings/high kicks
9. High jumps …show more content…

Trapezius, Rhomboids, Pectoralis major and minor, Deltoids, Brachialis, Brachioradialis, Biceps and the Latissimus dorsi
b. Performed first so that the body is not fatigued.
2. Squat
a. Another compound exercise which works:
i. Erector spinae muscles, Gluteus maximus, Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Gastrocnemius
b. The squat also activates the core muscles such as the Rectus abdominis and obliques as they are required in order to stabilize the body during the squat movement.
3. Bench Press
a. The bench press primarily uses the pectoralis muscles, however it also incorporates the deltoids, Trapezius and Triceps.
b. Like the squat, the bench press also requires activation of the abdominal group in order to stabilize the body and give a base of support.
4. Lunges
a. Like the squat the lunge is also a compound exercise which works almost all the muscles of the lower body as well as requiring core activation for stabilization.
i. Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Gastrocnemius, Gluteus maximus, abdominals and obliques.
5. Lat pull down
a. Another compound exercise which works the muscles of upper body:
i. Latissimus dorsi, Trapezius, Rhomboids, Levitator scapulae, Serratus anterior and the biceps brachii.
6. Double leg hip

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