The Kingdom Animalia that is where a little coral known commonly as Mushroom Coral or scientifically known as Fungia is located. The region the are found in Western Central Pacific, in New Guinea, the Philippines, Papua, The Indo-West Pacific, the Northwest Pacific in Taiwan and from the Gulf of Alden to Seychelles in the Western Indian Ocean. The Coral comes in an array of colors, if you can imagine a color the Mushroom Coral most likely comes in that color. This means it can blend in with any type of environment due to its ability to be any color, but most commonly are purple or green. This species has been widely popular in captivity and many people with aquariums, which is very good because Mushroom Coral have been placed on the IUCN Red List …show more content…
They have a long, flat mouth in the center of their body. They usually inhabit flat surfaces in the water, and can be found on rubble or soft substrates and can be find at depths from 1 meter to 25 meters underwater. Their tentacles are extended all the time which release a mucus with a toxin that can kill other coral and fish if threatened. The main source of nutrition the coral receives is a symbiotic relationship with bacteria that live in it's mouth but it can kill and digest other animals if needed, their tentacles will help feed the organism by pulling in small morsels of food and bring it to the mouth of the coral. Mushroom coral can reproduce sexually or asexually, if they reproduce sexually, sperm and eggs are released into the water, when the egg is fertilized the larvae will settle on a substrate overnight. if it reproduces asexually then a new polyp will grow off the parent and anchor itself via a stalk which gives the organism its name, when it gets mature enough the stalk will dissolve and the new coral will sink to the bottom of the water and is now mobile, it will now continue to grow and
There are many different types of reefs but the most common type of reef is the Fringing Reef. There are also many different types of species that live in this reef. There are tons of different species of fish that live in large groups and come in all different colors. Although, the two main groups of fish that live in this reef are vertebrates and invertebrates. Among the different types of vertebrates living in this reef includes Fish, Sea Snakes, Sea Turtles, Dugongs, and Manatees. These are the only fish that usually swim in large groups. Among the coral reef the invertebrates, which is the most common group of different types of living in this reef, are the constructors and
I am Coral and I live about 5000 feet below sea level in the Coral Sea. During the week of May 4-8, 1942, the first air- sea battle in history took place as I watched from below. Japan was looking to control the Coral Sea by taking all of New Guinea and the Solomon Islands to remove all of the Allied bases between Japan and Australia. They also wished to take over and destroy the American navy’s aircraft carriers since they were not able to do so in the Battle at Pearl Harbor. On the 3rd of May, the Japanese occupied Tulagi island and set up a seaplane base. The next day, the Allied forces, led by Rear Admiral Frank J. Fletcher, launched strikes against Tulagi. The attack eliminated the Japanese use of the base which sparked the beginning of this battle. The Yorktown sunk a Japanese destroyer and five merchant ships and join the Lexington later that day. May 6th, Australia spotted the Japanese but failed to shoot it down. They both continued to search for each other unsuccessfully due to partial visibility in the area of operations. Admiral Fletcher decided to separate his forces so that one was more susceptible to Japanese air attack without being under any coverage. Although, neither American force was successful in finding the Japanese forces, the Japanese aircraft was able to find and sink several U.S. ships and aircrafts. On May 8th, the Japanese and the Allies found each other and launched all accessible aircrafts. The Japanese shot down the Yorktown and the Lexington with bombs and torpedoes. At the same time, the Allied forces attacked a Japanese carrier but was unable to
A coral structure is actually made up of hundreds - thousands of tiny little animals all growing together as a colony. These polyps are the makers of the coral reef and have accumulated over thousands of years to make up the largest living structures in the world. The anemones, which go along with the corals, are typically partnered with clownfish. In this relationship both animals work together in order to benefit each other. The anemone will provide protection for the clownfish, while the clownfish provides food for the anemone (seasky).
Coral reefs exist all over the world and are generally known as being one of the most diverse, intricate and beautiful of all existing marine habitats. They have many varying structures which are developed by algae and are symbiotic with various reef building corals which are referred to as, zooxanthellae (algae). There are many other factors such as, coralline algae, sponges and other various organisms that are combined with a number of cementation processes which also contribute to reef growth, (CORAL REEFS, 2015).
Coral reefs are wonderful places in the ocean they can be found in shallow water where it is warm and unpolluted. Funny thing is even though they look like plants they are living organisms. There are many kinds like lettuce coral, fire coral, and leather coral. There is also a lot of sea life like cuttlefish, manta ray, and reef whitetip shark. Speaking of sharks, the coral reef is also where many sharks feed.
