Breathtaking. It was the only word to describe the sights and sounds of the camp. Birds’ songs danced throughout the air, intermingling with the gentle whispers of the summer breeze. This euphony at Camp Serene was to be replaced by the cadence of drums. It was the beginning of Alan Keown’s Marching Percussion Camp, a foray into an unfamiliar facet of a very familiar subject. I had experience in drumming, having been involved in percussion since the fifth grade, but this was marching percussion. I had never marched before, nor had I played using the traditional technique they taught and utilized at the camp. I had no idea just how outclassed I would be. In short, I was terrible. The instructors had no qualms of reminding me of this. When called out, all I could do was weather the embarrassment. In my mind, every wrong move I made cemented me further into my peers’ minds as a horrible drummer. Having the same lessons about my inadequacies being taught every single day brought me past embarrassment, to a place where I realized I couldn’t beat myself up over what others thought. Looking for areas where I was superior to others in would do me no good. In fact, it would discourage me as almost everyone was miles ahead of me in skill. I had no competition; I was too …show more content…
I had no choice but to be humble. Arrogance would have blinded me to the areas that needed work. I would not have thought that any area needed improvement or as much work as they truly did. But now, I was no longer above work on the fundamentals. Music was taken slower and broken down like how a beginner would learn. Time was taken to really go back to the fundamentals and improve what I had previously thought as solid. The question of whether I needed to practice dissolved into a new conundrum: which of my skills should I work on? My newfound humility released me from my self-denigration and gave me a fresh
Reflections Within is a non-traditional stanzaic poem made up of five stanzas containing thirty-four lines that do not form a specific metrical pattern. Rather it is supported by its thematic structure. Each of the five stanzas vary in the amount of lines that each contain. The first stanza is a sestet containing six lines. The same can be observed of the second stanza. The third stanza contains eight lines or an octave. Stanzas four and five are oddly in that their number of lines which are five and nine.
You selected a few different poems to interpret this week then my self. You have a marvelous post summarizing each peculiar one. I likewise read Nostalgia by Billy Collins this week. My conception of the author is he practically ridicules the diverse periods of time as they were portrayed. I enjoyed this poem considering the composer certainly drives the point home with this topic. An abundance of humanity complains about past generations although trends were not the greatest it's persistent rebalance of pros and cons about all aspects of life. I couldn't agree more with you that the theme of the poem demonstrates that humanity wishes regression to the way life once
Initially, Collins demonstrates how one can weigh a dog’s weight with his method. Concrete diction in the first stanza, such as, “ small bathroom”, “ balancing”, and “shaky” suggest the uncomfortable nature of his intimate relationship with his pet. Although Collin is unappreciated for the gritty toil determination, he praise himself to applauded that “this is the way” and raising his self-esteem by comparing how easier it is than to train his dog obesity. In addition, the negative diction used to describe Collin holding his dog to be “awkward” for him and “bewildering” for his pet. This establish he rather force love rather willing show patience. When holding a pet on scale, there is less hustle because he secures the dog’s position by carrying it. Where as when he orders the dog to stay on the weighing scale with a cookie, his dog only followed him because of the expected reward.
I wanna actually grow up and succeed and instead of follow, lead. I wanna grow up to actually become a model not sit there and hold a bottle. I never wanna get up when I hear the alarm, but then again I never wanna marry Jake from state farm. Even Though, the alarm makes me wanna put a bullet through my head I know i'm better off at school then in the bed. I could get my 90 up to a 99 just fine. I don't wanna work at a booth selling Babe Ruth. As this ends I gonna try harder, and date
Friendship is a blessing, people say, and it is. Men often express their appreciation and respect for male friends through literature. A fellowship, medieval authors call it. A deep and unbreakable connection between males, transcending romantic love. A relationship based on mutual support and admiration, thriving of intellectual stimulation. Nothing is more valuable to a man than a friendship, not even the love of a woman; it is only a man, after all, who can understand another man. To seventeenth century men, friendship (just like everything else) is a male blessing – a patriarchal gift – not for women. Female friendship was “impossible,” for an amicable and supportive relationship between women could never exist. Platonic friendships existed between men, not women. Yet, several female poets challenged this notion, emphasizing importance of female friendships as male authors and poets do. Friendship is defined through a feminist lens in Aemilia Lanyer’s “The Description of Cookham” and Katherine Philips’ poetry in which female characteristics that are often overlooked are deeming meaningful through friendship.
“ Life is about rhythm. We vibrate, our hearts are pumping blood, we are a rhythm machine, that’s what we are “ Mickey Hart. I’ve always been inspired by music ever since I was younger. I started drumming when I was four years old. This is when I received my first drum set. I’m sure my parents regretted the decision of buying it because ever since then, I have not put down my drum sticks. It’s also safe to say that my sisters absolutely hated that drum set, and the process of me teaching myself how to play. Over the years I progressively got better and better, and my drum set grew bigger and bigger.
“Put on a show!” The director’s command echoed across the field as the drum corps began its routine in front of thousands of spectators. What attracts people to be involved in such a demanding and strenuous activity? The concept of drum corps has changed drastically over the last 200 years. Tracing its origins from before the American Revolution through the Civil War and into the modern era, today’s concept of drum corps has evolved from a military necessity to a major form of entertainment.
