My earliest memory is from the one day when my ordinary life had collapsed. Out of all of our memory, majority of people would remember their most peaceful memory from their childhood. I may have probably be one of them, if I did not experienced such a horrifying moment as a age of four. I remember each part of the scene vividly and it is probably the memory that had a strongest impact on me for the rest of my life.
My earliest memory was when I was four years old in my small apartment in Maryland. It was an ordinary day until I saw my parents taken somewhere far away that I had no clue of.
The day started off normally, I woke up at my bed feeling the bright warm sunlight on my face. As I get off of my bed and looked out of the window,
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I spent my day peacefully in school learning new information and just talking with my friends. After school, I was walking back to my home alone. I remember the neighbour family in the morning, I picked up some dandelions from the roadside to show my family. I took it back carefully as possible as I can back home so the white fluff on the dandelion wouldn't blow away. When I finally arrived in front of my house, I saw my mother sitting in front of the entrance door with her face down on to her knee. When she looked up and found me in front of her, her face looked nothing like what I used to recognize her or what I would except a mother to look like in front of her child. She looked terribly tired and frightened as if she was chased by a murderer. Then, she demanded me to open the door grabbing my shoulders hardly. For a moment, I couldn't move nor say anything. I was frightened of how she looked at me, I abandoned the option of saying no to her and so I did what she asked. I knocked on the door as usually I would and shouted at the door “Dad, I'm back home!”. Then the door opened slowly, at a glance I saw some pieces of glass and knife on the floor and my father with his face completely red. I was confused of what was happening at the room. Then my mother broke into the house and slammed the door hard. The door was closed again in front of
I remember occupying myself. And I remember doing my studies by myself. During that, I didn't know what was happening, and I still don't know everything. I remember going to summer camp, being dropped off by a man I didn't know. It was boring anticlimactic, and again, I was alone.
I don 't remember much about my early childhood but some things like places and things that happened to me still stick with me in my
Everyone has their first memory when they have to enter the adult world, mine just happened to be my junior year of high school. This year was just a little glimpse of what was going to be the rest of my life. Getting my first job was bitter sweet. I had to learn how to manage my time between school, sports, and now a job. After my first week of school I had to start my new job.
The second memory is from when Dad came to visit me when I was in college during my semester abroad in Scotland. He came with my step-mom and sister but on one day just he and I took the bus into Edinburgh.
I couldn’t bare the idea of losing her. I tiptoed downstairs as silently as possible while frantically scanning the house. I spotted light coming from under the kitchen door which had been left ajar. Hearing hushed screams, I made my way towards it. It sounded like my mother so I peaked inside only to see my father menacingly towering over the kitchen counter and my mother on the other side. I was frozen and just kept looking at them. I shouldn’t have because when I looked closer I saw the hatred in each other’s eyes and something I thought I would never see in my mother’s reddened eyes … tears. My dad’s fists were tightened to the point where his knuckles where white and his face was hard while he spat every single word with venom. I don’t know how my mother managed, but she met his glare and kept her stance while looking equally mad. I couldn’t hear what they where saying at that time because I was so surprised. This scene, I can never unsee. I can’t tell how much time I stayed there watching them, but I deduced that what seemed to be like forever was maybe a few minutes. Thankfully they were so engrossed in their conversation, that they didn’t notice
My father said “Samuel, you awake?”, I thought the best option was to not reply so I can insinuate that I was sound asleep. But then he did it repeatedly with the knocks getting louder and louder like gunshots, the best option was to reply in a tired tone so I would not make him worried and think something tragic happened if I was not replying. He told me “Samuel get ready we’re leaving in about an hour and a half”. He said it in such a joyful tone since we were going to get grandma. I started to feel regret in my decision, I would feel terrible if he knew I was going to delay us going on the plane flight. But then I remembered the whole reason I was doing this in the first place, my fear took over me and that feeling of regret went away in a flash. I told my dad “I'M NOT GOING!” I must have woken up every living member of that house because one of my Spiderman action figures fell off the shelf when I made that proclamation. My dad sounded so angry when I spoke those words, his footsteps were loud walking to his room. All i could hear is my dad shuffling through his things and stuff falling, he ran towards my room yelling “WHERE IS THE KEY!”. I was scared of my father at that point, i had the key in my hand but i was shaking so much that i dropped the key and i could tell that my father knew I had it in my possession. He started yelling at me through the door telling me that this flight was very
I walked outside the next morning feeling great. The bright vibrant sun shone on the freshly mowed grass. I loaded into my sister's car and we went off to school. The day passed extremely rapid,
I remember feeling scared and running after my mother to go back home with her. I could relate to both. My mom did not cry when she dropped me off on my first day of school. In fact she ran out without saying good bye. I think this is why I remember this day so well. No I do not have memories of after school child care. I had a big family so I stayed at home with my mother before going to school. I think orientation beforehand would have made my first day better.I also sucked my thumb till 12 years old. I used it to comfort myself when I felt unsecure of my surroundings.
