Eli: (H) Are you strong enough to push your body to the limit and not give up?(B) That is what it takes to survive.(T) In the stories Most Dangerous Game, Trapped, and My escape from North Korea all three main characters had three characteristics that helped them survive. Those three characteristics are resilience, determination, and intelligence. There is no way that these characters would have been able to survive without these characteristics. Eli: (T) To begin with, the survival characteristic that Rainsford showed the most was resilience. On pg. 7 Rainsford was leaning over the rail of the ship and looking for something as his pipe struck a rope and fell out of his mouth. Rainsford lunging for his pipe lost …show more content…
Aron Ralston from the article "Trapped" was determined to survived. Aron Ralston was rock climbing in Blue John Canyon when a heavy bolder fell and pinned his arm against the canyon wall. Aron was stuck under this bolder for 127 hours. That is five days stuck under a rock with out food, water, and the rock cutting the circulation off of your hand. Aron was determined to get out of there because after 5 days of sitting there he cut his own arm off. You need to be determined to be a survivor. Sean: (T) Lastly, in "My Escape from North Korea", Lee also shows those 3 characteristics of being a survivor. (E) For example, "But I managed to control all the emotions inside me, and answer the questions." (Lee Page 2) (A) Lee stays calm while being interrogated by the police and answers the questions calmly which led the police to believe that it was a false report. Another example, "But I had to spend almost all my money to bribe the border guards in Laos." Lee is resilient and determined to get her and her family out of the country so she sacrifices almost all her money to get the border guards in Laos to let them through to get them one more step closer to freedom. The three survival characteristics Lee possesses, especially determination and resilience, allowed Lee to push through the harsh conditions and obstacles and to make the sacrifices Lee makes for her family to give
One piece of text evidence is “Louie groped for the patching kit, and as Phil and Mac pumped and fought sharks, he began the laborious task of gluing patches on the bullet holes” (p.122). This quote resembles the character trait resilient because Louie and the other two people are acting quickly and recovering from a difficult situation rather than just waiting for the raft to deflate all the way. A second statement from the text is “At last, on the third day without water, down came rain.... They had to find a way to save the water. The water tins, opened to the downpour, caught virtually nothing.....spread fabric into bowls, and let the rain pool, sucking it up and spitting it in the cans” (p. 112). This quote models the character trait resilient because Louie or the group in general are not letting themselves die. They had a rough patch but finally found a way to save some water. The last piece of text is “Minutes passed. Louie stood, eyes on the Bird. The beam felt heavier and heavier. The Bird stared, mocking him” (p. 213). This resembles the character trait resilient because it is saying that Louie is not going to give up and is recovering quickly by not thinking about what’s happening. These are just some of the multiple ways that shows how Louie is
Imagine that you are in North Korea being chased by a murderer and you trip and your arm gets stuck in between two rocks, to make it out alive, you would need traits to be a survivor. In the stories "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell, "My Escape From North Korea" by Hyeonseo Lee, and "Trapped" by Aron Ralston, the main characters all have traits that make them survivors. In the stories, Rainsford uses his skillfulness to survive, Lee uses her courage to survive, and Aron uses his will power to survive. When it coms to "The Most Dangerous Game", Rainsford uses his skillfulness to survive. In the "MDG", Rainsford builds three traps to try and kill Zaroff.
There is an abundance of survival characteristics to choose from, some of which we may not even consider, and the individuals from this unit have shown many. I believe that Melinda Murphy and Cole Matthews showed determination to survive life threatening situations. Melinda fought breast cancer like a mercenary, and Cole Matthews strived to live through a severe bear mauling.
In My Escape from North Korea by Hyeonseo Lee, she survives because she never gave up to make sure her family was safe. In the book Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, Louis never gave up and survived through the torture and abuse from the Japanese. (T) The three traits that all of these people have are to sacrifice, persevere and be resilient. (C) To begin, it takes sacrificing to be a survivor.
Humility. Courage. Resilience. These are things you need to survive through tough times in life. Through resilience, we can learn from our past to grow our communities in the spirit of a hopeful future by being humble and courageous.
