The article “ How music affects us between music and medicine” reveals a story about a girl named Gabriella Giffords. Gabby had a problem with speech after she had gotten hit by a bullet in the left hemisphere, it had knocked out the speech center of her brain. As Gabby is working with a speech therapist she struggles to produce some of the most basic words you can pronounce today. Because of this she breaks down into tears, and now her therapist tries a new strategy for her to try, its singing. Singing makes it easy for her to clearly pronounce the words “ let it shine let it shine let it shine” sung Gabriella. The ability of music has the ability to speak where words fail. Dr. Godfer Schnautz found out that some people couldn't form up
Sound is what makes everything come alive. From when an infant in the womb becomes familiar to their mother’s voice. Noise can have a great effect on humans, especially music. Music can speak louder than words, particularly in certain situations where they may not be able to express what they are feeling. It is incredible how many sounds and voices put together can have a special connection to emotions, and bring back memories. Music is a language everyone can understand and relate to. Poet Rachel M. Harper, uses the idea of music to let readers into her childhood. Harper dedicated the poem to her father, who has a significant part in her life, since he is the only parent she has left.
The facility was large and professional. It was very clean and had hand sanitizers mounted next to almost every door. Before and after every session we were required to use these hand sanitizers. The facility was a bit difficult to navigate as it was made from many additional pieces together. None of the hospital was very inviting, it mostly appeared to be what it was, a hospital. The colors were subdued and neutral and the entire place smelled very sterile.
I will be researching music’s effect on the human body. From what I learned during this summer term, I know that music has certain effects on the and mood. I just want a deeper understanding of what happens in order for you to feel like music is effective in altering a person’s mentality or physical appearance.
This article described music therapy observations between two children, 3-year-old Jason and 9-year-old Sophie, who were both diagnosed with Down Syndrome (DS). The observations were taken over a music therapy session in the Creative Learning Centre at the University of Limerick in Ireland. Sessions lasted around approximately over a month, but more specifically, a course of six weeks; Jason attended approximately five music therapy sessions, while Sophie attended six. What also assisted in the process of this observation was the environment of the therapy rooms, ranging from different colors on the walls which stood for distinctive and significant symbols. The color blue was for music, red for regular playing, and yellow for art. In addition
Individuals respond differently to stress, but along with other factors in their lifestyle choice, their heart rate is bound to either increase or decrease when listening to a particular melody. Historically, Native Americans and Africans used music as a healing ritual for to ease stress and treat sleep. Research in Western medicine has thus turned to the effects of music on the cardiovascular system, blood pressure, heart rate, or blood flow through arteries. ( Cardiovascular activity is one of the major functions that allows for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide while transporting and providing nutrients for the cells. Varieties of music has certain psychological,
In Macedonian hills, the music of Orpheus was said to possess certain magical qualities, having powers strong enough to alter the very behavior of people and animals. Among its abilities, the notes of Orpheus' lyre were said to calm the guard-dog of Hades (1), to cause the evil Furies to cry, and to tame the deadly voices of the Sirens (2). Was this power simply a divine and magical gift with no other explanation, or can we explain more specifically the connections between music and behavior?
