It was a Thursday afternoon around six thirty. I was outside, at my school’s practice field, about to end marching band practice. We were outside packing up ready to go back inside and go home. All of a sudden everyone around me starts to freak out, while they are all looking up at the dark cloudy sky with their jaws dropped. The directors started yelling at us to rush in before our instruments got wet because we all knew what was about to go down just by looking at the sky. As I was outside waiting for my parents to pick me up from practice, I looked up at the sky, and it was all pitch black. My hair was going everywhere because of the heavy, strong wind there were, so I was really getting irritated. All I could think of was “Oh my gosh no!”. As I got picked up and we were on our way home my father was telling me how he had gotten an Email from the school about how there might not be school the next day, Friday. Of course I got excited and I was overwhelmed with relief. I was feeling like there were so much on my chest, I had a project due and a lot of homework due the next day, Friday, on top of that I also had to go home and practice all my music, memorize it perfectly and perfect my marching skills. So school canceled the next day? Sounded perfect! The next day the big rain started and it didn’t stop till a very long time, it rained for days straight. My mother had stayed home too, since she works for CISD. We were all cozy at home watching the rain, the
As we pulled up to the massive elementary school building, I begged my mom to let me stay home from school, just once. As usual, she said no. Realizing my attempt to get out of school was futile, I shouldered my backpack, swung open the door, and trudged over to the front door. I would rather be anywhere else than here. For the majority of my life, I attended public schools. It wasn’t rare for me to fail a test or even a whole class. It was because of these failures that I would get even more demotivated and threw away the idea of working hard or completing quality work altogether.
Soon the moonlight illuminated the scenery. As I was standing on the balcony admiring the scenery something finally went wrong, a huge black cloud covered the moon. I soon heard the thunder. It seemed to be nothing to worry about, so I didn’t acknowledge it. A few hours later the thunder grew louder and I could see the flashes of lightning headed our way. I went inside to inform my parents of the weather, but they didn’t seem to worry about it much until the cloud was almost over the lodge. My family and I left the reception alone while everyone else stayed in cover; they were the smart ones I thought.
It was a Wednesday night during the summer when something happened to me that I will never forget. My volleyball team was in Hutchinson for a summer league. I was not able to play because I have Rheumatoid Arthritis so I went to support them. I was ecstatic because we had gone undefeated that night. While they were playing, storms were building up just outside of Hutch. When I walked out to my truck, I noticed that the storms had come closer and closer. Also while I was walking, it started to lightly sprinkle. When I left the Salthawk Activity Center, it started to downpour. Little did I know, my night was about to be turned upside down.
We got inside and covered up as much as we could so the dust couldn't get in. Soon the storm hit with much ferocity. It was brutal, and I couldn't breath. For much time it continued to hit us as if the Devil came knocking at our door.
Macbeth’s greed Ever since Macbeth heard the prophecies that promised him power, his mind has been descending into a delusional state as time has passed. During Acts 1 and 2, Macbeth, under the influence of Lady Macbeth and his own ambition, has changed from being a rational, heroic figure to one of questionable integrity. With Macbeth’s crowning, not only does his inner mayhem affect his mentality, but also his behaviour. Scotland is in more chaos by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s hunger for supremacy.
It was Tuesday morning; I was 15 at the time. Didn’t have a care in the world, and as I was off to school I couldn’t have even imagined what was about to happen. As I lazily walk to Computer studies, and other students start to begin there day I notice that it was oddly peaceful, there was noise but it wasn’t abrupt; it was cloudy but the clouds were sitting still, as if bracing for impact. “The calm before the storm.” as my Grandparents would put it, how those words rung true.
