
Muscle Protein Synthesis Essay

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In recent years, interest has sparked the health industry to research protein consumption after exercise to optimise muscle growth. Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS) is not only an appealing topic for bodybuilders, it is also beneficial to those over 60 years of age who may have experienced muscle mass loss over time. A decrease in muscle mass does not only lead to a decrease in overall strength but also makes daily movement severely painful, leading to a poor quality of life. All individuals can benefit from increasing muscle protein synthesis via an increased protein intake after resistance training. This will aid in maintaining muscle mass, strength and overall health (Wolfe, 2012).

Review of Research Studies:
Increasing muscle protein synthesis is crucial for the health of individuals over the age of 60. A study conducted by Dr. Ryan Andrews shows that a change in daily protein intake can impact the building of lean muscle mass. Participants between the age of 60 and 69 underwent a 12-week resistance training regime and were given a post-exercise protein drink after each session. Results showed a substantial increase in lean muscle mass over the 12 week program for both males and females. Nevertheless, results indicated those that had consumed a daily diet high in protein had comparable increases of lean muscle mass as those with a daily diet low in protein. This indicates that it did not matter how much protein was consumed daily, but the post-exercise …show more content…

For example, researchers have to observe and control over 50 patients for 12 weeks. This makes it difficult for those conducting the study to control each and every person’s daily meals and protein intakes. However, a large cohort study like this allows for multiple effects and variables to be recorded, such as training schedules, risk management and injury prevention. All of which aids in improving research studies for the

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