
Mussolini's The Doctrines Of Fascism

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We all know that one guy who takes things a little to far. In my case, it was my best friend in 8th grade, Adam Reichsfuhrer (righ-cks-fure-er). Now, Adam was a little weird (he would often hang around the elementary school across the street giving out copies of Mussolini's The Doctrines of Fascism and other classics), but we got along fine, aside from minor power struggles and disagreements on the morality of genocide. One day, it was announced that our class would be having a go at electing a class president since we had just converted from an imperialist monarchy to a democratic republic. Now, this was an interesting scenario: the class had just gotten in big trouble for starting a massive food fight in the cafeteria, and the teacher …show more content…

He accused them of being behind a global conspiracy in which they were in control of every bank, every government, and every problem. He declared that the Allied Powers of World War One were the pawns of the Jewish conspiracy, that Germany's loss during the war was the fault of the Jewish-sympathizing monarchy, that capitalism and the markets were all Jewish creations, that communism was a Jewish plot to overthrow governments and put the Jews in power. Clearly, it was not very well thought through, and one can assume he more or less just said those things and then realized it's hard to retract a statement calling for the expulsion and abuse of a population as big as the Jewish one. Nonetheless, Hitler was now a public hero for hating Jews and promising to rebuild Germany to its former glory, global conquest and all. This didn't settle well with the Communists, who would prove to be Hitler's greatest opponent, both in Parliament, where they successfully prevented the Nazi party from holding a majority, and on the streets, where they would often show up to thwart Nazi rallies and raids. However, in January 30th of 1933, Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany, and now stood as a great threat to his Communist …show more content…

The Decree essentially criminalized opposition to the Nazi party, calling for the expulsion of all Communist parliament members, shutting down any anti-Nazi presses, and forcing the Communist Party underground. Surprisingly, Paul von Hindenburg, the great bastion of the Old Germany and dedicated opponent to Hitler and the Nazis, agreed to this and signed the act almost immediately. After this, reelections were held for all the now vacant parliament seats left by the freshly expelled KPD – the Nazis took almost every one of these seats, effectively making them an unstoppable political

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