
My Critical Reading Strategies

Decent Essays

Throughout the semester I have felt like I have not met with course goals, even though I have felt like I have not complied with most of the goals in the class, one of the strategies I think I have developed extremely well is annotating. One of the class goals is to understand critical reading strategies to fully engage with a text, and this is something that this class has prepared me for the most. My performance in this class has been very low, but even if I have not done what has been necessary, I believe that this class has helped me to enhance my critical thinking skills, by reading and annotating weekly. Annotation has played a tremendous role in our class, as we use it weekly when we are analyzing a reading of the class. The first two essays were based of on the readings of the class, which truly helped to find the messages of the articles. I met this course goal by always actively reading, when it came to summarizing a reading I would always annotate the text in order for me to fully understand what was going on in the reading. One of the first essays I wrote shows how …show more content…

Another strategy I have had a major strength in would be visualization. While reading most of the articles I would visualize what has been occurring throughout the readings to help me understand fully what has been happening. Same way as I had mastered the annotating strategy I have been able to adapt to visualization by reading and creating summaries of the texts I have been reading. The most long and intense readings has been able to put this strategy to work. Sometimes it is difficult to visualize what is going on in the text because you might not understand what is going on the passage but annotating really helps to understand the readings, and then when you have an idea of what the message is then you can visualize what is going on in the

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