
My Dream Is A Place Of Spirituality And Emotional Expression

Decent Essays

Me: “If this were my dream, a church is a place of spirituality and emotional expression. A classroom is a place of learning and objective sharing of information. I went to school long ago when I was young and more optimistic the years have made me more cynical. I am rushed and unsure of what is going on in my life. I am late to class and no seems to care because I no longer in that phase of my life, I have moved on. I am now employed in Las Angeles and no longer go to school. The pressures in my life have changed from educational to occupational. I am now working, no longer in school, but I still feel like the frustration of not knowing where I am going in life. The dream represents the journey from youth and school to maturity and responsibility”. This for me was the most difficult aspect of dream work. I found this stage of the process to be stressful and demanding. At first my mind locked up and I could not think of anything. I think my problem was I tried too hard to offer meanings that would resonate with the dreamer. Once I relaxed and let the meanings flow without judgement the process became easier. Stage 3A: Back to the Dreamer. The dream is returned to the dreamer who is invited to offer her thoughts to the group (Ullman, 2006). The dreamer will choose to respond (or not) to the group in any manners, she wishes, and makes whatever comments she chooses (Sturzenacker, G., 2008). The role of the group at this point is to listen to the dreamer. It is important

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