Given the opportunity, I would form a Music Community Outreach program at the University of Cincinnati. With dwindling focus given to the arts in many schools across America, it is essential for music students to reach out to their communities to demonstrate the importance of the arts. This organization would provide many children with the chance to hear an aria or a chamber group for the first time in their lives. But more importantly, it would allow the children to perform in their own 'miniature' shows. The arts provide a safe and conducive space for students to find their own voice. Often times, schools can foster anxiety and stress; the performing arts act as a medium that can help combat this by bringing about a level of confidence
The Cincinnati Musical Center half dollar is a commemorative coin that was authorized on March 31, 1936, and struck by the United States Bureau of the Mint that year. Produced with the stated purpose of commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of Cincinnati as a center of music, it was conceived by Thomas G. Melish, a coin enthusiast whose group bought the entire issue from the government, and who resold them at high prices. Melish had hired sculptor Constance Ortmayer to design the coin, but the Commission of Fine Arts objected to Stephen Foster being on the obverse, finding no connection between Foster, who died in 1864, and the supposed anniversary. Nevertheless, 5,000 sets of three coins, one from each of the three mints, were issued and
Tri-M Music Honors Society is the most important organization to me. It has helped me to become the responsible and caring person that I am today. Music has always been a large part of my life. From learning and teaching an instrument to reaching out to the local community, I have always felt very fulfilled with the work I have produced.
I would be directing my own band, and teaching students to play instruments, read music, and march. I would like to work at the high school level. Working with high schoolers is more rewarding. When you work at the high school level you would also get to teach music theory, music appreciation, and jazz band. When you work with special need students you get to teach them the simple things such as spelling, reading, adding and subtracting. Working with special need kids is so rewarding. They can teach you how to be a better person, and how to manage your anger.
What is something I could do to impact the school in a positive way and how could I accomplish that? That is a really good question, what I would do is help tutor kids in band, preferably percussionists. Basically I would come in early or stay after school and help them learn notes and where the notes are. This could totally help band kids by boosting their grade up or even becoming first chair. They could then learn that then get so much better and be great musicians. This is a good idea that could totally work in the band room and for the positive impact.
Pandora has a workforce of over 1,400 employees innovating how people listen to and experience music. The employees of Pandora are musician-analysts, exploring and studying music every day, one song at a time. The VH1 Save The Music Foundation will be a great non-profit organization to partner with because Pandora's employees have a strong passion for music. The foundation’s mission is to restore music education in schools throughout the United States and show how important music education is (“VH1 Save the Music Foundation,” 2015). Pandora’s employees “believe in the value of music” and will be enthusiastic about restoring the value of music education (“About Pandora Media,” 2015). To help the foundation achieve its goals, the music-loving
For example, students could work on an expansive mural, which would spruce up the dreary parts of La Porte. Students could also perform for hospital and nursing home patients. In addition to this, the school could put together art shows where their pieces can be sold, auctions where students can create group works for a profit, and concerts and shows where students can perform in front the community. Together, these students would make a difference to a town that is in dire need of
I have attached the list of students currently registered for the Music Open House, we have five. We need to get confirmation letters out to these students ASAP. Do you want to send those from your department or would you like us to take care of that? Another possibility would be for you to draft a letter, and we could take care of sending it out along with a campus map.
One community that I have always felt a strong connection to and have contributed to is the marching band community. The best contribution that I have made to the marching band is teaching all the underclassmen. Throughout my four years in the marching band, I have held both a section leader and woodwind captain position and one task that both positions share is teaching the underclassmen how march. However, I have found that the teaching job is not only for marching band but all aspects of high school life. Many of the underclassmen that come into high school are usually lost in the confusing transition so they ask many questions. Since I am the upperclassmen and their teacher, I give insight into their predicaments. In addition to teach them
Apart from Pond5 that offers a monthly membership, other companies such as “Audio Blocks” also offers this type of subscription service with its “Monthly Subscription” of $79 per month (Audio Blocks, n.d.).
Much too often in America today, modern music and art programs in schools are perceived to many as extracurricular activities rather than important subjects that are vital to a students learning and skill development. The truth of the matter is that encouraging music and art education in public schools has a much larger impact on student’s grades, academic performance, and the economy than the majority people realize. Within the next year city school budgets will be dropping by twenty five percent, and despite the fact that music and art programs have been showing a dramatic contribution to student’s learning, this substantial drop in funding for the programs will lead to no dedicated money for art or music programs (Mezzacappa). There is
PRS for music (Performing Rights Society) represents songwriters and publishers, collects and distributes license fees when artist’s music has been performed or broadcast. MCPS (Mechanical Copyright Protection Society) which is also part of the PRS for music. MCPS collects and distributes license fees to writers and publishers when their music is released or sold on CD or as a download. PPL (Phonographic Performance LTD) collect and distribute royalties from recorded music to recording owners and performers when broadcast/ played in public.
Armed with Father Mike’s initial, albeit tentative, blessing, I had already instituted a culturally unbiased music program that was both diverse and liturgically correct. Like Nehemiah, who quickly started rebuilding Jerusalem's wall, I had wasted no time at all in getting things done, but my quickness and decisiveness had caught the churchwardens off guard. The music ministry was now growing steadily and getting younger with more singers and musicians joining regularly. Consequently, the worship music was now accompanied mostly by acoustic guitars, various percussion instruments, and the electronic keyboard. What irked the churchwardens most was how I played the pipe organ sparingly, albeit whenever appropriate. The parish still occasionally
Though I belong to numerous, diverse communities– South-Asian American, athletic, scientific– the musical community plays one of the most crucial roles in my life.
I’d love to make more time to spend with young kids, showing them the beauty of art or find the resources to obtain supplies. I know this would entail a lot of my time and effort ,but I think offering art to young kids is very important. Any time that i have to spare i would like to give it up to helping others.creating art can be a beautiful way to express yourself. I think that even the sacrifice of my time, the little that I have, would be well worth it in the end.
This phenomenological study explored the wider issues of the effects of music to wellness. Because Americans are enjoying up to 40 additional years of life (Population Reference Bureau, 2013) many healthy older adults choose community music participation as an activity. In the current study, participants were either solo artists or members of small to large ensembles who began music education in childhood and developed music competencies of advanced, expert, and or virtuoso skills. Our research shows that music identity determined PMs values and beliefs to maintain their wellness for community music participation; this compares favorably with Dolfsma (1999). This study agrees with Hays (2005) in that singing and playing instruments maintains cardiovascular functioning and several domains of wellness. Likewise, this study agrees with other researchers (Bowers, 1998; Hays & Minichiello, 2005; Joseph & Southcott, 2014; Skingley, Martin, & Clift, 2015), that music promotes wellness.