There are many career paths to be taken when trying to decide what would best suit my skillset, but when you know your personality type it narrows those multitude of career paths down to what most others with your personality would be successful at in the job world. The personality I was listed as is an ESFP, people who have my personality typically go into the entertainment franchise. Seeing as how I have always wanted to be a musician and write music I have chosen my career path as a performer. I chose this path because I am at my happiest when I am writing music and it is very challenging to be successful as a performer which encourages me to keep writing so that one day I can achieve my greatest goal. That goal is to become known worldwide and create music that everyone listens to and enjoys with the same passion and love. Being a performer you have many job duties but the most important and essential are entertaining guests and interacting with them, keeping audiences alive and making sure that they enjoy every showcase of acts, and of course striking poses with customers for taking of pictures. Performers always know how to present themselves to an adoring crowd, what to say to keep them involved and wanting more. The material a performer uses for their show must be flashy and continual, to keep audiences entertained, but also relevant to the situation and be able to feel emotion from the crowd so they can provide the right response. As a performer though you may
5. The Callos Companies is an organization that is linked with various companies to provide a broad range of human resources to businesses.
The connection of personality, interests and careers would be to get a career you have to have interests in and your personality what makes the job fun and enjoyable. The personality test did help me in a way. I already had a job in mind but the test just got me thinking of more. Based on my research of my ESFJ Myers Briggs Personality type and of my Interest Indicator social type careers, I have chosen the career of an Emergency Medical Technician.
In ?The Cask of Amontillado?, Edgar Allan Poe takes us on a trip into the mind of a mad man. Poe uses certain elements to convey an emotional impact. He utilizes irony, descriptive detail of setting, and dark character traits to create the search of sinful deceit. Poe also uses first person, where the narrator is the protagonist who is deeply involved. The purpose is to get the reader to no longer be the observer. He wants them to see with Montressor?s eyes, hear with his ears, and to react as he would. There is no real violence in the modern sense of the word. However, it is more horrifying because rather than seeing it through our eyes, we feel it through words. This short story is a great
In order for me to complete this career assessment paper, I initially took an Interest Inventory survey. Upon completing this process, it revealed that my personality profile score was (I, C, A). These three letters represented my strengths and interests in determining which career field would best suit me.
History and Analysis: Hansel and Gretel The first book that Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm also referred to as the Brothers Grimm ever published in 1812 was “Kinder- und Hausmärchen” also known as “Children’s and Household Tales” it contained eighty-six stories, including such well-known tales as Rapunzel, Cinderella and Hansel and Gretel. Hansel and Gretel is an intriguing and entertaining fairy tale of Germanic origin written by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. The Brothers Grimm targeted audience centered around the middle class of the 19th century. Their fairy tale reflected the European worldview and the cultural norms of that period.
My four letter personality type based on Myers Briggs self-assessment ESTP (b) Number of percentage attributed to each letter: 4-5%(c) Career roadmap exploration The job occupation that I would select is entrepreneurship. This is an occupation that involves identifying a business opportunity and taking the necessary action to begin that business. People perform many activities in this occupation. First, people in this occupation identify business opportunity. Also, they identify market gaps that exists in the market. Nevertheless, entrepreneurs undertake financial risk in the hope of making profit. In the occupation also, people ensure that the community members are not faced with shortages. Also, entrepreneurs make use of the local resources
After sitting about in her forsaken dungeon for a while, wondering how much money she could have collected had she not betrayed Imogen—no, what she and Imogen could have been doing now. Elle’s mother was a close friend of the Leuver family; she went to highschool with Imogen’s aunt and is now an employee for Imogen’s father. It was only natural that the two girls would be friends. They would frequently visit the house but this year was different. Elle spent most of the morning hating herself and her actions but she decided she couldn’t do that anymore. She put on her white cap, buttoned up her coat fitted for the giants and put on her little, purple boots. She was going to visit Imogen.
My personality assessment was accurate, one of the careers listed was a scientist which interested me so I went and found another career that is a type of scientist but is also more interesting to me. The career I chose is a marine biologist. I have always wanted to be a marine biologists because I love the water and there is always something more out there to discover. The history of marine biology dates back all the way to 1200 BC.
Myers and Briggs created a personality test that not only will help people to figure out their personality types, but at the same time it aids in the discovery of which career pathways people should take based on their specific personality traits. Based on the personality trait INFP that was given to me from the Myer-Briggs test I have quite a few career pathways that fit my personality. Some of the career choices suited to my personality is a writer, counselor, teacher/professor, psychologist, psychiatrist, musician, or a religious worker; which seems like a pretty broad selection. Although there is a broad selection of careers that would suit my personality none of which are the career path that I have chosen; which is to become a physical therapist, but if I was not set on a goal some of these career ideas would not seem too bad. While reading the list of jobs suited for my personality I was surprised to see that psychologist was on the list because before I decided to go for physical therapy I wanted to pursue a career in that exact field. As for most of the other fields mentioned above I
I have always being curious about the future, about where I would be in ten years. Unlike many other peers that have a decided career path, I tend to be open to the possibility. I am a person with a lot of interests and I have a hard time picking and choosing. After doing the Myers-Briggs personality test, my result was ENFP- the enthusiasts and I think I can relate a lot to that. The personality test described me in the workplace as “ENFPs are well-liked in the workplace. They are able to get to know others quickly and easily, and are great team players. They work well with both introverted and extraverted individuals”.
The relationship between personality and career choice is everything. If you are a very impatint person and you don't enjoy talking to people. You most likely will not get a job as a customer service representative. Personality is a very big reason you may choose one job over the other. If you don't enjoy working with children then you will not become a teacher. If you do enjoy working with children then you probably will become a
The question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” meant so many things throughout middle childhood, adolescence, and was even relevant in adulthood. My interests varied from law, to education, and even construction for a period. It took most of my lifetime and lived experiences, up until very recently, to actually figure out, make a decision, and follow through, with my true occupational goals. This paper will examine my current career path and goals. It will investigate the results of the O*Net Interest Profiler in which I participated, and how they compare to my current occupational goals. Finally, it will discuss gained insights and further resources for future career exploration.
My career path was rerouted after the birth to my son. I was managing a 24-hour Alarm Monitoring Call Center with two years of college education in Psychology. Due to an inconsistent work schedule and difficulty locating Psychology courses that worked around my schedule, I decided to change my career path to Business Management, since I already had nearly 8 years experience in supervision and management. My mentor introduced me and made me familiar with the Dictionary of Occupational (DOT) following high school. The DOT is comprised of all occupations and job titles, salary ranges, responsibilities, and industries (Berry, 2003). As I prepared for my new journey, I evaluated my decision, researched, planned, applied for new occupations that interest me, and prepared for my new career in Management.
"The judge has made his decision, the accused has been found guilty." These are the words that one day I will finally hear. My future goal is to be a lawyer. A lawyer is a professional person authorized to practice law. They defend or prosecute people for the crimes they have committed. ( I am very out spoken and believe in fighting for what I want or think is right.