Being able to play soccer, cheer, and dance, since I was little, has taught me different ways of leadership. Being a leader doesn't mean you're the best at everything it really just means you show good support for the people you're with. It also means to be a good example for the people around you. I cheered for 2 years, played soccer for 1 year, and have danced since I was 6. They all taught me how to show good leadership for my other peers when someone messed up or did something wrong you don't laugh at them or anything you just show them support and tell them they did good. For example, when I joined the dance team had no idea how to do what they were doing. I was nervous when I first got there they all came up to me and started talking
Leadership is being able to guide other students into being the best they can be. I am a leader who is always positive and cheering others on to achieve their goals. At my school, I have a position as the Vice President of Academics in National Honors Society. Since I have obtained this position, I encourage other students in this group to participate in service projects which is where one volunteers to help out the community in some aspect. These volunteering opportunities are good thing to do because it builds character and it is always fun helping others out. As a leader, I bring new ideas to the table on where we should help out in the community and anything that we could do in school that would fun and helpful. Along with participating in National Honors Society at my school, I am also involved in our Student Government Association. Although I do not have a leadership position in this club, I still engage in the activities that we do. For the past two years, I have gone to an annual meeting for leadership where multiple schools attend. At this meeting there are fun activities where you learn more about leadership and how to be a good leader. As a leader, these meetings help because it is always good to learn new
I have best demonstrated my leadership ability on my schools track and field team. When I first joined the team my freshman year, I never thought I would develop a leadership role on the team. As a rookie to the sport, my only focus was performing my best and having fun; developing a leadership role never crossed my mind. It was my sophomore year that I developed a sense of leadership. As I was now a returner, I now
I have been the president of my school’s Junior Civitian club for 2 years now and I was color guard caption for two years also. I have learned how to become a leader. I also went to Girl State where I learned how to become a better leader. Becoming a leader is challenging, especially in high school, when you want to do what everyone else is doing. I have learned that being a leader you should be fair and treat people as if they are your peers and not lower than you are. As a leader I am the first person their and the last person to leave. I also have made myself available to the people in Junior Civitan and the people on the color guard team. I also have an ambitious attitude, as should ever leader. I will always try to keep everyone cheerful
It is hard to get people to follow you, but an outstanding leader has no problem convincing their teammates to follow their actions. Softball, Volleyball, Basketball, Dance, Cheer and Track have all given me leadership experience. During sports you always need a leader directing you in the right direction. I have learned to fill that role by always encouraging my teammates and try to keep the environment positive. I have attended the FFA Leadership Conference twice now and I have learned to never give up and always put one hundred percent effort into everything I do. I have also paged at the Topeka Capital and in doing that I've learned to always be professional and that getting out of your comfort zone can lead to good things. Another place I feel I have been a leader in is the classroom, not only
Soccer has helped me the most with leadership; through the Kicks program as I mentioned earlier and being alternative captains in my spring leagues and this year in varsity soccer for the school. With Kicks I was in charge of many children who looked up to me as a role model, I had to teach them many footskills and other techniques. In my spring league of soccer I was one of the four captains in that league and through this leadership position I tried to be a positive and very upbeat person who encouraged her teammates. Finally for this years varsity soccer team I was given captain after one of our girls got hurt. Taking over this position put a lot of pressure on me that I was able to overcome; as I felt weird because I was not originally voted captain and didn’t think that my team would be happy. After a few games I realized that I had become comfortable with the new position and it made me work harder. As a leader I realized that my fellow team members had started to try harder if I tried harder and it meant so much to me. All of these things have helped me strongly understand leadership and why it is so important.
I have demonstrated leadership in a several different ways. During middle school, I was a member of the National Junior Honor Society. In fact, I gave up a majority of my study halls to help out the advisor. I am currently a captain of my fall sport. Because I hold this position, I help the underclassmen during games, encourage them, and resolve conflicts. In addition to that, I used to be a teacher’s assistant to a second grade religious education class. Next year, I plan to join student government and maintain leadership positions.
