Though I’ve spent nearly half of my life growing up in China and soon immigrated to Canada, my travels outside of the two countries have been limited, mostly due to financial drawbacks. The opportunity to pay Western tuition while abroad has been a major reason for my decision to embark on a global exchange experience. Spending my pre-teen years and on in Canada, I saw how valuable my early experiences from China were, even at a young age; my unique standpoint resulted from both cultural influences allowed me to shape my identity in an empathetic and accepting way, otherwise impossible without firsthand experience. Hence, though I recognize my privileges, my lack of endeavors outside the country feel dissatisfying and limiting, and my viewpoints seem to rest under a …show more content…
Since the Media, Information, and Technoculture (MIT) program at Western is quite specialized and unique, I was delighted, and perhaps a little bit surprised, that Leeds offers very similar courses to those of MIT. Because of these course similarities, I enjoy the fact that I will be growing academically along the paths of my MIT peers at Western, but at the same time, I will be exposed to new ways of learning similar material. With courses such as International Communication, New Media, and Public relations, both advantages provide crucial contributions to the area of my studies. Thinking in a larger picture and a longer term concerning my future career, the experience of an exchange will be so enriching that its positivity can be applied in any field. More specifically, the exchange places me at an advantage in the creative fields (such as advertising and publishing) I wish to work in, since the importance of recognizing global trends become more and more prominent; there is a new appreciation for those with an international
In “Immigrants and Canadians, Maintaining Both Identities” by Andrew Cohen, which is part of a segment in the New York Times called “How Immigrants Come to Be Seen as Americans,” Cohen states that Canada is “…unlike virtually every country in Europe, we have no nativist party or institutional xenophobia,” and dubs Canada as a Mosaic of Multiculturalism. Why is this so, and how might the perspective that ‘Canada equals a mosaic’ play a role in this surprising phenomenon?
We have all been in a situation where we have immigrated to a new country for different reasons regarding, better future, or education. In the book Jade of Peony, Wayson Choy describes a struggle of a Chinese family as they settle in Canada, with their new generation of kids born here, the family struggles to keep their children tied to their Chinese customs and traditions as they fit in this new country. The Chinese culture needs to be more open minded as it limits the future generation’s potential. Chinese culture limitations are seen through the relationship expectations, education, gender roles and jobs.
We have all been in a situation where we have immigrated to a new country for different reasons regarding, better future, or education. In the book Jade of Peony, Wayson Choy describes a struggle of a Chinese immigrant family as they settle in Canada, through the perspective of three young children; Liang, Jung, and Sekky. Each child describes his or her struggle, while settling in a new country. The family struggles to keep their children tied to their Chinese customs and traditions as they fit in this new country. The Chinese culture needs to be more open minded as it limits the future generation’s potential. Chinese culture limitations are seen through the relationship expectations, education, gender roles and jobs.
By analyzing the examples above, a complete picture is formed to depict the status of Chinese immigrants in Canada. The Chinese immigration experience has had its own difficulties and obstacles. It seems that for every hurdle that the Chinese immigrants go through, there is another twist that prevents that individual from realizing the goals that prompted them to leave the China in the first place.
Statement of Purpose (派遣先国の言語) シングルスペース、文字サイズ11ポイント、A4用紙2枚以内で作成してください。 Name Hiyori Matsuzaki Faculty Intercultural studies Major Contemporary culture and society I visited Toronto, Canada last month and I started thinking of studying in Canada as an exchange student. I stayed there for a month to learn English. During the class, my teacher had us go out and conduct a quick interview to people on the street. The most interesting question was “Do you think Canada and the United States are different?
