
My Conference With Professor Angeline

Better Essays

Conference Summary: My conference with professor Angeline helped me expand upon my topic so that I had a substantial amount of content to talk about for the whole semester. During our time, we talked about other pressing issues at my job apart from the need for an updated payroll system. After much thought, and through talking it out, I realized that the whole training/orientation process for new interns or employees could use some vast improvements. I explained how I applied for one position, however, got thrown into another position due to the departure of a key employee. While very grateful for the extra opportunity to gain new skills, I found the process frustrating because I was not completely sure I was doing the job properly. A better training, or crossover training, would have helped with this discomfort. Even within the original position, I applied for, I found that the lack of formal training left a lot of answered questions and caused pure confusion. Professor Angeline suggested I read the article “15 Best Internship Practices” in order to get a better understanding of what I should look for as an intern to improve in my current work environment. I found that the first three bullet points were spot on with the issues I am currently facing. This helped me develop a better description of the issue I want to present for the topic memo and how to solve it. Describe Before the conference call, I was

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