
My Experience In A Learning Community

Satisfactory Essays

Starting college as a freshman was a stressful time. I did not know if I would make it through my first year at college with hardly knowing anybody. I took a lot of big steps in my life though to meet knew people and become friends with them. The biggest step I took was commiting to be in a learning community. I chose the best one that would fit me, which was Live Learn Lead. When I look back now to my freshman year at college, I feel I have accomplished the biggest thing in my life, which was going to college and making it a whole year. I went to events and activities that I do not know if I would have ever done if I was not part of a learning community where I met such good friends through. I had a lot of good times and bad times as my freshman year of college is winding down. I never thought I could have so much fun like I did this past year. My least favorite experience during my freshman year was definitely the first couple of days in the fall doing while having to do ice breakers all the time. I think it was a good experience to meet others, but being the shy person I am I just was not thrilled about doing them which might have made my mood to meet others go down. I stuck through it and tried my hardest though and it definitely gained me to find good best friends throughout my freshman year. At the beginning …show more content…

I feel as if the group and organization it is is going great and I would not still be here in college being successful if it was not for my learning community. Meeting people and acting like a family is the best part in the learning community and I would not want to change anything from that. The only thing I would possibly change is doing more things all together as a group, but with all the stuff we have done as a group I absolutely loved being apart of it and being felt that I fit in and am apart of something

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