Muslims and Jews don’t eat pork, this is a religious practice that affects a person's daily life. Of course, it is not essential for anyone to eat certain foods. Catholics on the other hand are allowed to eat anything they wish, but during lent are asked to give up meat every Friday for forty days. All these religious practices and believes are constructed by these religions and have been in practice for many years. Catholics give up meat during lent because it signifies a penitential practice. Muslims and Jews are not supposed to eat pork because pork is seen as dirty. In Jewish law Moses is believed to have been given by god a list of 'clean and unclean' animals. In Rachel's book the quote provided specifically states that one should do as
Moses: Unlike other monotheistic faiths, Judaism has a food taboo, where it is against our religion to eat any form of pork. I also believe that Jesus and Muhammad were false prophets.
| Jewish do not eat pork or shellfish. Other meats must be slaughtered according to Jewish rituals (Kosher). Certain foods must not come in contact with each other. (use of separate plates/cutlery)
The Muslims were very brave people and took part in many different battles to try and outdo their opponents, so that they could overtake different lands. The Muslims proved to be fierce and would show absolutely no mercy to the people that denied to surrender their beliefs to those of the Muslims. After many battles had taken place the Muslims grew stronger, proving that their power was to strong to be taken down.
In his article "Vegetarianism and the Other Weight Problem", James Rachels argues that meat eating is immoral and it is a moral duty to be vegetarian. In order to discuss the problems and come up with his conclusions, Rachels considers two arguments for vegetarianism.
For some, the choice of Vegetarianism is decided based on religious beliefs or practices. Vegetarianism is compatible with the major world religions—the Eastern Religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism) and the Abrahamic Religions (Judaism, Islam, Christianity, and Bahá'í Faith). Among these, it is most commonly practiced by those of the Buddhist, Christian and Islamic faith. Vegetarianism within the Buddhist culture is taught along with the “Four Noble Truths,” which focus on the acts of suffering. Since the Buddhist faith accepts the idea of karma, it is believed that in order to maintain a life of peace and happiness and remain free of suffering, one must refrain from the harming, injuring or killing of any living being. As part of the Christian faith, animal cruelty is forbidden. The teachings of Jesus Christ focus on the ideas of love, compassion, mercy and acceptance. Although the question of eating meat is not directly addressed in Christian doctrine it can be implied that since animals are a creation of God and the idea of love for all of God’s creations is heavily stressed in the Christian faith, then out of Christian love on should lead a life
For example Muslim doesn’t eat pork by being aware of it we provide his food without pork and individual has his dietary needs meet.
I believe that everyone should be in control of what they want to put into their bodies and furthermore, I respect everyone’s own personal decision of eating or not eating meat and other animal products.
This led to the creation of individual communion cups that some churches agreed with while others had their point of view and decided not to take part in using them. In reality this did not have to do with germs, it had to do with social class and not wanting to drink or head behind somebody that appeared dirty. Don’t think there are only issues of purity in the United States, India or where Islam is practiced heavily have major issues of what is considered pure to eat and what is not. In the Quran it explains what should and shouldn’t be eaten. Many foods, such as pork, animals that are not slaughtered properly and anything that is bloody is considered unclean. It is forbidden for Muslims too eat this type of food because God stated that it was unhealthy to out bodies. Jews also have a set of Kosher foods or right foods that they are allowed to eat. These foods consist of beef, deer, lamb, and salmon but pork, rabbit, and shrimp are forbidden because they don’t contain the guidelines that are in the bible, for example an animal has to have fins and scales in order to be considered kosher.
According to, Muslims are the fastest growing religion in the world with a population of 1.6 billion as of 2015. Dietary laws have existed since the biblical years of the Old Testament in the books of Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy which explains the practices for Christians and Jews. The Muslims are no exception because their dietary laws are outlined in the Koran and Hadith as received and practiced by Prophet Mohammed from God. Hence, the Muslims jurisprudence is the Sharia law which is the religious law governing the members of the Islamic faith and it is a combination of both the Quran and the hadith. These laws provide guidelines on what is forbidden known as haram and foods that are permitted known as halal which means cleanliness and hygiene in food preparation However, for this practice to be effective, most Muslim countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia have a food certification program with labels to food which are halal and provides safety to the consumers Kwon and Tamang, (2015). How the food is prepared and slaughtering of animals also has to be halal and the Islamic law states that animals should be killed in a humane manner. The awareness of halal food among non-Muslims has helped with the acceptance of halal food. Also, the concept of Islamic foods in the Quran and Sunnah which will be considered halal or haram as stipulated in the
A similar conflict between the Gentiles and Jews took place during the early establishment of the Church. The Jews demanded that the Gentiles adhere to their laws as established by Moses, wherein they were forbidden from eating certain foods and required that all males be circumcised. McRay states, “During that time some men came from Jerusalem and tried to lay upon the Gentiles an even more stringent requirement than the earlier Jerusalem emissaries had done. It was no longer simply a matter of requiring the Gentiles to observe Jewish food laws in order to maintain fellowship with Jewish Christians. They were now demanding that Gentiles males be circumcised in order to be saved” (McRay, 2003, p. 127). Similar to today, these disagreements are presented to the Church Leadership conflict for resolution. In advising the leadership council of Saint Elizabeth Catholic church on how to resolve and maintain the fellowship between these believers, I will use Romans 14 as the fundamental basis for handling conflict resolutions.
Statement was translated to mean that when Christians were forced with the question of whether gentiles Christians should still practice the special Jewish food (kosher) laws or could Gentiles eat what
Finally, Jews and Christians interacted differently in their society. First, eating habits differed in both religions. Jews participate in kashrut, a diet that restricts eating any animal without cloven hooves or scales. Christians, however, don’t have any specific dietary laws to follow. Another difference is the significance of Passover, a 7-8 day Jewish holiday. During Passover, Jews celebrate the exodus out of Egypt by eating special meals, performing rituals, and praying. Christians have changed the Passover meal to a celebration of the Last Supper, or Jesus’ last meal before his crucifixion. Finally, a similarity in the Jewish and Christian society is the
Religion is another external factors influencing food habits and food culture. Different culture has different religion, different religion has different custom and food is an important part of a religion. Some religion such as Muslims, consider eating pork as a dirty food, and people should not eat them. Buddhism do not recommend members to eat meat, because they think that is cruel to kill an animal and that we should respect them so we should not eat them. Therefore, a lot of Buddhism followers are vegetarians. Hinduism followers do not eat cow because they think that cows are scarce. People who believe in a religion will follow the rules of the religion, so this will influence their food habit. Some religions do not have rules about food, but they have specific food to eat.
Life of such animal is full of pain and fear. It is a sad truth that nobody thinks about it while eating pork-chops. People often consider animals as a still matter, not living creatures.
Catholics incorporation their religion into everything since God created everything. The things one says, the things one do, and even one's thoughts are under God. Catholicism is not a once-in-a-while religion; it is everyday, 24-7 religion that a Catholic relates everything to. As every religion there are certain things that one must do in order to stay a Catholic. Everyday rituals include daily prayer, live a Christian life, and except the teaching of the church and of God. Being Catholic, one must go to mass every Sunday and holy day as part of the religion. Catholics must only eat one full meal during Ash Wednesday and sustain from meat on the Fridays during Lent which is part of the fasting and abstinence obligation of Catholicism. Lent lasts 40 days and 40 nights. They are to obey the laws of marriage in which the church carries as well as going to confession as much as needed.