
My Day In My Life

Satisfactory Essays

I stared at the mirror on the wall, just a normal everyday, nothing different from the last, except maybe the food I may eat today. One day slow blurs into the next in my mind, the bullies, the pills, homework, dinner, shower, sleep and repeat. I turned around and opened the bathroom door, and padded down the hallway to the kitchen. Sorry Sweetie, I had to leave early for work, there is cereal in the cabinet. Love Mom. She almost always gone, being the CFO of a major company does that too you though. I'm always awake after she leaves, and asleep by the time she gets home. She doesn't know what goes on in my life, as far as she knows I have amazing friends, and a lot of them. I'm on a sports team, and I get good grades. Only one of the three things are true. My grade are Amazing. She once talked about making my game, thankful she called me after school ended saying she wouldn't be able to make it. I grabbed out a granola bar, and poured a cup of apple juice before heading back to my room, to finish getting ready for my day at school. I let out a smile sigh as I looked at my mirror one more time before turning and heading outside. I locked the door behind me and walked to my bus stop. I waited silently trying to calm my racing heart, I didn't want to face them today, I couldn't do it. I had to go though, I skipped one time, and my mother found out, and she wrung my ass dry for 3 hours straight. Talking about how I wasn't going to make it in

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