As Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once said, “Music is the universal language of mankind.” It is quite true that music can be very powerful, and can convey strong messages and represent many things and ideas. Linkin Park “Somewhere I Belong” has a pleasant rhythm, ut its narrator also strongly mentions the pain that they’ve experience in the past. His desire to heal and experiencing pain, and the fact that he felt that there was a certain place where he belonged is very easily conveyed to the audience. This message is also displayed in Lois Lowry’s The Giver, especially during the parts when Jonas and The Giver were in great pain. Let’s begin with the following lyric: “I want to heal, I want to feel… I want to let go of the pain I’ve held so …show more content…
The group is trying to say that there is a place where they should go, a perfect place where they “belong”(and it is also a place where they can heal from their pain) This powerful quote can connect to Jonas and his mentor, The Giver. The reason for this is actually quite simple; When Jonas receives the memories, he wishes that he could “heal” from the pain because he doesn’t want the painful memories. Instead, he wanted his emotionless childhood where he was safe from all feelings (Although later on he realizes how important the emotions are). More importantly though, he dreamed of a perfect place, a place Elsewhere with a sled; “Somewhere he belongs”. Towards the ending of the book, Jonas actually gets to Elsewhere, and to the place where he “belongs”, though the reader is not told whether or not Jonas dies when he gets there. However, Jonas does realize that his emotionless community is not “something real”, and this motivates his journey Elsewhere. The Giver also believes that there is a place like this: with Rosemary, his former student who decided to release herself. And (of course) by releasing himself, he can do just that. This is all very similar to some of the lines in Linkin Park’s
When the song came out in 2015, I was in the midst of graduating and truly coming to terms with the person I am. Going through this period of self-realization, the lyrics “You can't rush your healing/Darkness has its teachings/Love is never leaving/You can't rush your healing” (II. 19-22) really went to show me that the hard times I was going through were placed in my way as learning experiences. Listening to the mellow tunes of this song had such powerful repercussion on my mood as well. Not only the content of the words, reassuring me that everything will pass, but the actual vibrations of sound forced me into a meditative/healing state of
In, The Giver, by Lois Lowry, Jonas arrives at Elsewhere. Jonas has a sudden surge coursing through his body providing warmth and hope as he gets to safety. In the book, the Giver gives a memory of love to Jonas. This memory makes Jonas want grandparents. When Jonas sees all the lights and laughter, Jonas perceives that this place is waiting in expectation for him and Gabriel. Jonas has hope which gives him enough strength to get to a home and ask for food, warm clothes, shelter, etc. Which is on page 179-180: “Suddenly he was aware with certainty and joy that below, ahead, they were waiting for him; and that they were waiting, too, for the baby.” Secondly, Jonas experiences hope and confidence, giving Jonas the strength to sled down the hill
In the novel "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, Jonas' progression as a character is shown before Jonas receives the "memories" then following after Jonas receives the memories. In a society where feelings are required to be shared at night, "This evening he (Jonas) almost would have preferred to keep his feeling hidden. But it was, of course, against the rules." Although Jonas would prefer to keep his feelings hidden and not discuss them, he would rather not disobey the rules even if nobody would find out. The readers can infer that Jonas would prefer to follow the rules because he does not know to do different nor does Jonas know about a different life "elsewhere". After Jonas receives the memories, Jonas then has a different view of his community
Jonas has to learn more about death and pain than he already has. Death was something that wasn’t talked about in the community. The community “releases” members when they are old or if there is a set of twins or something wrong with a baby. Release is something celebrated within the community. Jonas had no idea that what release really means is to murder someone. He watches the release of a baby boy who was part of a set of twins born into the community. His father is the one performing this release because his father is a nurturer. This knowledge left Jonas devastated and in shock that his father could do something so terrible. He leaves the Giver’s and tells him that he can no longer continue receiving the memories. He takes a few days and collects himself. Fiona, his childhood friend talks him into to going back. Love is another emotion new to Jonas. He falls in love with Fiona. Falling in love is a big step that usually happens in adulthood. Another thing Jonas does that proves his progression in maturity is he decides to leave the community. When you grow up, you leave your mom and dad’s house which is how I connected this part of Jonas’ life with that of a real life
Lois Lowry displays many life lessons in her book The Giver with the main character, Jonas, going through pain which allows him to rethink the community in a different perspective. He uncovers many secrets of the community which enables him to see that there is not just now, there are the memories. One specific detail that Lois Lowry informs is with is that when there is good there will be bad in order for us to understand the topic more clearly. At the start of his training, Jonas has received memories of snow and sled but, he then received sunshine.
