I was struggling. That much was evident from the pile of papers that surrounded me; unfinished assignments just waiting to be completed. That being the case, there were numerous obstacles I encountered during my earlier years in high school. Between studying for tests, completing homework assignments, and balancing job/after school activities, the only thought on my mind at that time was to challenge stereotypes thrown at me. Being raised in a Mexican household, there were common misconceptions about our race of how we lacked ‘certain abilities’ and I wished to contradict their thoughts. Making my parents proud was the first accomplishment I needed to complete; showing others what I was capable of was an added bonus.
Junior year demonstrated
I have several notable accomplishments, most of them are of academics. Some of the awards/accomplishments that I can recall ever since I was in middle school are: First position on spelling contest, department award for the most Helpful student, Student of the quarter, Presidential award for educational excellence (Gold Seal), 4.0 Honor roll, Indian Classical dance, Achieve3000 state winner, department award for “Excellence in English Language Acquisition,” and Academic Excellence Lettering Award. Among all these awards and recognition, I consider Achieve3000 to be the greatest because it was a state level competition and was moderately competitive to win. In the Achieve3000 program, basically, an individual has to compete with the students
Throughout the course of freshmen year I have developed different skills and opinions on writing. I feel I have created a more mature style of writing and a better understanding of literature. I have changed my view of writing over this semester and acquired a strong liking for it. The importance of writing has become more visible throughout the past few months. Writing is crucial in many aspects of a person’s life. I have grown to be a more powerful and well built writer throughout this course.
My major accomplishments will be regarded as reaching out to the professional Hockey league. To reach out to my goal, I would have to work and train hard or I will not make it. Also that would include missing out on hanging out with my friends, going to parties, and avoiding circumstance were drinking, or drugs come in place, because both of those would end my career.
Laura Hope Laws was a hopeful and helpful young woman, and an active member of her church’s youth group. At only 14, she had a spot on her varsity soccer team; soon in her career, she broke her jaw and had been prescribed pain killers. She then became addicted to them. At 13, Laura experimented with alcohol and marijuana, but it never became a problem. After running out of her pain killers, however, Laura searched and searched for more, but then decided to turn to something more available: heroin.
With a year full of hurdles I was set to overcome, senior year did not seem like the right time for me to defeat my dragon. My introverted qualities have grown tremendously over the course of my life due to traumatic events I have been forced to face on my own. Since adolescence, I have always been known as the “quiet girl” in the room. I always took this as a compliment, until recently, when I realized I was missing out on crucial events that would help prepare me for the future. Through careful consideration, I decided that senior year would be the ideal time to slay my dragon, introversion.
Since grade 7, I have been in an academically competitive school. I was immediately thrust into an environment of intense learning. My early years were primarily of struggle. However, after a junior high of strenuous work to keep up with my academically brilliant peers, I entered high school with the confidence to challenge myself.
A College education would mean a thousand words to me. Having a college education not only, in the long run, earns me more money, it gives me something to say I accomplished in my life. When you are filling out a job application and you put that you graduated college with some kind of degree or certification that will stand out to them. I want to go into the field of Law Enforcement, And be a Florida state trooper.
I have a numerous amount of achievements through High School, Community College and now at A&M. I was an Early College High School student in Dallas County at Cedar Hill Collegiate High School. That experience helped me to earn my Associates Degree before I even got my High School diploma. While in High School I was named to the President's Honor Roll list 4 times at my Community College. I am currently awarded the Greater Texas Foundation Scholarship at A&M for my test score of 33 on the ACT as well as my Early College High School background. Thanks to being exposed to college level work at a young age, this past spring I was awarded the Dean's Honor Award for achieving a GPA of 4.0. The experience with Greater Texas Foundation has opened
I’ve been lucky enough to have experienced a tremendous amount of success and opportunity throughout my life. I had always performed well in school, I took advanced courses, I got into the private high school my mother went to, and because my parents owned a little Thai restaurant since I was four, I had an extracurricular that taught me people skills and offered me more work experience than any of my peers had. When I realized that I was exceeding the expectations of my parents and those around me, I became content with not reaching my full potential. It was until much later that I realized that adopting that mindset was where I went wrong. When my high school decided not to accept me into the National Honor Society during my junior year, I was devastated.
