I am currently studying my first year of Childhood and Youth Studies at Coventry University, and hope to progress and study a PGCE to qualify to become a primary school teacher.
I enjoy working with children and watching them improve over time; it gives me a great feeling knowing that I helped them improve. I have previously undertaken a placement at Coundon Court Early Years nursery, with children aged from six months to five years, I worked with the children aged three to five. From my placement I gained many skills such as patience, a good sense of humour and enthusiasm. I feel that patience is necessary as working with young children can be challenging, and also because all children have their own learning pace. For example, the children aged four and five had written their name starting from right to left. On the other hand the children below this age group included the correct letters that appeared in the name, but all in the incorrect order. Teachers need to be aware of each child’s individual needs and work to help them reach full potential within their capabilities. Patience is also necessary as children are not always going to be familiar with what is being taught to them, I believe that teachers always need to be willing to see things from other people's perspectives too.
The difficulties I experienced with learning as a young child have given me empathy for others when they go through similar issues. A teacher that only recently understood something remembers
The early years framework emphasises a personal and individual approach to learning and development because valuing a child’s individuality, ideas and feelings is an important part of developing an individual approach to the learning and development. A child has universal physical needs such as food, drink and shelter and psychological needs such as love, affection, security, friendship which are essential to maintaining their quality of life. In recognising and trying to meet an individual child’s needs each child’s age, physical maturity, intellectual abilities, emotional development, social skills and past experiences and relationships need to be considered.
Understand the stages of child development- This is very important, you need to know for a number of reasons. Nursery teachers need to be able to see the child's level of ability. Abilities can differentiate at preschool age and an effective nursery teacher will meet each child level and guide them on their pathway to achievement. It is also important so they know understand the children that they are working with
Through working with 0-2 year olds it has provided me with opportunities and experience to acknowledge children’s needs by finding ways to communicate through body language. By having opportunities to extend by knowledge via different courses has allowed me to extend my knowledge. Although I have gained a
I am passionate about working in a primary school to support the education and welfare of pupils and families.
The role and responsibilities of an early year’s practitioner follow a number of codes. When working with children there are many care needs of children, such as special needs, safeguarding children, children’s learning, behaviour, and working with parents. Early years practitioners have set responsibilities when working with children, like meeting the learning needs of a child, providing an environment which is welcoming and also they have to work together as part of a team to provide good service for both children and parents.
‘Early years practitioners have a key role to play in working with parents to support their young children. This should include identifying learning needs and responding quickly to any difficulties. Wherever appropriate, practitioners should work together with professionals from other
All members of the staff must act as professionals while at work, especially with young children. The administrative and teaching staff must work together to ensure their practices are developmentally appropriate, and share new and/or creative ideas with one another. It is also the responsibility of a teacher to establish an open, trusting relationship with the parents of each children in their care. Thus, parents can freely communicate their thoughts, concerns, and/or suggestions about their child or the program. Parent satisfaction is something that every child care or development center should strive for.
As an early year practitioner, it is very important to support the child development and confidence, help them learn about how to manage their feelings and behaviour and making relationship with others.
Age of child or young person: You need to be adaptable in the way you communicate when working with children and young adults. A young child will need clear and sometimes lengthy instructions on how to do something. Whereas older children and young adults tend to grasp things quicker and you can explain things in a more mature fashion. Some younger children like to have physical contact as well, especially if they feel lonely or scared i.e. when they are upset and trying to explain to you what is wrong, an arm around them or holding their hand will give them reassurance. Children of all ages need to feel secure and feel valued in any environment and how you communicate with them should
Theories of development and frameworks to support development are incredibly important to us working with children and young people. They help us to understand children, how they react to things/situations, their behaviour and the ways they learn. Different theories and ways of working with children have come together to provide frameworks for children’s care, such as Early year’s foundation stage (EYFS) which is used within all child care settings. This encourages us to work together, help and check the development of babies, children and young people, to keep them healthy and safe. It promotes teaching and learning to
In order to be a successful early years practitioner, they should be able to demonstrate key skills, these include showing that they are patient, considerate, caring, flexible and consistent. What’s more, it is imperative that ‘every practitioner working with young children needs a sound and thorough
As a practitioner it’s your duty to observe and maintain correct procedures to ensure that the children are offered a stimulating environment which will further allow optimum possibilities for development. All those who work with or amongst children and young people have a crucial role to play in helping not only to shape aspects of their lives, but to also aid in enhancing their future development. Therefore it can be stated that how we set up our own working practices can affect children and young people’s development, as will be identified by this essay; below are areas where one should concentrate in order to further
As child practitioners we must work on our skills in communicating with children because the way we communicate with them is important not only for their communication and language development, but also the development of our relationship with them. Young children often aren't able to express their thoughts and feelings in words, or express them poorly. Because of this, it's important that child practitioners can listen carefully and help children to learn how to express themselves and also provide what they need.
It is important to observe the child carefully, closely and to listen to them in different situations to ensure that the teacher is clear about what their needs are, their strengths and difficulties. It is important to observe the
Bailey and Tatum can get upset after naps in the afternoon and working with them last year has taught me how to talk to them when they are crying and what makes them feel better. Also when they are playing they do not like to do art or easel and I have learned over the past two years how to get them to participate without crying. Sometimes they just want their parents or maybe they just need a hug from their stuffed animal while they sit on your lap. You have to teach other children how to be kind to each other by demonstrating kindness to the children and the other aids in the center. When paired up with a student that may get on my nerves I have to calm my nerves and watch my tone because if children see you talk rudely they will think it is acceptable to talk that way to people. When something happends or is said in the center that should not be I wait until we are out of the center and address it so there is not arguing