The morning of October 4 was the date of the South Carolina flood. I remember waking up to my parent’s voice saying “everyone wake up, fast.” Then I ran downstairs to see water seeping in through the doors. All the carpets were starting to float up. I saw my mother and she said to put on shorts so that my pajama pants would not add weight. In addition, she said to put tennis shoes on. By the time I made my way downstairs, everyone was running around. The dogs were taken out of their kennels and were being held. My father went over to the garage and flipped on the lights to see if he could reach the boat. However the water had risen too high to go in the garage. Suddenly we saw lights appear in the driveway, we realized it was a car. We were so joyful until we recognized that it
I walked slowly up the stairs and water was rushing down them. I got upstairs and my dad and grandpas was moving stuff out the bedrooms and trying to stop the water from leaking in. My grandpas ran outside with a chainsaw and in the middle of this storm he was cutting it up and rolling this tree off of the roof. This time my mom and dad probably smoked a whole carton of
While on the bus there was an occasional comment on the previous day’s storms west from us, but otherwise it was unvoiced for the most part. Halfway through the day there was murmur the hallways about how there might be early release. Now that being said, as a teenager, I believe everyone carried a jump in their step after that. The teachers had a hard time settling the student’s vivacity and ultimately gave up teaching. Once were released, my uneasiness bubbled up once more. The bus ride home was filled with talk about either wishes for a tornado or the complete opposite. As we arrived to the place I called home, the trailer park, I had more then enough time to worry about how safe a mobile home was as we waited for dad to pick my sister and me up. On the way to the family business the sky was starting to turn, what once was a tranquil blue was slowly changing to a stormy
It was a dark, stormy afternoon when I alone faced the greatest fear of my life. It was thundering outside, and the sky was draped in dark rolling thunderheads. The weather was forecasted to get worse with severe chances of a hurricane. I was on vacation with my family at Florida, and we were staying at a hotel in Miami.
Mohammed Alqarni “Desperately Seeking Susan” significantly fits into the conventions of the Hollywood cinema. The plot of the entire movie is profoundly centered on the main characters and popular stars play these. The film however does not provide with a consistent set of cause and effect of relationships. This is the point where the movie seems to be differing from the conventions of the Hollywood style of movie making. The movie however has the romance going on while a separate plot of crime and adventure as well hence this trait of the movie too fits rightly into the conventions of the Hollywood cinema.
divider staples plus a few nails, chips of plywood, by most records two by fours, and approximately two by twos. You will in like manner oblige the chicken coop fencing. Confirm that you have the turns for portals and entryways. You will oblige a roofing material like tar paper as well. You may even use house sort shingles for your chicken house housetop. The degree of your chicken house is going to depend on upon what number of chickens you have. For every chicken, you ought to gather a settling box. No chicken is going to grant its home to another.
It was the second day of my senior year when I was woken up by rumbling thunder. My two younger sisters and I all got in my small convertible mustang and started to drive to school. I could not see through the window because my windshield wipers were not going fast enough to keep up with the rainfall. The country roads were flooded the second I started driving. Everyone was driving twenty to thirty miles an hour and driving in the middle of the roads because the sides were flooding. Once we barely arrived at school, we received a
In the morning we put our clothes in our suitcases so we could leave the next morning. When we finished packing, we went down to the beach. I was really sore from skimming the entire trip, so I took a break. My mom and I noticed that it looked like it was going to rain. My dad and brothers did not want to get rained on, so they went to the hot tub in the hotel. My mom and I thought that it would be a light rain when it started, but it started pouring down rain. “Get under the umbrella!” my mom shouted. We got under the umbrella but the wind was pushing the rain under it. I did not mind getting wet but the rain was so heavy that it hurt. The umbrella was not waterproof, so water started dripping through it. We had a lot of towels with us, so I started to stuff towels up in the umbrella. That helped
now taking notice that it was darker than i thought i looked up to view the sky faded light in the distance casting a blue hue over head as it show through stormy blue clouds.. It looked fairly early before closing my bag i searched for my cheap cell phone i had bought with money earned from my shitty part time job at subway not like i really needed a phone its not like i actually have friends , once i reached the object in mind i scanned my eyes upon the screen seeing the time to be 5:07 am, as i put my phone away and stood up balancing my bag on my aching sholder i felt a chilling mist wet drops slowly began falling ... Great. Hell,I need a shower anyways besides there was something i found peaceful about rain most people would probably disagree