There are over 200 recognised musculoskeletal conditions.(15) An IPSOS Mori poll showed that three in every ten adults (29%) are currently affected by arthritis or joint pain translating to thirteen million people across the UK.(16) The prevalence can vary from about 10% in younger adults, rising to nearly 40% in the over 75 years age group. (17) The prevalence figures reflect the burden of musculoskeletal conditions with 15–20% of people seeking care for a musculoskeletal problem during the course of a year. (17)
Apart from being common, musculoskeletal disorders can result in significant morbidity and are associated with rising societal and health costs. They are the main source of chronic pain worldwide(18) and the single biggest cause
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According to a systematic review, the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) is the socio-cognitive theory most often used for the prediction of behaviours in health-care professionals.(52) According to the TPB,(54) three factors determine an individual's intention to perform a particular behaviour: attitude, subjective norm (social pressures) and perceived behavioural control (perceived difficulty to perform a behaviour). Bandura`s Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) model (55) is another theoretical model which has underpinned interventions aiming to change clinicians` behaviour (56) and talks about outcome expectancies and how beliefs about the consequences of a behaviour can influence the behaviour itself. (57) Everett Rogers' diffusion of innovation theory advocates five key stages in the process of adoption of new behaviours: knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation and confirmation. (58, 59) The diffusion of innovation model can be used both to promote behavioural change at individual and organisational levels. …show more content…
According to a recent report on modern medical generalism, the most obvious contrast that distinguishes generalism and specialism is that specialism is about depth while generalism is about breadth:
‘the greater the depth of expertise in a branch of medicine, the more specialist the doctor; the greater the breadth of expertise, the more generalist’. (33)
The report goes on to say that in reaching a diagnosis ‘whereas the specialist relies heavily on scientific evidence to arrive at a precise explanation of an illness within a limited range of possibilities, the generalist (especially the GP) takes a far broader approach to arrive at one or more probabilities and decide whether or not action is needed’. The quality of clinical care in both settings is similar but the care is delivered in very different ways. (73-75) Therefore, educational interventions that aim to improve the management of musculoskeletal conditions by GPs need to be specifically designed and evaluated incorporating this generalist
That is where credentials are important to know to what specifically the surgeon is specialized in. For example, the fact that someone is an experience surgeon to deliver pregnant women does not mean he/she has experience and practice to operate on a woman have a breast reduction. In other undeveloped countries, I am aware of one surgeon is able to operate on people with many different issues. I have heard the story of Gynecologist surgeon who also operates on children with other birth defect. But, I like the way it is over here in this country, there is almost surgeons who practice very specific part of the body. This way, it is safer, and without much doubt one knows that he/she is dealing with someone who is trained, educated, and experienced in one particular field. In some particular cases, hospitals have granted privileges to physicians/surgeons to carry out certain procedures, but cannot depend on theoretical knowledge. Medicine is one the fields where theoretical knowledge only will not be considered as proof of experience. Also, no one can claim to be experienced through training and practice without the required years of theoretical knowledge. Both are required here, theory and practice. However, specific practice is required. For the surgeon needs to specialize in a particular area.
6. The physician orders alendronate (Fosamax) 70mg/wk. what instructions should you give M.S. regarding alendronate?
• Assessment Method: The learner has presented their outline in the form of a table. The learner’s outline includes the main
Brown, M. D. (2010). Musculoskeletal pain and treatment choice: an exploration of illness perceptions and choices of conventional or complementary therapies. Disability & Rehabilitation, 32(20), 1645-1657
This article addresses an important issue on how to develop frailty assessment tools in older adults with musculoskeletal disorders. Why is this topic more essential? Frailty has found in various fields of chronic diseases not only in musculoskeletal disorders. I am interested in frailty; however, it is tricky to determine who present frail in older adults having physical function limitation. Therefore, the different among physical function limitation, immobility, and frailty are still hard to justification. For example, older adults having secondary or third osteoarthritis always presents with severe pain at the knee joint. This pain also interferes his/her physical function. The more joints movement, the greater pain emerge. Reducing severe
At this point, the question being pondered upon is why are there more specialty physicians than generalist physicians if “common disorders commonly occur and rare ones rarely happen”? The
PAs are also trained as generalists to provide a foundation to be adaptable when switching medicine
Medicine has been a part of my life since as far as I could remember. The interest in this field sparked me at the moment of first experiences with the settings of a simple doctor’s office. Everything and anything that has to do with some sort of science always tends to attract my curiosity. In the seventeen years of my existence, although there is still more to learn, I believe the experiences and activities I have participated in make me a good candidate to become a successful general
Surely humanity suffers when the function of sex corrupts by representing it as a service or commodity and religion corrupts when it is a matter of dry rituals or abstract doctrines; consequently, underscoring the situation with confusing sex scandals. As a result, sexual misconduct is a major issue in the churches today. Child molestation within the churches reeks of priests being caught-up in lust and unmistakably is a real sign that the brotherhood lacks guidance of the profound reality of the LORD’S sexual identity. Notably, in these past several decades, an enormous amount of priests, along with various other ‘proclaimed’ Christians, predominantly waver with uncertainty, puzzled why they have sexual desires and totally unaware of their Divine sexual heritage. Concurrently, just as the Catholic Church, the Protestant Church also suffers from sex scandals worldwide. Figures released to the Associated Press in 2007, reveals that the numbers of these sex abuse cases appear higher in the Protestant Church than in the Catholic Church. At any rate, the process in obtaining Protestant sex abuse statistics evolves as harder to come by and sketchier because the denominations happen to be less centralized than the Catholic Church. Various Protestant congregations occur independently, making reporting even more difficult.
