Journaling is 78% of who I am.
I began the habit when I was 15 years old. It was a result of moving into a new environment and shedding an old life. I craved a friend to share hopes and fears with, so I created one. With a notebook and pen, I created a space where a hidden me could reveal herself. My journals aren't anything extravagant. They are decorated minimalistically but are well loved. My favorites are covered with nail polish and have titles reading, ¨ I Am Being¨ and ¨Feel deeply without remorse.¨
They are filled with philosophical quotes I´ve collected from Tumblr and novels. I fill the pages with as much positivity and loved inspired notations as I can- a way to remind myself of the person I want to be and how to treat others. In an effort to preserve time, I embed souvenirs from trips and experiences in the pages. Some memories are bittersweet, like birthday cards from my estranged mother. Others are pure ecstasy like a broadway ticket from a college trip to New York City.
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My favorites are Charles Bukowski or the Persian poet Rumi because they write beautifully and share a wisdom I would like to emulate. Journalling has allowed me to hold firm to my beliefs through the chaos of high school and peer pressure. Everything written on the pages from poems to Hemingway quotes, to Coldplay lyrics, are the very extensions of who I am. They reflect someone I´m proud of and want to share with others.
Maybe most importantly, journaling has helped me become a kinder and more patient person. When I was younger, I was often angry and frustrated because I felt as if I couldn't express my feelings with the people around me. However, I began writing and received an outlet and a healing balm. Now I can understand burst of emotions and handle them with maturity and insight. Tending a journal is my method of self-expression. It´s a release of creativity that has helped mold my
She affirms that a notebook is totally neither a “factual record” diary with the aim of trying to “dutifully record a day’s events” nor an “instinct for reality. A private notebook is something more than that. The notebook may possess its own mystery, and the author
Reading and Writing Throughout my life reading and writing have impacted my life in many different ways. It has helped me express myself. Reading and writing have never been my strongest subjects; however, if I find a book that spikes my interest, I would never put it down. Those books are the ones that have impacted my life so much and how I think about life.
C. Wright Mills suggest recordings of thoughts, ideas, feelings, random conversations, and what you overhear in a file or journal is used for self-reflection. In addition, he states, the process of documenting your thoughts and ideas lays the ground work for what he calls, “systematic reflection.” The file created, is a space you can record what you do personally and professional, they are coupled producing an interesting topic for research. Keeping a journal keeps your inner being alert, giving you the power of expression. The powers of expression and the discipline of controlled expression improve writing skills. Mills suggests rearranging thoughts to make cross references, igniting your imagination. The article implies, the most important part about keeping a journal is, “the maintenance of such a file is intellectual production.
I’ve also read that journaling, as an added bonus, can improve your health; I could certainly benefit from that. Apparently, studies have shown that people who write about their feelings whether good ones or even bad can experience less stress and even increase stronger immune systems. We all know how keeping it all bottled up inside can be a recipe for disaster. Who knew journaling could increase wellbeing and
Since the day one of my best friends left for basic training for the military, I have written him a whole bunch of letters. I enjoyed doing this because not only was it the only way to communicate with him, but it was somewhere I could write down my feelings. Having the opportunity to let things off my chest by writing has probably changed my life. I don’t say that lightly because there have been instances where I felt like I was hopeless and having the chance to
Improving the habit to write more- writing in a journal everyday helps me improve as a writer and allows me to practice and as it becomes a daily habit for me my skills will vastly improve and writing will become much easier and better for me.
I have never been one to use a journal, nor have I ever been one to write down notes. The whole process of integrating journals into our class seemed a little off putting to me at first, however, after using it to annotate class discussions, articles, thoughts, and opinions, I quickly learned how helpful it was to me. The importance of taking notes was much greater than I ever imagined. Journaling has been a very helpful tool that has helped me grow in my learning experience, and I plan to use it more often.
The reason the subject of my 100th post is about journals is because they have been a part of me since the age of three. As a toddler Spanish was my primary language and I was just beginning to speak English. Yet this new language birthed a new person entirely and my entire world changed. Reading and Writing had opened an entire new universe of imagination and creating. From that day forward a notebook would be within my hands and I would be writing.
Writing became a way for me to express other feelings throughout my young years, but I always ended up writing in notebooks about how I was lonely and felt that I was the source of everything wrong in my life.
Fourth, I’m quite hot-tempered so whenever I do not feel good, I write what I felt there and no one knows. In my opinion, I think having a journal like that is a good way to calm myself because I can put all my anger there and think clearer about the situation before doing something I might regret later. Besides, sometimes when I reread my journal, I can see how hot-tempered I was and I will try to think of a different solutions for that problem.
I've kept a diary since I was young, so keeping a spiritual journal isn't new to me. The only difference between my diary when I was young and my spiritual journal today is the idea of writing not for myself alone but for God. My spiritual journal focuses more on my journey with God. I keep
Writing has always played a huge role in my life. I’ve been reading writing for as long as I can remember as I have an immense love of reading. This love would grow into a love for writing as well; I still stumble upon journals and writings from my five-year-old self about the happenings in my kindergarten class. As time would go on I would discover academic writing, and how to convey my thoughts on what was the topic of student that particular year or semester in my schooling. Later, writing would become a constant for me, and a comfort; I was known to my friends as always having a journal, and a pen on my person. I learned to write down my feelings and my thoughts, song lyrics that were in my head, reflections for the day. I learned how
Coming home from a repetitive, colorless, and lifeless day at school, the one thing that would bring me expressive release was my little blue notebook. My exotic colored pens would hit the paper and I could have sat there filling those college-ruled lines for hours. I would write whatever came to mind: the monotonous routine at school, the girl who sprained her ankle at practice, or my dreams of becoming an Olympic-level figure skater. Images of my future-self as a skater twirled from my mind, around the room, and right onto the page. For my introverted young mind, the notebook was a place where I could vent, dream, and unveil secrets that I would have never been inclined to share. My twelve year old mind was not yet tired from the labors
"An old adage says that thoughts disentangle themselves when passed through the lips and across the fingertips" (Whitney 260). Thoughts clutter up our minds and need a release; for some, this is journaling. Journaling can be defined as a practice in which one writes out a variety of things. It isn 't confined to one specific thing. It can range from daily events and struggles, to poetry, to Bible verses. They hold a purpose in some time and place, though some may prefer one over another. Journaling has been noted throughout the ages as being beneficial in many lives and providing a source of hope for many, even in the most difficult times, though some others may find it harmful.
reason why a diary is so special is because it is most often used for one’s self,