A hero from a fairy tale, a military veteran, or a cancer patient. These are the type of people that one may think about when they hear the word survivor, but what does it take to be one? In "Trapped", "The Most Dangerous Game", and "Hyeonseo Lee: My Escape from North Korea", three different survivors display different qualities that help them through their difficult situation. To escape these situations, Rainsford displays intelligence, Lee has determination, and Ralston shows courage.
A trait that helps Rainsford survive is that he doesn't view himself as a victim. Gonzales says, “‘These are people who tend to have a view of the world that does not paint them as a victim’”(2). General Zaroff says, "'Your Burmese tiger pit has claimed one of my best dogs. Again you score'" (14).
Evidence 1: For example during the hunting competition in “Most Dangerous Game”,when Rainsford and to make an immediate decision, which was to jump in the water [connell 23]. Analysis 1: Rainsford jumping in the water made Zaroff think he was dead which gave Rainsford a huge advantage.If Rainsford wouldn't have jumped in the water Zaroff would have caught up and killed Rainsford. This example shows how Rainsford used his quick thinking. Evidence 2: Likewise in the story Rainsford was using his superior survival skills by making traps to kill either Zaroff or Ivan. Analysis 2: Rainsford made three different traps which all had different outcomes. The first trap is called the Malay Man-Catcher [connell 21] and Zaroff was caught in the trap and injured his shoulder. The second trap is called the Burmese Tiger Pit [connell 22] and killed one of Zaroff’s best dogs. The third and final trap is a native trick he learned in Uganda[connell 23] and killed Ivan. Without any of these traps Zaroff would have caught up to Rainsford and killed him. Link: Overall these two traits helped Rainsford
Last up in line is determination. Brian had determination, all through “Hatchet”. During the time when a tornado hit his shelter, Brian did not give up. Brian re-built his shelter and forgot about the storm, he just moved on. Also in the book Brian does not give up trying to get the survival pack. His first two attempts at making a raft failed, but his third succeeded. When Captain Shackleton had determination when his boat got wrecked in the ice. So Shackleton had
Survival- In the book Unbroken, Louie the main character was in the POW camps in Japan so he had to learn to keep his stamina to stay alive during that time. When Louie was younger he was rebellious, so when growing up and being captured during WWII it was really hard for him to give into the Japanese barbarism and being encumbered with embarrassment constantly.
Rainsford being able to keep his nerves allows his reasoning to control his actions versus his fears, and as a result of this, Rainsford is able to survive and outsmart General Zaroff. These examples shows the importance of determination, and how his determination was key for his
The art of survival is something that is not easily learned. For some, however, it is something that comes from a natural desire to be defiant and rebellious. In the novel Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand, protagonist Louie Zamperini fights for survival through a number of trials that are presented to him. His life takes him from being a troubled child, to an Olympic runner, to a bomber lost at sea, to POW in some of the worst camps Japan could conjure. Louie not only survives these trials, he stands up and goes directly against the normality and ease of submission and faces his adversity head on. Throughout the novel, Louie shows that his ability to survive stems from his natural urge to rebel and defy anything that he deems too controlling in his life.
We have all been in situations where we had to survive. Whether it is school, family issues, or even death we have all survived something. But what does it take to survive? There are many attributes we use to survive like hope, guts, and resilience. But the one that is most used and most important is perseverance.
(Eric/intro) Does one have what it takes to survive in the vast and harsh terrain or being in a foreign country with no background on where one is at. well these stories will show traits that are need to know, to survive in different situations. The three traits that will be mentioned about will be in Quick thinking, Adaptability, and will power. (Eric/Body one) As the first trait, in the story “The Most Dangerous Game”, the character Rainsford shows quick thinking when he was being hunted down by the general.
Everyone encounters obstacles in life that they feel like they can't overcome. People that have 'resilience' can take these challenges head on, stay calm in any situation, and use their problem-solving skills to take advantage of the situation and get themselves out of it. In a section of "Unbroken" by Laura Hillenbrand, a biography of war hero Louie Zamperini, Zamperini is adrift at sea after his bomber crashed in the ocean. He is left with just the remains of the plane and two others, Phil and Mac. Louie Zamperini's key characteristics of resilience and the differences between all three men allow them to overcome adversity, and Louie and Phil make it out alive.