My concerns of doing Muscular endurance is not doing enough or do so much that the next day I am in pain. I like doing sit-ups because I can work on my core. Push-ups help me tone my biceps. My goal is to increase the amount of sit-ups and push-ups I do during this class and continue this goal.
The body composition measurements tell me that my health status is at high risk for developing heart disease, and diabetes. These numbers explain that I am at risk for developing these risks but also the numbers show me that I can lower my risk significantly by getting more active. Knowing these numbers I will use it to help me guide the areas that need to work on. I need to work on the weight in my thighs, upper arms and middle section.
The Beaker with Ibex Motifs is a prehistoric pottery art work, found in near-perfect condition during a 1906-1908 excavation of a Susian necropolis in Susa, Iran. The Beaker with Ibex Motifs is a large vessel with dimensions at 28.90 x 16.40 cm. Used by the first inhabitants of Susa, this beaker is a the first example of a funerary item. The identity of artist is unknown, however, it is thought the beaker was created sometime between 4200 and 3500 B.C.E.
feathers to men not in uniform in public as a sign of cowardice - the
My body mass index or BMI was 25.8. With me weighing one hundred and fifty-five pounds, this puts me into the overweight category. With this, I am also at a very low risk of getting any diseases such as high blood pressure or obesity. Also, I had a waist circumference to height ratio of 33/65 or .5. This puts me into the acceptable category and I have a very low risk of getting diseases such as cardiovascular disease. If I increase waist circumference to height ratio just .1, it can increase my chances to getting any of those diseases.
I am Sergeant Lamas, and today I’m going to help you prepare for military action. The military is a long and fatiguing road and it is important to stay strong and healthy in the process so get ready…
Most of us have watched a college sporting event at one point or another in our life. Few people actually know and are aware of all the hard work, and dedication college athletes put towards their sport. However, they do not receive a compensation for their hard work. These Athletes are sometimes mistreated physically and mentally, yet the debate over whether or not to pay college athletes is a big debate.
Muscular endurance is very important for people playing sports and who have to sustain an activity for long periods of time. Muscular endurance is determined by how well your slow twitch muscle fibers are developed. In case your wondering what slow twitch muscle fibers are, I will explain. There are generally two types of muscle fibers in your body, slow twitch and fast twitch. Slow twitch muscle fibers cannot exert as much force as fast twitch, but can sustain an effort over a much greater period of time. Fast twitch muscle fibers can exert a great amount of force but for a very limited amount of time. Therefore, slow twitch equals endurance, while fast twitch equals strength.
1. In your own words, why do you think it is important to have strong muscles?
As presented by (Bompa,1999), Football is a very complicated sport in which there are many components of fitness that are important. (Garcia-Pinillos, 2015) specified The elemental movement patterns in football require a rapid force development and high power output. It is essential for a footballer to have good agility in order to avoid tackles and change direction quickly in order to defend effectively and stop their opponents from getting past. For similar reasons, Speed is also important for a footballer to possess as it can allow them to beat their opponents to the ball across a short distance. Another important component is power, as shown by (Garcia-Pinillos 2015). Without power, a footballer wouldn’t be able to compete for the ball
When I become elderly, some adjustments that I will have to make to this workout is to not always max out and to only do somewhat of my max so I can prevent any injuries from happening. I can perform workouts in a chair so I can avoid falling and injuring any bones in my back. When I become older I will begin to lose some of my muscular strength and I can support that by placing a chair behind to be safe. I will try to keep my workout close to my current workout so I can try to remain a similar amount of muscular strength as of right now.
When it comes to choosing which muscle group is most important there are a lot of factors to think about. One of the most important muscle groups in your body is your core. Your abdominal muscles are very important for almost everything you do. They are important in core lifts like deadlift, benchpress, squatting, and running. Your core muscles also come in handy while doing activities of daily living. When you go work outside and have to pick up heavy objects, a lot of the muscle you are using is in your core. Simply running around outside doing chores and stuff not only comes from your legs, but a lot of the endurance has to do with how strong your core is. There are many ways to strengthen your core muscles. Eating healthy is a huge factor
My current weight is 57.7kg, BMI is 22.5kg/m2 which is consider normal weight. I am at a healthy range and have a lower risk of getting weight-related health problems. My waist to hip ratio is 0.84, it is consider average but near to risk. It may lead to chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, hypertension and diabetes.
When I start to become old and considered an elderly person, I would like to become independent and to not have other people always supporting my every step. To avoid this, I would have to have muscular strength to perform daily activities like pick up a gallon of milk and to pick up the trash bag when the bag becomes full. By the time that I am old, I will begin to struggle while picking up a gallon of milk but with good muscular strength, it will allow me to do that. Another daily activity that depends on my muscular strength is to pick up groceries from the car after they are purchased. These daily activities will be performing mostly every day and I will struggle if I do not maintain the muscular strength. Some activities that I will also
Maybe some of you have experienced tingling sensation when exercising, at the foot or in hand, and you think of it as a matter of experienced a person who was exercise. But you know that the tingling the current sports can be a sign of the condition of serious health? Then, what causes a person feel tingling the current sports? There are 3 things to make a person tingling the current sports, namely: 1. Oxygen Oxygen is the substance of the most needed to break up sugar and fats into energy when exercising. When the lungs give oxygen to the blood, the heart and blood vessels will be channeled to the organs and muscle. When you exercise intensity weight of a sudden and without warming up, will be an increase oxygen demand in muscle suddenly. Because the body has not adapt
Body composition provides an overall assessment of health and it is important in assessing an individual’s risk of developing diseases such as diabetes, high blood, obesity and some forms of cancer. Body composition indicates the proportion of essential fats and non-essential fats in the body (ACSM, 2012). An optimal health range has been established based on the difference in age, sex, height and weight. Individuals above the established range are at increased risk of developing high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity (ACSM, 2012). While, individuals below the established range are more likely to interrupt the delivery of key vitamins and nutrients to the cells of the body as well as adversely affect the proper functioning of their reproductive
1. Reduce weight to desirable levels: Reducing your body weight down to desirable levels is a huge first step in improving your health and resistance to preventable degenerative diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, periodontal gum disease, macular degeneration, and other age-related maladies. If you look online, you can find many charts that calculate your body mass index (BMI) knowing your height and weight. The experts say that you must get down to a BMI of 23 or less to be in the most healthful range. Reducing your body weight decreases the stress on your cardiovascular system and also lowers your risk to these diseases since fatty tissues contain high levels of reactive oxygen species called free radicals. These free radicals age your cardiovascular system, cause deposits of plaque in your arteries, and