I consider my ethnic and musical background to be not just African by blood; but American by birth. When I visited Africa, I noticed a lot of differences; as well as a lot of similarities, in the Western culture and African tribal culture. No matter where I am or the type of music I listen to, I have always been entertained and pleased by the sound of music; but I have always felt a deeper comprehension and connection through the power of music. The most rarest and extraordinary gift music has brought, that not many people; such as myself acquire, is the ability to truly relate to, feel, and live through the music; and have it live through you as well.
When it comes to Western culture, we have a tendency to use technology and media; such
Growing up learning about my culture background was never really important to me up until now. I always assume that all I needed to know was that I'm African American nothing more nothing less. Entering this class and being on this topic has really made me wonder what really is my culture background. As I was reading on different cultures I was realizing that with my culture women can do anything a man can do. That’s with building buildings, fixing anything that’s broken, playing all kinds of sports and so much more. It doesn't matter if you’re a man and your cooking in the kitchen just like it doesn't matter if you're a woman and your working in the fields. The only thing that’s different with men and women is that ones a male and the other
The roots of modern american rock and roll music, are firmly planted in Africa. As the native Africans were torn apart from their family’s and brought to the new world their lives were immediately and drastically changed forever. Finding themselves immersed in a completely new environment with a foreign culture, they thankfully persevered and carried on with their own traditions and most importantly to this paper, musical ones. Most American slaves originated from Western and Central Africa. The West Africans carried a musical tradition rich with long melody lines, complicated rhythms (poly rhythmics) and stringed instruments CITATION. The West Africans music was also strongly integrated into their everyday lives. Songs were preformed for religious ceremonies and dances and music was often a
Even without war, people can still have conflict based on their own definition of what is just. An example of this is Moses, who with patience and faith, negotiated with Pharaoh, and always stood firmly against him, despite Pharaoh’s stubbornness against allowing His people to go (Exodus 5:2). Moses and Aaron never acted harshly against Pharaoh, and took a completely patient approach in order to achieve their goal. They peacefully confronted the Pharaoh and told how powerful and wonderful God was, and how no matter what Pharaoh did, God would free the Israelites from Egypt. During the times when God did inflict plagues against the Pharaoh, they were all indirect and did not physically pain him in any way (Exodus 7:14 – 10:21).
It is a well-known fact that technology and media outlets today play a major role in a person’s life. Generally, a person has access to the media through cellphones, computers, radios in a car and television. It may be perceived by some, even within a technologically advanced society such as America, that media has no effect upon enhancing cultural relationships, though many social networks do indeed connect cultures.
As the dawn of chattel slavery began to rise in america, Africans from all over the continent were forced to emigrate to America. Many of them did not even speak the same language. However, all of these people were increasingly brought together because of their forced bondage. It was this shared connection that eventually brought all of these slaves together under one shared culture: The African American culture. Increasingly, music became the major component of this shared culture when it was just starting to form. Perhaps one of the reasons why music was so central for African Americans was because people didn't need to speak the same language in order to appreciate a good piece of music. However, even as slavery progressed and all African Americans could speak english, music continued to be a central component of African American culture. Ultimately, it helped slaves maintain a sense of humanity and hope.
Not to say that music could have that much effect on our society but it could have been an indirect influence to the Black culture. Currently in the world, Black culture is inclining because the unity is being reassemble and great leaders like Barrack Obama and Michelle Obama are making that push to make sure the Black community stays strong, intelligent, respectful, and prideful. Their aspirations are greatly admired because much of the Black culture have begun to participate in certain events that requires more of the Black community to be responsible for. Voting especially began to incline due to the fact that Obama is black and we as a black culture wanted to once again make history by having a lead representative that could understand our perspective on most situations. Although Obama has did a great job rekindling the United States government from the corruption that it was going towards there is plenty more to be done. Which is why the black culture has to become more supportive and unified through the matriculations to the
Researchers who believe that practice create expertise are supported by the argument that it takes minimum 10,000 hours to become an expert in something and that amount of deliberate practice is the primary determinant of of skill level. They are also support by expert’s perceptual learning ability which comes from experience and and practice of the skill as those found in master chess players and professional basketball players. However, there are other research which does not go with the argument that practice alone can lead to expertise. Research with rotary pursuit task with identical and fraternal twin shows a limitation with practice alone. Although in the rotary pursuit task individuals rapidly improved their accuracy with the task
African influence is evident in African secular and religious practices, in instruments modeled after African instruments, and in the use of musical traits associated with Africa’s ethnic groups.
African American music has influenced every genre in the music industry today. From Jazz music all the way to Rap, it has cultivated different cultures throughout the world in a very unique way. African Americans have produced music, beginning with the transition through the transatlantic slave trade, to slavery in the “New World”, the Civil Rights era, and to the modern society of today, that enabled so many genres to actually even exist. Even though each time period focused on a specific issue during that time, it is evident the suffrage and the overall experience of Blacks molded artist of the past and those of today. The music produced in the past is very much so different from that of today, however, it is clearly shown that many present
Music is a creative art form that allows the artist to construct something that expresses a purpose. It evolves over time and changes as the world changes, taking on many different motivations behind the melody and lyrics. In today’s society, anger, oppression, racism, and negative opinions rule the media and popular culture. I believe that African Americans need to show their self worth and not let white people hold them back. With the music in white culture often mocking African American culture and portraying negative stereotypes, African Americans have to find ways to gain respect. In acknowledgement of the negative portrayal of their culture, African Americans respond by creating songs and videos that express their pride in their culture and heritage, react to white oppression, and communicate their independence.
African American influence in music has been an ever present and controversial subject in American history. Stemming from many different cultures, religions and backgrounds, large portions of American music was introduced by, and credited to African Americans. Although in many cases, this music was used for entertainment by the masses or majority, contrary to popular belief, black music served a greater purpose than just recreation. Dating all the way back to the beginning of slavery in the U.S. during the 17th century, music has been used to make a statement and send a message. As African American music progressed over the years, there were common themes expressed as the genres evolved. It has been an open letter to the world, documenting and protesting the ongoing oppression faced by blacks in the United States, as well as an outlet for frustration. For many African Americans, the music gave them the only voice that couldn’t be silenced by their oppressors.
Although artists do not create certain music to cure diseases or to make scientific or technological discoveries, music is one thing society can never live without. To both artists and their listeners, music provides an indispensible beauty that helps fulfill lives, and connect to nature. Music expresses the human condition in the purest way and affects everyone at a personal level. Plato, a well-known classical Greek philosopher once said, “If you want to measure the spiritual depth of society, make sure to mark its music.” Generally performer collaborate songs to represent the popular pop culture, and social issues, and wish for their society as well as their current era. For instance, controversial issues such as sex, violence, racism
The first step is to form an incident response team. Typically, the team consists of an information security expert or IT staff member who has received adequate cybersecurity training, someone from the help desk, a telecommunications
Some may say music is just music; a song is just a song. However, music plays an enormous role in our psychology, because a single song has the ability to bring about many kinds of thoughts and emotions in the listener. Music is subtly one of the main factors in which people identify with certain groups and establish their belonging in society. It shapes people’s perspectives on how the world functions and the roles they play within it. Music can function the same way in a culture; it can reflect many of the culture’s values and ideologies. Music can have many effects on culture and the people’s idea of who they think they are within that culture. Music can serve in a way that promotes cultural identity and pride, yet it could also play a
So, the Element of culture that I find myself the most passionate about is Music. I say music because music I found in every culture. Music is what I believe in being part of human. There are literally hundreds different types of genres of music people listen to and millions of songs to listen to. A little about me, I personally find myself listen to rap music and old Rhythm and Blues. I come for a strong African American background family, where we have family get together, cookouts and just being close to your family. Most of the R&B songs tell a story. They talk about the black culture in good and also in bad ways. The R&B music I find myself listen to is more from my parent’s time. The music back during my parent’s child hood is a lot different than music today. One Major different is music back then had people playing the real instruments and sounds. I hear lectures from people from my parents’ generation how music today is terrible compared to their upcoming music. I personally feel music just changes because it adapts to people’s lifestyle and what they are going through. The Music Industry have always been dominant in society. If you think about every generation can remember listen to their favorite song growing up, and music can sometimes tell you all about yourself.