Being a surgeon, I can imagine is a very stressful job. You literally have someone’s life in your hands, and what you do can determine if they live or die. I know when I get super stressed out I listen to music. It makes me forget about everything and just focus on myself. So I was wondering, does music affect the way surgeons preform during surgery? I have always wondered how doctors or surgeons kept their calm in high-pressure situations and does it have to do with the biology of one’s mind? “Confession. I listen to Lady Gaga in the operating room. Except when I do a face lift.” Anthony Youn, M.D. admits. Apparently the type of music your surgeon plays really does matter. Youn explains his many experiences in the operating room, both good and bad. Most prefer classical, but it really depends on who your doctor and operating staff are. Some surgeons say playing music in the operating room is distracting and makes it hard for staff to focus. But according to HuffingtonPost, more than half of surgeons, between 62-72% of them find it helpful and relaxing. Playing music doesn’t just benefit the surgeon but the patient as well. I feel like if more than half of surgeons play music it must have some affect on their performance. If a surgeon is nervous and stressed they might be more tense and have a heavier hand. Listening to music and relaxing I would suspect would make the job easier. If the surgeon were less tense or stressed so, their staff would probably work
The field of music therapy is one of the oldest forms of therapy. It can be applied to almost every ailment mental or physical and can be altered to fit almost any culture. Music therapy is defined as ¨a type of expressive arts therapy that uses music to improve and maintain the physical, psychological, and social well-being of individuals, involves a broad range of activities, such as listening to music, singing, and playing a musical instrument¨. Music has the ability to reach people in a way traditional therapies can’t. Music alters your brain chemistry in that it increases serotonin and dopamine levels which are responsible for positive emotions. Music also stimulates
In the article "Music and the heart," authors Stefan Koelsch and Lutz Jäncke go over a series of studies to show the effects of music on the heart. They start off talking about how music is a powerful stimulus for inflicting moods and emotions and also has an impact on heart activity. They go on to talk about how the results of studies on the effect of music on the heart and emotions have often been inconsistent. Mainly, the inconsistencies are due to the use of different methods and musical stimuli. Music has a large variety of genres and styles and many of the studies do not include the specific types of music used in their studies. With different types of music being used in each study, there will be many different reactions, therefore,
American music therapy association (2013) defined as a clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to help individuals archive their goals between a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional who has completed an approved music therapy program. Music therapy is an upcoming health profession. It involves the use of sound wave that penetrate through the soul and mind to heal, repair and improve the overall emotional well-being. It can be by playing a music instrument, singing out loud, listening to music and so on. Music therapy is very diverse, Music therapy in an ancient type of healing medium. It was used by the Egyptians, Chinese, Indians, Romans and the Greece before being introduced in the United States late
Everyone knows the story of the Piped Piper of Hamelin. He had the ability to hypnotize people with his flute by playing the most enchanting music. But he's just myth, right? No one has the power to charm people with music. Well, you'd be surprised. Throughout history, music has always been recognized for its calming and almost hypnotic effects on the human mind, and for its ability to rouse and inspire the spirit. Only recently has science uncovered the truth about music. Researchers have long suspected that music affects the brain in the most profound ways, and now they finally have evidence to back up that theory. Such an interesting topic definitely deserves further exploration. Come with me on this
A song or a piece of music has the power to transform an individual and take them not only to a different state of mind, but quite possibly a different consciousness. Making or singing music also has the power to transform an individual. “There is a resemblance of music in pitch, volume, rhythm, melody and structure to the natural human expression of emotion in voice, demeanor and behavior” (Ushedo, 2006, 1). Making music can create an environment where it indirectly teaches individuals communication and social skills through the emotions brought out by the music. The social interaction between individuals with behavioral problems has been aided by using musical activities. It can “encourage or motivate communication through musical activities, which are responsive to the child to promote eye contact, turn taking, sharing, joint attention” (Stephenson, 2006, 297). While creating a calmer and more relaxed environment with musical activities, behavioral problems can be aided through the use of this form of music therapy.
Usually, when one considers what they can do to fight off a cold, relieve pain, or alleviate mental illness, the first things that comes to mind may be to take over-the-counter drugs or prescribed medications. However, the cure to these and many other infirmities may be found within your own ipod. Music, in its many forms, can and should be used as a healing instrument. While it may not completely alleviate the need for drugs, it's possible that music therapy could accompany medical drug use in order to lessen the amount of potentially harmful medications often consumed by patients.
When Albert Einstein was a young kid, his teachers believed that he was “too stupid to learn” They suggested to his mother that he just skip school and start manual labor early, because he was a hopeless case. But despite everything, his mother continued to make him go to school; in addition, she also bought him a violin.
Everyone has that one thing that has always been a part of them and will continue to be for the rest of their lives. As it probably is with many people, mine is music. However, music affects everyone differently, and that effect makes me who I am today. The simplest answer, for me, is that music makes me happy. Music is always there for me, whether in the form of playing or just listening to it, it is a huge part of my life, and I could not imagine life without it. Throughout my life I have had many people to thank for that, but the person who is initially responsible for my interest in music is my mother. She listened to music frequently and got my brother into band at Randolph Elementary School. After that everything changed.