I have contributed to my community through my organization, Alpha Phi Omega. This is a student run organization that does various service events in the surrounding area. Two events that really stood out to me were giving away trees and volunteering at soup kitchens. The giving away trees event was happening in a town where they are building a solar panel. Instead of cutting down the trees, they dug them out by the roots and I helped give them away to be replanted. The trees were very large and we had to work as a team to get them onto the trucks. When everyone starting lifting at different heights, it wasn't working very well. Without team work, any dental practice will not thrive, being able to work well with others and communicate effectively
The acts of community service I have participated in FBLA has taught and strengthen my belief that charity is the most important gestures any person can due to have a beneficial impact in the world; is to help a person in need. For instances, our organization has collected Christmas gifts for underprivileged children in the Henry County community each year and the act of giving a child without access to toys for the holidays something as simple as a toy car has brought the greatest
The most significant contribution that I have made to Alpha Phi thus far was my work on Phi Chapter's 2017 Red Dress Gala. Psi Chapter raised over $35,000 for The Alpha Phi Foundation, and it is an incredible feeling knowing I had a part in this fundraising. From April-September 30th (the day of the event) I worked with the Vice President of Marketing, the Red Dress Gala Chair, and each of my other sisters on the Red Dress Gala team. We worked to secure donations, sponsors, created decorations for the events, ensured sisters had their silent auction baskets done in time, and worked the day of the event to make sure everything went smoothly. My job was focused on the live auction and thanking donors and sponsors after the event. I worked all
Throughout my senior year, I was captain of the cheer team and the basketball team. I really enjoyed leading them through the challenges and the successful times. Also, every other Friday I travel to our elementary school with some of my fellow classmates, and help the teachers and students out with any necessary tasks. We work one on one with the students, and sometimes we just listen to them read and pronounce words correctly. I think that I serve my community with great effort.
I volunteered at the Gonzales City volleyball clinic where I assisted the head coach by helping the young volleyball players learn how to set, serve, hit, and bump. I did this three times a week for three hours each day. The clinic consisted of children from ages 7-14 and each age group went in at different times. Also, I did community service at my local St. Theodore Church by helping in the jumping house at the church carnival. For the past four seasons I helped fundraise at the high school football games by selling food at the stadium snack bar. In every home football game I would stay for more than half of the game in the snack
In tenth grade, my English teacher posed the class with a question: what are you going to do for your community? She emphasized the importance of making a positive impact, even if it meant simply smiling as you hold the door open for someone. She prompted us to go out of our comfort zone and do something for our community. While I had been volunteering at Church and at school, I had never really taken a step out of my comfort zone. Instead of just helping out in, say, a soup kitchen, I decided that it was time
On my journey to Eagle Scout, I assisted my fellow scouts in many construction and environmental community projects. Together we cleared areas of the Mississippi Sandhill Crane Refuge, built a greenhouse for an elementary school, and an outdoor sanctuary for a local church. As well, I have participated every year in the annual Coastal Cleanup. For my own Eagle Project I lead a group of scout and adult volunteers to paint the exterior fascia, walls, and railings of my own church. I also volunteer at my church by helping with the younger children. I would say that community service has shaped the person I have become and has helped me grow in more ways than one.
When we went to the community clean up we had to clean a dog park. One school cleared and painted on the parking lot. While our group conformed to yard work by the dog park. The work may have not seemed important but it was. I believe the way we take care of our community is another way we show how we treat our neighbors and friends. We were working together, laughing, listening to music, and play at the park when we were done. In fact it wasn't that hard with a barren area but near the end we were deprived of water. I'm not sure if its plausible we made much of a difference but it did make difference between the freshmen and sophomores
I am apart of an organization through called the National Honors Society which is all about helping people through volunteer. I have been apart of this organization for three years now and we do things from taking elderly to the lake for the day, volunteer to help at benefits, raise money for cancer patients, and help out at our local fair selling burgers. These events have taught me not
In regard to community, I have volunteered for my clubs, DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America), BPA (Business Professionals of America), NTHS (National Technical Honor Society), Cross Country and others. From helping the club itself to representing the club through charitable acts, such as making christmas a little better for military families, or helping at assisted living centers. My parents taught me at a young age how to be a considerate
I do many small things to improve my community. Things such as picking up trash when I see it in public, volunteering monthly to help supervise my younger brothers class, or donating clothes seasonal to homeless shelters. Something I am proud of is that every year on Thanksgiving and during Christmas time, my family and I volunteer at the Downtown Los Angeles homeless shelters helping feeding the less
As a student as Western, I have been given many opportunities to get involved with the community. First, I was a mentor for Compass to Campus and went to help volunteer at a high school every week for a quarter. While mentoring, I was able to tutor students and talk about my experience in college with the students I was working with. Next, I have volunteered many times on campus to work at craft fairs. This has been nice because I have been able to work with elementary age students and I want to be an elementary school teacher! I love volunteering any chance I can to give back to the local community, especially when it involves my passion
I volunteered in the community mostly through our soccer teams. From Freshmen year to Senior year I have helped out with our Modified soccer teams. I helped coach with Travis Antilla, Adam Soke, and Dillon Nugent. The players all respected me because I was an older player and on the varsity team. I feel I really assisted in spreading the soccer culture to players and teaching them more about the game. I was doing little things to push them such as, always running, cleaning up after practice, and practicing even more afterwards. The importance of this was that, the kids who saw me doing the “harder work” realized that they could do it as well. Andrew Belcher, one
Another reason that I have helped with the community is during the cold winters we have here in Ohio, I shovel people's driveways, sidewalks, and porches. I have done these things without even asking and I did it just because I felt like it. I did another favor for my neighbors by also doing their whole driveway. I even did a lady that lives across the street from me because I felt like being nice and productive. this is another reason how and why I helped with the community
I participated in my schools Beautification Project by cleaning up the school grounds and surrounding area. I pulled weeds, planted flowers, laid mulch, picked up trash and painted. This was important to me because it allowed me to give back to the area I both live and attend school. I have baked and distributed cookies to families at the Ronald Me Donald House. I have also prepared snack packs for families at the Ronald Me Donald House- prepared bags with pudding cups cheese crackers, chips, granola bars and muffins. These were provided to families so that they could have access to a snack while at the hospital with their child. I have sort/packed food at the Mid-Ohio Food Bank, volunteered as a community meal server and donate blood regularly. I also assisted with coordinating the blood drive at my
Helping the community is a big part in how our world grows and improves every day.