In my Critical Thinking class I learned of many ways to think and view the world. This course gave me a better understanding of my mind as well as the minds of my peers. I have developed plenty abilities in critical thinking but only three are important. They are the abilities to think critically, the ability to see from more than one perception, and the ability to think for myself. Being able to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe in is the a critical way to think. I am able to able to engage in reflective and independent thinking. Therefore I can understand the logical connections between ideas. This is important because critical thinking can result in high academic and professional thinking. Focusing on proof
My name is Alexis Batiste, but most people call me “Lexi”. I am currently a Junior at Cal Poly Pomona. I reside in Long Beach California, but during the school year I have an apartment in Pomona. I am pursing a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology. After graduation, my plans are to attend Loma Linda University to earn a graduate degree. I would love to become a specialist in sports medicine as well, but for now my dream is to work with young athletes. I want to help them exercise and treat any injuries that they encounter while playing a sport. I want to help my patients live a healthy life by helping them stay fit.
As a student, I am constantly having to view my studies with objectivity, analyze and evaluate a given task using critical thinking, and come up with a solution. Effective communication is one area I need to improve on. Since I have been a stay-at-home mom for the last 13 years, I have had limited experience with business and professional dialogue, and therefore, I am out of practice professionally communicating with
As Paul and Elder point out, critical thinking is self-guided and self-disciplined thinking that assists us in reasoning in a fairminded way (FOCT, 2017). It allows us as humans to live a conscious and consistent life where rationality, reasonability and empathy and present when faced with problems. While I am actively learning how to become a better critical thinker, I have learned that the first step to successfully think critically, I needed to diminish my power to think egocentric. In my professional life, I find myself evaluating situations with more clarity and looking more closely for factual content in order to base my decisions with more
Although, critical thinking is a part of each individual daily life. A large majority of human resources professionals states that one of the most important skills that their employees would need to develop within the last five years is critical thinking. More importantly, critical thinking ranked higher than other desirable skill sets such as information technology.
I redefined the way I saw the world; I was no longer naïve to its evils. I questioned and analyze everything, to my emotions, my actions, even the way I perceive people. It opened my eyes and the bubble in which I lived in seemed to burst. I would imagine if critical thinking was neglected, I wouldn’t necessarily be the person I am today, nor would many of the great philosophers we are learning about. Critical thinking challenges the individual to think “outside the box”, to read between the lines and find truth. Also, giving us all the opportunity to interpret and evaluate ourselves, situations, and the world we live
Critical thinking is a vital task that must be done in our everyday lives. In “Becoming a Critic Of Your Thinking” found at, Dr. Linda Elder and Dr. Richard Paul explain critical thinking as “the disciplined art of ensuring that you use the best thinking you are capable of in any set of circumstances”. Even tough there are many different types of methods to achieve a better quality of critical thinking, Dr. Elder and Dr. Paul discuss four specific ones in the article. All strategies, however, force you to put yourself in an uncomfortable and difficult position to develop a better quality of thinking.
Thinking, feeling, and wanting helping are tools we can use in critical thinking. I believe thinking was the most important tool for me, using our cognitive skills, which requires one to identify, analyze and to evaluate argument and truth claim, would help our society to become better critical thinker.
Week 5 what a journey through this critical thinking class. I have learned so much and how to apply the what I have learned to situations in my life whether it is personal or professional. The 5-step process I think for me was the best of all realizing that there is a method in problem solving. It will work even it the solution is not in your favor all the time. Ms. Sessmons I am happy that you made me dig deeper in my thought process to actual think about things before just writing them done. This also made me look at the way that I answer questions, cause me to be slow to speak listen to the entire situation then apply the correct concept before just giving an anwser. I would highly recommend this class to everybody it is
In order to understand critical thinking better, you must first be aware of the process. There are three steps, or strategies, to the critical thinking process which are quite lengthy. They include “checking your attitude, checking for
My strongest dimensions of the critical thinking are open-mindedness, perseverance and information seeking. My weakest are intellectual integrity, intuition and analyzing. I think this because these areas needs to be improved. I believe I am deficient in these areas because I lack insight and experience.
Critical thinking takes consistent behavior in asking the right questions about the subject. In my life, I have come across people who ask many questions and some people who “go with the flow” and believe everything they hear because it is spoken with some sort of authority. Assumptions can be damaging to relationships and without critical thinking and communication, our thought process can assume the wrong idea entirely. When I speak with someone who is a critical thinker, they can be so convincing that it is often challenging to decide what the correct conclusions are. To have inferences is to reach a conclusion on the basis of evidence and reasoning through critical thinking and asking the right questions.
The reason to enroll in the Critical Thinking class was to the fulfill requirements for an Associates Degree to transfer to a university. I thought the class was just reading and in class writing. As the professor explained the syllabus I started to feel a little overwhelmed with all the reading, essays and homework. Writing in the second person was hard to adjust too due to the only writing done was in an office for the past twenty years. Receiving low grades pushed me to find help starting with the writing center on campus, friends to help proofread my essays and online grammar editing services.
According to Supon, one of the fundamental purposes of teaching critical thinking is to enhance the abilities of students to become critical thinkers. Corporate leaders, educational researchers, employers, and parents have continually pushed teachers to assist their students in the development of critical thinking ability. Critical thinking is a skill that ?involved not only knowledge of content by also concept formation and analysis, reasoning and drawing conclusions, recognizing and avoiding contradiction, and other essential cognitive activities? (Supon, 1998).
In the article “Critical Thinking: What Is It and Why It Counts” written by Peter A. Facione goes in depth on the topic of critical thinking, and reasons why it can be a beneficial in our everyday lives. Although one may think, “What does critical thinking have to do with my life?” the answer is simple. Critical thinking is thinking that has a purpose, liking proving a point, or an interpretation of an idea or thought, and solving problems. Now, all successful critical thinkers have these six abilities at the core for thinking skills: interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, explanation, and self-regulation. The first three skills usually try to identify, and comprehend the issue or idea at hand. The next three make a conclusion,
I need to understand the aspects of critical thinking, and how to apply it. Being able to question who, what, where, when, why and how is just the beginning. Taking the answers to these questions and learning how to applying them towards the improvement of business or product is the harder part. For some change is a hard thing to accept. The problem of implementing a change is often more human than technical. How to install changes and have the changes accepted is a skill I need to improve upon.