When Jonas and the Giver decided on their plan for escape to Elsewhere they knew that Jonas could,“ never return… It was the terrifying part" (194). This quote shows just how little the people of the Community know about Elsewhere. It also points out how reluctant Jonas was to leave the Community. Once Jonas leaves the community he faces many challenges. The most terrifying one was the planes, “when the planes came he wished that he could have received the [memories of] courage" (211). Jonas was afraid of the planes because he knew that if the planes captured him he would be killed. The planes searching for Jonas also signify how important the Receiver of Memory’s job is to the Community. Although Jonas was afraid, his fear that the Community would stay the same, was the only emotion that kept him going on his long journey to
What would you do if there was no love, no feelings, no animals, or any real parents in your community? That is how Jonas lives in his community. There have been generations of people living before him, but it hasn't always been like that. The people living in the community today do not know how the world outside there's really works. Only Jonas and the Giver understand.
The dystopian novel, The Giver by Lois Lowry was a great suspenseful book read by our class. Although Lois Lowry wrote a great novel, we will forever be mad at her. The author uses great suspense throughout the novel and then leads us into a dead end. Even though you have your own theory, the true end will never be told. Jonas is dead. At the end of The Giver, we experience a part of the book where we are forced to produce our own theory of Jonas’ fate. Jonas is dead and saw the lights and gates of heaven or in this case, “Elsewhere”. Others believe that Jonas succeeds on his journey and saw a family celebrating Christmas. The author gives us a novel that shows the life of Jonas through his struggles of being the Receiver in Training but leaves
Songs are written to evoke emotion, feelings, to be relatable. The creation of a song is an art form. It is carefully crafted to not only entertain an audience but to also evoke an emotional response. There is a variety of emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger, and so forth. Songs are not only the instruments or machines creating sound in the background, but the lyrics. The instruments reflect the tone that is set in the lyrics. In order to extract the meaning of the song, one must listen to the words. Two strongly contrasting songs are Heathens by 21 Pilots and Louis Armstrong’s What a Wonderful World. Heathens and What a Wonderful World have different backgrounds, meanings, and themes. There are some literary similarities but there are
Throughout The Giver, Jonas makes a few different choices that help change him as a person. The decision that Jonas makes to escape the town is the biggest choice that Jonas makes that helps show how he has changed throughout the story. In the beginning of The Giver, Jonas was content with his life, not knowing that he was missing out on normal human experiences, such as seeing color. The Giver, who
The impeccable community "A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots"(Marcus Garvey). The book The Giver is about a community where there are no choices and the citizens live a colorless life where everything is under control. In the novel The Giver by Lois Lowry, knowledge does have the power to change a person's opinions, dreams, and fears because Jonas experiences this through the many tasks he takes on to be the receiver of memory. Jonas knowledge gained from the giver changes his own opinions and the way he views others. "Our people made that choice, the choice to go to sameness.
If he stayed, his life was no longer worth living.’’ (Lowry 155) in this part of the story, the giver and Jonas say late to make a plan for Jonas to escape this community with Gabriel, only two people cant fight the community alone so Jonas escapes. Because the community chose sameness and to get rid of pain those who have experienced pain and emotions will
Jonas wanted to live a different life. In his journey, Jonas travels with Gabriel, the child that was being nurtured by his family. He needed to saved him from being “released”. Together they faced danger and fear but it was just the beginning of a new life in the land of Elsewhere.
Starting Today, I need to forget what’s gone, Appreciate what still remains, And look forward to what’s coming next. This quote shows how you should always look forward to what is coming next and not what already happened. This quote pertains to this story because Jonas has run away with Gabriel they have come back to their own community. In the end of “The Giver” Jonas and Gabriel circled back to their old community because memories come back to the community when the giver leaves, there was an old memory that was brought back to the community that Jonas and Gabriel came upon, and that he was selected to be the holder of memories and he has great integrity, persistence, and great attitude .
If Jonas had bad memories regarding love, he could asked the question to his parents differently, or not asked the question at all. Despite evidence supporting the theme that people should be able to express themselves any way they want, Lowry’s theme that one person should not carry all the bad memories of the community is much stronger. One day when Jonas shows up to the annex room, he sees that the Giver is in a lot of pain. “I’ll come back tomorrow, sir,” he said quickly. Then he hesitated “Unless, maybe there’s something I can do to help.” The Giver looked up at him, his face contorted with pain. “Please,” he gasped, “take some of the pain.” The Giver is burdened with carrying all of these memories, memories of many different kinds of emotions, love, anger, sadness, etc. All of these memories make him act certain ways, and can impact the way he feels or thinks. Jonas was asking questions regarding why they were the ones burdened with all of the memories