
My Exit Project

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There are a couple of things that will need to be done and a couple of materials I will need to complete this project, but with the time and effort, I will be able to complete my exit project on how to build a computer. Some materials that will be needed to complete this project is some old computer parts from my Dad’s work. Some of these things that I will need is following a computer case, CPU, RAM/Memory, Power Supply, Graphics/Video Card, and a Fan. Some things that will need to be done is that I need to research on how to build a computer and how they work, and I will also need to learn how each of the parts work and their connection with a computer.

Some things I did before I worked toward my exit project was research the steps on how to build a computer. There are some things I learned on how to build a computer that I never knew about the process of a computer before. I learned a lot from the research of building a computer and with a little more practice and understanding the parts of a computer, I will be able to build a working computer. I also learned the parts on a computer and what role did they each have in a computer. All this information gave me a jumpstart on my project on what to do and study. …show more content…

This is because I have been following the directions on how a computer works. My mentor, which is my Dad, helped me out on how to build a computer. He taught me most of the stuff on what I know on the inside of a computer. We have not started on the constructing part of the project due to the fact being I am not ready on how to build a computer. With a little more help from my mentor, I will be able to build a computer and efficiently know and tell what each of the parts do and what their roles are in a

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