It is with great concern that I come to you on behalf of Mussie Eyob, an Eritrean Christian who is being detained in Me’etr prison. In February 2011, while living in Saudi Arabia, he was arrested for the "crime" of telling Muslims about his Christian faith. Then, after his deportation to Eritrea in November of the same year, he disappeared into the vast Eritrean prison system. Mussie Eyob is not a threat to the government or to any individual since his only "crime" is his belief in the Christian faith. In spite of that, he has been imprisoned since 2011.
Another Eritrean Christian, Mussie Ezaz, a husband and father to three sons, was arrested in 2007. His family does not know when, or if, he will be released since he has never been tried or
“Everything I was dreaming of is gone.” Those are the words of Abdullah Kurdi, whose wife and two children drowned after the small boat that was supposed to take them from Turkey to the Greek island of Kos had capsized. Abdullah Kurdi was ultimately trying to get his family to a better life in Canada when it all went wrong and he lost everything. Since Alan Kurdi’s little body washed up on a Turkish beach on September 3, his photos have taken the world by storm.
Do you believe that Master Fard Muhammad is Allah in person? While Other religions say that God is not a man, so Master Fard Muhammad cannot be Allah in person, the Nation of Islam believes that Master Fard Muhammad is Allah in person. I do believe that Master Fard Muhammad is Allah in person, and most people doubt it and ask what evidence do we have to prove that, but despite what other people say I do believe that there is reasonable evidence to prove that because He had gained 10,000 followers alone in Black Bottom, Detroit, He took a man named Elijah Poole, who only had a third grade education, and taught him for three years, a knowledge that was so powerful, and He came to North America by himself to raise his father's people.
David Eggers, in Zeitoun, shows a story of a Muslim American family living through many challenges. After 9/11 Muslim families, like the Zeitouns, face many problems living in America. Eggers wants to inform other Americans on the situation of Muslim living in the United States, present day. People who are uneducated about the Muslim religion need to be informed on how similar lives are of other people all around the United States. These people throw out stereotypes and aim judgments wrongly at the Zeitoun family. Unjust treatment of the Zeitoun family is a cause of assuming and stereotypes. In this biography, Eggers helps inform his readers about
Mohammed Ali was born on January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky. He was born into a middle class family. While being born into the segregated south he showed that he was not afraid of anyone, In the ring nor out of the ring. But everything changed when someone stole his bike. He told a cop he wanted to beat up the thief. “Better Learn how to fight first” said the officer. Later on Ali Started to work with the cop who trained young boxers.
When w.w.1 and w.w.2 first broke out the position and national interest of Canada it was the protection of freedom and democracy against German tyranny fascism. For Canada`s role is that it was support and supply, but evolved into a fighting force to be reckoned with. The overall major support as almost 10 % of Canada`s population went to fight in these wars and a large work force was employed to manufacture all manner of supplies to support the war effort. In the end of the wars Canada`s military took on a role as peacekeepers. In the treaty of Versailles Canada did participate, but was barley recognized for what it had done to be respected more in that they did all the dirty work and they did not. The treaties and organizations of post-w.w.2
I had the opportunity to interview Mohammed Iman. Mohammed is a 32-year-old originally from Somalia, who moved to the United States 5 years ago, to be with his wife. Before moving to The United States, Mohammed was living and attending school in Egypt. Mohammed has lived, what he describes, a very fulling life, with an optimistic future. His story is one of love, compassion, and resilience.
When one looks to the village of Deir el-Medina one is given a few indications of every day life of Ancient Egyptians. Mainly workmen and their families occupied the village (except when Akhenaten was in power). Evidence from this village gives us insight into the economy of everyday man in ancient Egypt as well as how the workers lived. We are even given evidence of a strike. All of this cuts away the modern misconception of Egyptian workers in the guise of slaves.
At the age of sixteen, Amir Ronaghi bravely decided to come to the United States for more educational and lifestyle opportunities. Like most Iranians, this hard process included living abroad for a few years to get a VISA, for him Austria, later moving to the United States to endure many adversities before success. Despite the obstacles, Amir knows how to balance fun and hard work. For instance, every Sunday, he never fails to play soccer, additionally traveling to play on a medical soccer team. While traveling to foreign places, Amir enjoys photography, especially with his family near a beautiful or significant site. Towering at over 6 feet tall with a smile as bright as the sun, Amir Ronaghi is extremely caring and humble while inspiring others to work hard for a better future.
Born with the name Wesley Cook and now goes by the name Mumia Abu-Jamal. He adopted this name from his class of African Studies they encourage the students to take African or Arabic names and Mumia has the meaning of prince. Mumia Abu-Jamal was a African American Activist, a journalist, a radio journalist and was a member of the Black Panther Party until October 1970. Also at one point the President of Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists. Earlier on in his life he suffered from a beating by a group of racist white supremacist. Later on in 1981 he was convicted and sentence because of the murder of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner. Through a number of appeals in 2001, he was then sentenced life to imprisonment without parole. In this particular case there are way
Mondays aren’t usually the best days of the week and that was proven true in the case of Ahmed Mohammed after he brought a clock he invented to showcase to his teachers and was arrested for it being believed to be a bomb this Monday, September 13th at his high school in Irving, Texas. It earned Ahmed a planned trip to the White House, a message of support from Hillary Clinton and thousands of people all around the world, an offer to stop by Facebook to meet Mark Zuckerberg, and invitations to world renowned schools, such as, MIT.
Zuhriyah, a name that is short but has tremendous meaning. She was a homemaker who had 6 children. He was born on June 3, 1961 in Pekalongan. He was born to h. Djahri and Hj. Munifah. He was the first child of 9 children. There are two brothers who had died as a child. His brother amounted to 3 people, and his sister amounted to 6
(TW), a 12-year-old African American girl seeking counseling to help her with her feeling of anxiety and her inability to express her thoughts when upset or angry. (TW) attributes these recent problems to her academic performance in school and her disapproval of her mothers’ new relationship with a man that (TW) says drinks too much .
It’s blistering hot, as the sun beats the soul out of the barren atmosphere of deserted Djibouti. The sand awakens, as barefoot boys chase a ragged ball down the terrain. Blood pouring from his shins, a boy quickly gains control of the jagged sphere and gracefully runs toward a handmade goalpost. He begins to celebrate as the majestic parabola lands perfectly in the net. Twenty-three years later, the world’s eyes would watch on as that same boy would make history running toward something far greater: the glory of not one, but two Olympic gold medals (“Mo Farah,” Gale par. 8). Mohamed Muktar Jama Farah showed the world that through hard work and diligence, dreams can be a revolutionizing reality (Gatehouse par. 2). At a age eight, he boarded
In 1981, AHP had reached sales of more than $4 billion by producing 1,500 marketed brands in 4 different kind of business; prescription drugs, packaged drugs, food products, and housewares and households products. Moreover, AHP is known to be the largest and profitable business in prescription of drugs;
In an international legal nature, the concept of a ‘political prisoner’ still remains undefined. In most times political prisoners consist of journalists, activists and government critics that have been punished either for supporting their beliefs or for revealing a non profitable for the government truth and who find themselves helpless before the law. In few words the political leadership silences the government critics or those who are possible for creating the social riot, by imprisoning them or censoring them in order to sustain its supremacy. Amnesty International campaigns for the release of prisoners of conscience – people who have been jailed because of their political, religious or other conscientiously-held beliefs, ethnic origin, sex, color, language, national or social origin, economic status, birth, sexual orientation or other status, provided that they have neither used nor advocated violence.