Over the course of my career I have had the opportunity to work for dozens of leaders that aided me in the development of my leadership style. As one would easily recognize not all leaders had a constructive impact on my career but rather provided leadership traits to avoid. One person that I have learned a considerable amount from is my father. My father instilled in me the fact that I need to work hard, complete the task at hand, dedicate time to the betterment of my people, and myself and have fun while doing all of this. Another person that introduced considerable leadership influence on me are my grandfathers. My grandfathers lived very different lives; one was a businessman, while the other was a US Army post-WWII veteran, yet they had a uniformed message. That message was continuously grow, be aggressive in studies and work, stay active, and finish what you started. Two additional influencers of leadership are CDR Michael Fredie and MCPO Darrick Dewitt. CDR Fredie is a natural leader, and lives the quote made famous by Theodore Roosevelt, “Speak Softly and carry a big stick; you will go far”. He has the uncanny ability to influence others to work harder through passion and inspiration. Whereas MCPO Dewitt is an authoritative figure that demands respect and continuously inspires his workforce to better themselves in pursuit of bettering the unit, rating, and service.
Since pre-school my teachers believed that I was going to make something of myself; that encouragement and admiration for the person who I am made me more confident. I tried out for get lit, a poetry program and made the team in high school, I was in Academic Decathlon, I was in track and field hurdles and I did cross country along with multiple clubs. To say the least, I was involved in everything because I wanted to show my capability and make my parents proud. Moreover, Counselors and teachers made those opportunities assemble due to their encouragement. I was able to explore who I was by joining clubs and learning new concepts through AP and college courses. I excelled in high school and that is all to my teachers and parents who lifted me up to reach my expectation
Most people know that Earth is the planet they live on, it’s basic knowledge. They also know that the earth has volcanoes, mountains, earthquakes, etcetera. Do they know though how these features were made? Do they know what is inside of the earth? Most likely, unless related to their job they do not. However, just because someone may not know about it, it doesn’t mean it’s not happening, and all of the earth’s layers working in harmony is definitely happening.
As a high school student, my goal was always to do my best, become involved in my school and community and become successful in high school, but also set standards for myself once I start college. There are many accomplishments in my life that I never expected of myself and have had many experiences that have made me appreciate all the opportunities I have gotten throughout high school.
What's mine is yours. Having lived a year in a student hostel I understood this phrase was the best to describe my first year student life. We shared everything: all of bright spots, all of difficult moments, all of the books and all of the cakes. My roommates are my best friends now and I trust them as I would myself. I believe amazing adventures and close friendship are waiting for us too! Also I believe, my dear roommate, you’ll get at least one new hobby living with me. I promise I’ll share to you with my frenzy for mountains. Oh, that’s really amazing! I’m a participant of the university tourist all around team(sports tourism university team member) and every weekend we get to go to incredibly picturesque places of Zailiyskiy Alatau.
The mass majority of individuals past the age of thirty seem to trivialize problems that a plethora of American youth suffer from today. Simply put, the French author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry describes it best in his book, The Little Prince, in the quote, “All grown-ups were once children…but only few of them remember it.” We are inordinately exhausted from classes and extracurricular activities that promise college appeal, we are emotionally inept from the expectations of our family’s and peers, and we are despondent from the inability to caste away anxiety filled doubt at a future that seems implausible. My greatest contribution to my school and my community is my dedication to establish compassion and comfort for an improved quality of life. The known establishment of my human gifts to my region came about from my own experiences that caused a realization that various students in my community feel outcasted by our society. By creating a persona that promotes nondiscriminatory listening while also creating three clubs that perform as a safe space, I believe my greatest attribute to my small town of Forest City will endure the hardships of time.