
My Body Was Mine, Or Someone Else? Essay

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I’ve never really questioned whether my body was mine, or someone else’s. Why would I? I’ve always firmly believed that my body was exclusively mine and mine only. Maybe that was a result of me being young, naïve, and unable to truly comprehend this bewildering concept of me having the capacity to carry and give, or take away a life that wasn’t my own. Life is a beautiful thing and being in the position where I’m able to create it is something that is still challenging for me to accept to this day. Although this much is true, I greatly oppose and do not feel an obligation to create life when it is against my intention or will. Why should anyone have control over the decisions I make concerning my body aside from, well, me?
It’s 2015 and the term abortion has somehow adapted one of the most hated, unfathomable, and negative connotations that I have ever encountered as a woman. It has drawn attention from everyone in our country, even before you and I were born, and it all comes down to this: a question of ethics – is abortion ever morally right?
Before we begin that debate, we’ll start off with a simple definition for abortion: “the intentional termination of a pregnancy that destroys or kills the embryo or fetus (Barcalow, p.223).” Not until a couple of decades ago, abortions were considered a crime. However, there was one special case where abortions were within the law – if it were necessary to save the mother’s life (Barcalow p.223). If we were truly interested in

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