I woke up hoping to see my mom in the kitchen. Instead, in the kitchen I saw my dad and brother at the table. I was so worried that something bad had happened. So, I asked, “ Where is mom?” My dad said, “ She is at the hospital”. Now I was extremely shocked, it felt as if I was just shot in the stomach. All of my thoughts are rolling around in my head,, “ What could she have done, why, how?”
I am walking into my house from school everything seems normal. I started to look for my parents. I did not know why I am, and there is no desire I wanted or no question I needed answered at the moment. I called out their names, but not a single sound came out. When my parents were nowhere to be found my heart started to race out of control. I quickly ran to my parent's room only to be frozen in shock. My body became lifeless as I looked at a horrible sight. I felt a tear roll down my face as I stared down at my father lifeless body. The stink of blood filled the room. The walls stained with a black substance that smelled like charcoal. I could feel another presence there, but nothing is seen, I slowly quickly went to my father lifeless body.
She said she needed to talk to my dad about something and that i should go inside for now. I knew something was wrong but at that time it didn’t add up to be this scenario. I watched it through the blurry kitchen window like a movie scene, my mom broke the news to my father and the tears streamed down his face. I automatically knew what was happening and to this day i don't remember how but i guess i had put the clues together before my father had or he cared for my mother more than she thought he had. After a while my father opened the door and said that my mother had something to tell me, i began sobbing and he kept asking “why are you crying? Cheyanna what are you crying for?” He hadn’t yet known that i knew what was happening and i didn’t want to accept the truth. We walked outside into what should’ve been a perfect summer day with the blue sky peeking through the trees as the wind rustled the leaves. My mother told me she was leaving my dad, she gave me no reason and i don’t recall her even crying or showing sympathy for
I don’t really know what my first memory is, but I do know that one of my earliest memories is me, along with my mom, my cousins, my aunts and uncles, crossing a stream in Pauwegaude. Pauwegaude is the village where my dad grew up. It’s where my dad learned to do homework using candle light. It’s where my dad’s family had lived for eighty years in a mud home, it’s where that mud home still stands today.
Throughout this paper I will be writing about my life, starting from my very first memory and ending with my life as it is now. Since I was brought into this world I had an older sister who is two and a half years older than I am. My parents said right away that my sister was so excited to have me in her life that she did not care that she was no longer the center of my parent’s attention. She acted as if I was her baby. When I was just starting out, as a toddler was the time that I started to develop my first memories, which are not all good. Lets start from the beginning, my first memory that I have of myself would be from when I was almost two years old. In this memory I was attending my papas funeral. I remember that there was the colour red everywhere, all over the walls and even on the seats. It was his favourite colour according to what my parents tell me. From this memory I also remember my parents walking me up to him during his wake and allowing my older sister and I to put a photo of us into his shirt pocket so we would always be with him. After this memory, my next one occurs when I am around the age of two as well. I remember being in my families first home sitting in our kitchen with my mom, on her lap wrapped in my little mermaid blanket, drinking a little bit of tea with her while we watched my older sister catch the bus to go to school. This is still one of my favourite memories because I truly fell that this helped shaped the person I am today. I also
It was the first Sunday of December morning when my father asked me to take some boxes to the basement, I had never been down there, as a kid I always thought it was scary, but know as a 19-year-old guy, how could I say no. I went downstairs with a couple of boxes, but could not find any place to put them. The area was a mess, so I decided that I would organize every box that was there. While I was organizing, I notice this one box hidden in the back, so, I decided to open it. Inside the box, there was a newspaper and a couple of burnt pictures. Therefore, I decided to read the article, I could not understand much, it was an 18 years old newspaper, but it talked about a burning house with two twin babies, It said that one had been saved with no harm while the other one was rescued later on with severe burn mark. It was a miracle that other baby had survived, they called him miracle Carlos, and his brother Richard. I stood there for a second before my brain processed
It was May 17th, 2011, it was a normal school day when my brother and I were told that my mom called to say that she was picking us up early. I was anxious, wondering why we were going home early and breaking our usual routine. When my mom came to get us, the first thing that I noticed was that she didn’t greet us with her usual smile. I was 9 years old, very observant, but not able to sense what was to come. We got into the car, when I asked my mom where we were going hoping