This has kept me out of many of the elected leadership positions in our school. However, there are many other ways that I exemplify my role as a leader. One of these ways is by being a part of athletics. I have always felt like a leader in this environment, as I have always exceeded at sports. As an underclassman, I would be the one who helped out with cleaning up, and pushed my teammates to get better. Being apart of these smaller groups allows me to feel more comfortable when leading others. I also lead the team to getting better by helping to set up practices when the coaches were not allowed to coach in the off season. This made me a better leader in everyday life as I am now a more active leader. I lead in group projects, telling people what needs to be done and when. I make sure people are on track, and do not act out. Despite not being a leader to the many, I have still been able to make a big difference by being a leader in my everyday life as an athlete and a
Leadership has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. I have always found myself taking on leadership roles, whether it be by volunteering or coordinating different projects for the benefit of my school or community. Taking on leadership positions has allowed me to develop skills in communication, delegation, and managing multiple tasks and deadlines. As a member of National Honor Society and an officer of Student Council, I am presented with various opportunities to show my leadership skills. For example, I have been in charge of planning multiple pep assemblies for my school. Helping coordinate blood and canned food drives, angel trees, as well as organize an abundance of fundraising events has created a sense of reliability
I think that if you were to ask my close friends or family, they would say that I am a natural leader and hardworking. As the captain of my lacrosse team, I am a leader on the field. In this position even though I strive to be the best I can, I find it more rewarding to watch my team succeed and improve above myself. I’m very passionate about motivating my team mates to be better and not just bossing them around. You can also find me as a leader of the Student Council at my school. Here I have been in charge of and organized countless events like the CB East’s annual Homecoming. This example also goes to show how hard working I am. I take these school events very seriously and I want every student to have a great time; I stay after school for
I have exemplified leadership in a couple different ways through out my high school career. One way of this is through leading my team members in cheerleading. I look out for my new team members, especially since they are learning a lot of new material. This can be stressful and difficult at times. I know this feeling since I was once brand new to the Mason Cheerleading Program and didn’t know any of the material. If I
To some people, leadership means to lead a group of people but in cheerleading, and to me, it is so much more. In the community, on the sidelines, and even in school, you are representing the team and the school you cheer for along with your reputation. You have to work the hardest, encourage your team, always keep the smile going and stay positive. Even at or not at practice or a sporting event you have to think of the team and how your actions will rely on the team and affect the team, everyone relies on the leader.
For me, leadership is a term I am quite familiar with. Ever since I was young I have played many sports such as tee ball and flag football to now basketball and lacrosse. Since my parents started me playing sports at such a young age, I was able to develop team skills and leadership. In life there are many ways to develop leadership, but in my opinion, nothing teaches leadership better than sports. However, besides all the great benefits of playing sports I play because it’s when Im always having the most fun.
Sports make people come close together like family,” because of the opportunity to train, try, win, or lose together.”( The Mental Benefits of Sports, Kathryn Watson, para. 8) Winning and losing as a team is very important to learn how to do. Everyone has to work as a group in something of their life and no one wants to work with a sore loser or winner. Leadership qualities can, “range from being a good character, to respecting others, to being task oriented can be accomplished in both team and individual sports,” because of that “team mindset” ability.(What Do Youth Sports Teach Our Children Really? Suzanne Pish, Michigan State University, para. 6) The “team mindset” is a key thing to strengthen leadership qualities. Leaders are what makes up teams or groups of people or student athletes. Something to improve leadership is, “encouraging and inspiring team members to attain their own personal goals and reach their potential can help you become a better leader.”(Goals to Increase Leadership Skills for Personal Development, Laura Jerpi, para.5) Also, students that are more task oriented or who have better interpersonal skills tend to be healthier than an average human being. Leadership is an significant title to be able to claim. Having the title can get people a long way in
Leadership is a personal skill that has to be developed and improved upon daily, just like an athlete works on his craft. We all come from different walks of life and that is often a factor in the way our leadership styles are shaped. Our differences of race, gender, religion, home environment, and lifestyle all have an effect on the way we are led growing up. It is a skill that is mastered over time, while never being perfected. Like anything else in life, leadership skills are often developed from who we are, where we come from and the people in our life who have taught us their knowledge.
My personal experiences of leadership started when I was younger, roughly 7 years old, I was elected the captain of my travel soccer team. At the time I didn’t think much of it, nor did I have any extra duties that I was explicitly told that I needed to perform. Later throughout the season, I started to notice my teammates mimicking my styles and techniques and I highly enjoyed this feeling of being looked up to. I didn 't realize until years after that the recognition and pride I felt was leadership. This privilege of being captain was the first time I had realized that people weren 't necessarily following my actions because I was extraordinarily skilled, but because I provided this role model status with my confidence and encouragement. Some of the most valuable leaderships traits that I acquired and fortified are: