There are a couple of things that will need to be done and a couple of materials I will need to complete this project, but with the time and effort, I will be able to complete my exit project on how to build a computer. Some materials that will be needed to complete this project is some old computer parts from my Dad’s work. Some of these things that I will need is following a computer case, CPU, RAM/Memory, Power Supply, Graphics/Video Card, and a Fan. Some things that will need to be done is that I need to research on how to build a computer and how they work, and I will also need to learn how each of the parts work and their connection with a computer.
Some things I did before I worked toward my exit project was research the steps on how to build a computer. There are some things I learned on how to build a computer that I never knew about the process of a computer before. I learned a lot from the research of building a computer and with a little more practice and understanding the parts of a computer, I will be able to build a working computer. I also learned the parts on a computer and what role did they each have in a computer. All this information gave me a jumpstart on my project on what to do and study.
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This is because I have been following the directions on how a computer works. My mentor, which is my Dad, helped me out on how to build a computer. He taught me most of the stuff on what I know on the inside of a computer. We have not started on the constructing part of the project due to the fact being I am not ready on how to build a computer. With a little more help from my mentor, I will be able to build a computer and efficiently know and tell what each of the parts do and what their roles are in a
For my Senior Exit Project, I would like to shadow a neurologist, the doctor concerned with diseases and disorders of brain and spinal cord. I expect to see patients of all neurological statuses coming in for examinations and tests such as MRIs and CT scans. The types of patients I will most likely see will range from Alzheimer's and autism to epilepsy and infections. With the skills I currently have, I will most likely be helping the neurologist with the initial workup, so that will mean taking blood pressure, pulse, respiration rate, and checking their neurological status using the Glasgow Coma Scale. I have learned these skills though the JTED Healthcare Foundations class and have been tested off accordingly so I know I am proficient in
My project was about me coaching a U8 girls soccer team. My goal was to have every player on the team learn how to play soccer and be able to play every position on the field by the end of the season. I coached my players by teaching and mentoring them so that they could advance in necessary skills needed to play soccer which were dribbling, passing, shooting, and teamwork. I chose this as my project because my greatest passion in life is playing soccer. I spend around 15 hours a week practicing and playing soccer. So when I decided to choose a project based on my personal interests, soccer was my first choice. I also love to help out others and the community so I spent a lot of time researching ways to influence my community as
Primarily I learned that when doing similar projects it is important for me to derive several designs or solutions to a problem in order to choose the best one. I think this was one of the factors that greatly attributed to the project as the group was able to choose the optimal possible design for the particular project. This is certainly a strategy to utilize in the future.
Learning is a never-ending process, be it learning new skills or learning more about a new business domain. Gradually, you will gain more knowledge about the business and as and when you are assigned to projects, you can always get more details and discover the specific business needs driving the initiative and key objectives to be delivered by the project.
In the beginning, I was frustrated and puzzled about what I was going to do as my project because no good ideas came to mind. On the day we wrote down what we planned on
The article “Project-Based Instruction: A Great Match for Informational Texts” by Nell K. Duke, discusses the concept of implementing project based learning and how it can markedly improve student’s education. According to Duke, project based instruction involves “working over an extended time period for a purpose beyond satisfying a school requirement” (Duke 2016). This includes doing projects in order to “build something, to create something, to respond to a question [students] have, or to solve a real problem” (Duke 2016). The article maintains the benefits of this type of instruction and includes specific examples of how it can be implemented in the school curriculum and Common Core State Standards. Duke also emphasizes how the projects should serve a real- life purpose so students can feel more engaged knowing their work will be seen by
When this project was introduced I didn’t think I would really enjoy learning the content or making the final product at all. This assumption was based on the preliminary research at the beginning of the project that we did individually. It was a lot of reading, taking notes, asking questions, etc. Overall I did not enjoy this part of the project but I can see now why it was so useful to me in the end. If I didn’t do this preliminary research and I wouldn’t have has as clear of an understanding of what we were expected to learn in this project and what we were suppose to end up creating a final product on.
This project was really important to be because I was able to better understand how to resolved
I set up my project in the order that lead to the women’s liberation movement. This project taught me to do an annotation that will be helpful in the future when I do research papers in college. Also, it taught me to manage my time when doing this project. I had to accomplish each assignment on its due date, so it wouldn’t pile up on
My project was a success because my dad and I built the Cornhole boards, but I was not expecting me to procrastinate, to where I started later than I would have wanted to. What surprised me was that it didn’t take too long to build, if I wouldn’t have procrastinated, I would have gotten done a little earlier. This project impacted me by showing me that woodwork is very useful, and that it is better than going to the store and buying a Cornhole set.
Research- Even a little bit of research can help. This is very useful, especially for the next step. Searching what each part does can help building the PC. Also, seeing different tutorials on how to build a PC or how to choose parts can help later on.
The problem which had arose this year, we had to get into groups and decide what project to undergo for this second year of the degree course. When groups were created we were sharing ideas of project we would do and if they were possible to make or not. We could not have a small project because we were in a group of 3 so we had to make sure the project was big enough to do for group of 3 members. The purpose of the project was to build an electrical and electronic based project which involved circuitry. To start with, we had to create a gantt chart and conduct a feasibility study to know if our project would be a success or not, and gantt chart to give a rough estimation of how long the project would take to build and test.
I have developed my SACE capability of learning during this project exceedingly from communicating to my teacher and classmates to help myself learn from the mistakes through errors on researching information and calculations that needed editing. Learning strategies that worked well were using websites that had to find out the repayments from using calculators and displaying that information onto my word document. Learning aspects that could be improved was analysing the results from completing the calculations on each loan and coming up with the cons and pros about the loan. This capability of learning will be relevant to my personal and learning goals as having a loan in the future for a house, car and other, will improve my knowledge about getting a loan and how to work out repayments, interest rates, and loan fees to have a successful outcome for myself financially. The capability of learning will also be relevant to my future job and career ambitions as after completing this major project, working out my weekly wage for my future
In approaching this project I wanted to get several things out of it. First and foremost, I wanted to take the time I had to create something I was genuinely proud of and get to use in real life. Additionally, I wanted to build on my time management, reviewing, and graphic design skills. Initially, when I think back the project was