
Muscle Strength Lab Report

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Summary: The objective of this study was to determine how muscle strength and speed differences of rising from a chair differ from elderly and young women. The subjects examined in the study consisted of two groups, 26 healthy elderly women and 12 heathy young women. There were six trials done, three trials at normal speed and three trials at fast speed. The study involved examining the muscle strengths of the individuals and preforming the actual task of rising from a chair.
To test the muscle strengths the subjects were required to use the one repetition maximum method for a variety of different exercises. The experiment consisted of the subjects rising from the chair without the use of their hands. During the trial reflective markers were …show more content…

The hypothesis was tested though various different results that were obtained through the experiment. The muscle strength of the individuals was tested initially and then related to the muscle activity preformed during the experiment. This help conclude that the hip muscle was the most important muscle when completing the task. The muscle strength of the hip in the elderly was less than the young which explains the time and speed differences between the subject groups occurred.
The study does improve the quality of life. The study shows that the hip muscle is the most important in completing the task of rising from a chair. If someone is having difficulty with rising from a chair, all they need to do is to strengthen their hip muscle in order to help ease the completion of this task. With this knowledge preventing injuries from falling during this task can greatly be improved.
Too much information can be a bad thing. The study included extra test that were not necessary in proving the hypothesis. The study involved observing and recording joint torques which is extra information. Although it is nice to know the joint torques involved in the biomechanics it was not necessary in this study since it did not help prove the

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