Some large school of fish can be found looking for food, such as the schoolmasters and the sergeant majors. During the day that is when the coral polyps are the busiest, because the spiny lobsters and long-spined black urchins hide In It. At the night time, that is when they come out to get their own food. Fish that live near the coral polyps are usually very colorful. There are lagoons in between barrier reef and the shoreline. The lagoon has calm water and has sand on the bottom. Lagoons are usually covered in turtle grass and green algae. But enough talking about lagoons. The coral polyps issue is the death of the corals worldwide.
Coral reefs are located in tropical oceans near the equator. The largest coral reef can be found in Australia, it is called the Great Barrier Reef. the second largest coral reef can be found on the coast of Belize, in Central America. They can also be found in Hawaii, the red sea, and other tropical oceans. Reef-building corals can't tolerate water temperatures below 64 ℉ . many grow, temperatures of 73℉ - 84℉ . they can tolerate temperatures as high as 104℉ for short periods of time.
Coral reefs are the most biodiverse ecosystem on the planet. There are more than 25,000 known species of organisms and countless others that have yet to be identified (Helvarg, 2000). Reefs thrive on the shallow edge of tropical seas, most often on the eastern edge of continents along warm water currents that brush the coasts. Reefs cannot live in cold waters and are limited by ocean depth and available sunlight. Coral is the foundation of the reef community, providing a three-dimensional structure where thousands of species of vertebrates and invertebrates live and feed. Some species of coral are hard, while others soft. Some are branched, yet others are compact and rounded. Coral is made up of large
living in their bodies. These plants help feed the corals, soak up their wastes and
A coral reef is a ridge formed in shallow ocean water by accumulated calcium-containing exoskeletons of coral animals, certain red algae, and mollusks. Coral reefs are tropical, forming only where surface waters are never cooler than 20° C (68° F).
Developing organizations, such as The Ocean Agency and the Coral Restoration Foundation, have been raising concern in efforts to conserve and furthermore sustain aquatic life and the ecosystem in which they inhabit. These unique fish, found living and populating among the coral reef, face a level of degradation and life threatening obstacles. The coral reef acts as a home to more than a quarter of the know fish species, where their population and species have been widely studied. This ecosystem is a beautiful representation of life which supports, and is supported by other neighboring ecosystems; embodying a significance as the leading consumer item for those who live along the reefs. Their importance to our planets collective ecosystem is not fully understood, due to the way these ecosystems are interconnected to one another, but nevertheless illustrates an example of a struggling life which may provide problems for both terrestrial and aquatic life-forms. Aside from the human dependency, being that “More than 450 million people live within 60 kilometers of coral reefs, with the majority directly or
Most reef-building corals contain photosynthetic algae, termed zooxanthellae, that live in their tissues. The corals and algae have a mutualistic association. The coral provides the algae a environment and compound
When people hear the word corals, they probably think of beautiful, colorful underwater cities; however, corals, also known as Anthozoans, have many beneficial factors to people, diseases, and other creatures. Corals have been used in the treatment for diseases. They have been known to help cure inflammatory disorders. Corals have also have helped in environmental services. They attract tourist which then provides money and jobs for people. Corals have an estimated value of 7.6 billion dollars. Anthozoans are protection for organisms underwater, and protection of the coastlines. They provide shelter and defensive mechanisms to the underwater creatures, and reduce wave energy to protect the shore. Known scientifically as Anthozoans, corals have many characteristics that make them worthy of being protected by the scientific community such as developing medical drugs, economic and environmental services, and protection.
Coral reefs are one of the oldest types of living systems on earth, and certainly one of the most spectacular (Goreau, 1987). They are massive underwater structures formed by the limestone skeletons of tiny invertebrate animals. Reefs house a greater diversity of body forms, chemistry, and animal phyla (thirty-two compared to the eight that inhabit the most biodiversity ecosystems on land). Phyla comprise the second largest category of living things, after kingdoms.
Café De Coral, established in 1968, operates over 140 self-service fast food restaurants in Hong Kong, which is the largest Chinese restaurant chain in Hong Kong. In 1986, Café De Coral became an issued company in Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Later Café De Coral expands its business in various city and countries such as Hong Kong, Macau, Guangdong and other Western countries. The restaurant currently serves about 300,000 customers per day. Café De Coral takes the advantage of broad experience in the fast food industry and makes it to become the biggest and most successful brand in Hong Kong.