To lower the health care cost that the taxpayers are paying is very simple. If immigrants had the opportunity to access health care this cost would lower. Also granting them a legal status would mean that they would be contributing to pay into the federal income tax base. Doing this means that the immigrants would be putting money towards the costs of their health care. The pie chart by Kaiser Family Foundation shows “Immigrants as a share of the U.S. population and by citizenship status”. As shown in the pie chart, all immigrants from the U.S. in 2011 only makes up about 13 percent of the United States total population. This shows that both undocumented and documented immigrants do not make up a significant amount of the population. Since they made up on 13 percent of the population, giving them access to medical programs should be a given.
Clinical Expertise is an important component in creating evidence-based research (Friesen-Storms, Moser, Loo, Beurskens & Bours, 2015). Clinical expertise is about a clinician’s knowledge, skills, education level and experience in a certain area that can be used to achieve more accurate and reliable scientific evidence and research (Facchiano & Hoffman Snyder, 2012).
Adding and removing policies within a nation has been happening for thousands of years now. The policy making process may differ from nation to nation, and has changed for most nations throughout the years. For example, the policy process for the United Kingdom isn’t ran by a king or queen anymore; instead they have a parliament that accepts or denies bills. Public policies are very important for a nation because they create order and improve the quality of life for most. In this paper I will discuss the five steps in the policy making process for the U.S. While these steps can be in almost any order, and also added and removed. They are the foundation for how most policies are accepted or denied in the U.S.
Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disorder, and more than half of all Americans who are older than 65 have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis. However, recent US data has revealed knee osteoarthritis does not discriminate age, and there is growing evidence that osteoarthritis affects individuals at a young age. The annual cost of osteoarthritis due to treatment and loss of productivity in the US is estimated to be more than 65 billion dollars.1 With no cure currently available for osteoarthritis, current treatments focus on management of symptoms. The primary goals of therapy include improved joint function, pain relief, and increased joint stability. Although the exact cause of osteoarthritis is unknown, many risk factors have been identified including increased age, female gender, obesity, and trauma.2 Within these risk factors, the etiology of osteoarthritis has been divided into anatomy, body mass, and gender.
When considering health psychology it is important to recognise the various models it is made up of. The basis of this essay will be to take a look at the health belief model and the theory of planned behaviour, considering their historical origins, the positives and negatives of applying these approaches and examples of when they have been used. After some analysis it may offer some insight into possible improvements that could be implemented from further research. Also included will be an overview of how the models compare to each other and critical evaluation of research from this field.
In the United States, arthritis has become the second most common disorder, in the past years. Moreover, the condition affects more than 34 million Caucasians, 4.6 million African-Americans and nearly 3.1 million Hispanics with women being the most affected (Helmick, 2008). 28.3% of people suffering from arthritis are women whereas 18.2% are men (Helmick, 2008). By the year 2030, it is predicted that the number of patients with arthritis will double if prevalence rates remain the same. Apart from being cost-intensive, Osteoarthritis (OA) affects nearly twenty seven million Americans, which effectively limits their work (Reid, Shengelia & Parker, 2012). The statistics show that Caucasians are the most affected and the Hispanics to be the less affected from Caucasians, Hispanics, and African Americans. It also shows how women also have greater possibilities of getting arthritis than man ever did.