
My Experience In School

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It was a Thursday afternoon around six thirty. I was outside, at my school’s practice field, about to end marching band practice. We were outside packing up ready to go back inside and go home. All of a sudden everyone around me starts to freak out, while they are all looking up at the dark cloudy sky with their jaws dropped. The directors started yelling at us to rush in before our instruments got wet because we all knew what was about to go down just by looking at the sky. As I was outside waiting for my parents to pick me up from practice, I looked up at the sky, and it was all pitch black. My hair was going everywhere because of the heavy, strong wind there were, so I was really getting irritated. All I could think of was “Oh my gosh no!”. As I got picked up and we were on our way home my father was telling me how he had gotten an Email from the school about how there might not be school the next day, Friday. Of course I got excited and I was overwhelmed with relief. I was feeling like there were so much on my chest, I had a project due and a lot of homework due the next day, Friday, on top of that I also had to go home and practice all my music, memorize it perfectly and perfect my marching skills. So school canceled the next day? Sounded perfect! The next day the big rain started and it didn’t stop till a very long time, it rained for days straight. My mother had stayed home too, since she works for CISD. We were all cozy at home watching the rain, the

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