The level of immigrants coming to Canada should be increased because this way there won’t be any shortages in labour, new job opportunities will be opened up, and the economy will grow. Firstly, the levels of immigrants coming to Canada should be increased because there won't be any shortages in labour. There aren't enough skill trade labourers to get skill trade tasks completed, if Canada increases their immigrant level it enables Canada to bring in many different skill trade individuals. Company’s won’t have to shut down because there aren't enough labourers. In Addition, the level of immigrants coming to Canada should be increased because new job opportunities will be established. New immigrants will come to Canada and establish a variety
The Federal Government of Canada should provide not only access to immigration but also make sure to provide new immigrants with opportunities. Firstly, there are still employment issues for Immigrants. According to an interview conducted by CBC, interviewing new immigrants and refugees, Sandy chugh, an immigrant said, "I don't see a lot of growth," when describing his current job. Despite having years of experience in marketing and a bachelor's degree from Ireland, the 32-year-old is working in a warehouse for the retailer Best Buy (Dunn, 2016). This relates to the issue as due to refugees and immigrants not having an absolute experience, yet being highly qualified for jobs, are not given equal opportunities than the natives who were born and educated in the country. Furthermore, to resolve this issue, the Canadian government must
The great influx of immigrants who came to the United States during the nineteenth century faced xenophobic sentiments from everybody— commoners and government officials alike. Consequently, the immigrants who came to America in search of economic opportunity were attributed with the characteristics of filth, laziness, and inferiority. Accordingly, editorial cartoons of the time encapsulated these nativist views held by Anglo-Saxons. One such cartoon, “The Stranger at the Gate”, depicted a rugged immigrant carrying various pieces of luggage labeled “disease”, “poverty”, and “anarchy” (Stranger). Through the use of symbolism, the cartoon reflects the popular sentiment that immigrants are filthy and offer America nothing but disease and poverty.
Canada has really strict policies and laws on who can immigrate to the country, and as a blooming economical place, people who have excellent experience will have a promised opportunity for jobs. In 2015 a new law came out economic immigrants helping them to come to Canada as fast as possible without any trouble. “Express Entry” is a major step forward in the transformation of Canada’s immigration system into one that is fast, flexible and focused on meeting Canada’s economic and labor needs. This will allow for greater flexibility and better responsiveness to deal with regional labor shortages, and help fill open jobs for which there are no available Canadian workers. Formerly referred to as “Expression of Interest” will be open to skilled
It is very difficult for someone to leave their place of origin and arrive to the United States, in a melting pot of different cultures. Based on the module readings and the documentary, “Lost in Detention”, immigrant’s experiences many physical and mental damages to their health, which can make their new life in America, a negative, rather than a positive. Immigrants arrive to the country in overall relatively good health (in comparison to natives) and with a hopeful attitude. After a few years, immigrants began to suffer depression, anxiety and poor health due to the conditions that they are presented with.
residency. (Merriam Webster, n. d.) is called an immigrant. The government of Canada decided to
I am an Asian-American woman living and working in the global city of New York. Growing up in an international city allowed me to become a multicultural individual and develop into a young woman different from my counterparts in Asia and here in the United States as well. I was taught by my parents not only the values of a Chinese culture but also to strive to enhance my strengths and to go forth and establish a successful career in business while always relating back to my Chinese roots. These values of diligence, perseverance and selflessness influence my everyday work and personal life.
many people around the world. However, they should consider the cost they have to pay beside just moving to a new country. I don’t remember if I had any hopes for during first year moving to the United States. My parents want me to study in a good educational system, and they think that United States has a good one. Obviously, my parents aren’t the only ones. My role in this event is mostly passive because I am not the one who make the decision. Instead, I just follow the order and do what I should or have to do.
It’s May 22nd 1830 and I just arrived in Canada along with the others, we are now just resting in a town. This is our first day here. We took the underground railroad, those routes and safe houses kept us safe the entire way here from The United States. At the safe houses, we got food, clothing, and a safe place to rest. It was dangerous, there were many times where we could have been caught and taken back into slavery, but we didn’t get caught. We were some of the few who got through safely. Many of my friends from back home never made here.
The New School very beautifully sums up as to why every aspirant wants to join the university – “The school connects theory to practice, supports innovation in culture and communication, and continue to build bridges between the academy and the larger community it exists to serve.” It works as a catalyst for creative, ambitious young candidates, grooming them in a uniquely professional way so as to make them leaders and innovators in their field of studies. Coming from India, where we take a lot of pride in our culture, we emphasize the importance of giving back to the society or the people or the institute that has given us a lot not only in terms of a degree but has also nurtured our growth and groomed us in a way which was beyond our imagination. As an aspiring international candidate to The New School, I feel this tradition will be followed by where I will seek an opportunity to carry out in-depth research on different aspects of media management and do extensive coursework to understand the effects of media in this modern