When I entered High school it was a completely different experience. I used to play sports, why was marching band so demanding of me? An immediate change was present in the level of musicianship needed to be recognized above the others. My band director’s name was Ms. Mello but she was beyond mellow when she was judging our musical capabilities. She was a great friend but would tear kids apart when it came to musicality or standing out of form in marching band. Luckily for me, I was one of the few middle school musicians who practiced somewhat in middle school. I was recognized as a great musician for a freshman in high school. During the concert band season, there were two bands. The advanced group, the wind ensemble, and the beginner group, the concert band. I admit that there was another freshman trumpet player who made the Wind Ensemble when I did not even bother to audition. In the concert group, I would advance far enough that the director trusted me to be the principal trumpet player, above the older musicians in my section. When sophomore year came around, I earned first part for marching band and I made my Wind
In “To Autumn,” a poem by John Keats, we see a multi-leveled examination of mortality concealed within a seemingly simple ode to the fall season. The poem opens with an overwhelming appeal to the senses. Anyone familiar with the common motifs of Autumn will identify heavily with the first stanza, for Autumn is a time of ripening pumpkins and relaxed musings. The second stanza has a tone reminiscent of the feeling that accompanies the end of a hard day’s work. However, as the second part of this poem ends, the reader feels a dull pang of some unidentified negative emotion. This emotion is similar to the guilt of relaxed, yet hardworking men who are too proud to be lazy, even for a moment. The ending stanza of the poem arrives and passes like the end of Autumn, swiftly (Keats 763-764). The speaker in the poem seems to be scrambling to appreciate the wonders of Autumn before the swift, bitter end. The progression of ideas, imagery, and tone are highly reminiscent to the thoughts of a man who, at the end of his life, is trying to find meaning and beauty in his life as he approaches his swift, bitter end. The poignancy of this poem is found in the distinct levels by which Keats communicates emotions. In the progression of Keats’ “To Autumn,” there are three basic levels of understanding: the outright evolution of ideas seen in the initial reading, the contradictory tone changes, and the subtle paradoxes found
Despite this, marching band forced me to practice more and perfect my skills, and I am increasingly better now for it. I even made an alternate for all-county, something I thought only “good players” could do. Turns out, I am
In the poems When I Have Fears that I May Cease to Be and Bright Star! Would I Were Steadfast as Thou Art, poet John Keats portrays a theme of romanticism through poetry. John Keats lived in London, England with his four siblings, his mother and father died when he was young. He was in the romanticism movement. He loved to write poems about romance and death. The two poems that i am writing about is When I Have Fears that I May Cease to Be And Bright Star! Would I Were Steadfast as Thou Art . Poem one is about that death will cut short his poetic career. Just as a person’s natural life spans youth, adulthood, and old age, so the growing of grain follows the natural progression of the seasons and poem two is about about the star is said to be eternal, unchanging, and beyond the speaker’s immediate grasp. Furthermore, the star is described as watching over earth, rather than being watched by someone.
As such, the drums are mentally categorized as a call to war by the viewer, and a summoning to death; a seemingly inappropriate thing to be excited for. This excitable reaction to the sound is the first way that the soundtrack is used to define the mental state of our war boys. Now that the drumline has been established for the viewer, we
On April 6th, the University of Georgia had a musical event entitled “UGA Percussion Ensemble.” It was held at Hugh Hodgson School of Music in the Ramsey Concert Hall. There were eighteen talented performers with two skilled directors. The directors were Mr. Timothy K. Adams Jr. and Ms. Kimberly Toscano Adams. There was a total of seven percussion performances. The venue was smaller than expected but it was breathtakingly beautiful. The musicians played old and new percussion pieces. Newly composed pieces such as Burning Green, composed in 2013, The Frame Problem, 2003, and The Loneliness of Sana Claus, 1994. The older pieces that performed in the concert where Rite of the Black Sun, Off-Axis, and Mark V: Marimba Toccata. All of the musical works were beautifully composed percussion pieces, and the musicians did the works justice.
BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Tat, Tat, Tat! GrrAT! These are the many sounds I hear as a young sixth walking to his first class as a “big kid.” I had never played the drums before nor did I have any wish to. I do not know what led me into that room, but something deep inside me told me that it was my calling. The stale air and discomforting ambience of the band room made me want to turn and run, but I was overcome with curiosity. In light of my curiosity, I stayed, and that was when band began to shape me into the person I am today.
The poem I have is “To Autumn,” and the author is John Keats. The direct meaning of the poem is quite clear in the beginning of reading it; John Keats is writing a letter to autumn as he does not want it to go and for good reason. The indirect meaning is not clear at all. I thought it could possibly be about a relationship, but the poem just did not speak to me in this way. When I looked it up, I found people saying that it could be a relationship, but there is not a clear answer to what the indirect meaning is. When speaking with Professor Sartori, I started to imagine the autumn’s beauty to represent that of a woman’s. The poems put an abundance of images in my head when reading it, but only because of memories I have in autumn. I used